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Londo Mollari

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Everything posted by Londo Mollari

  1. I want to see more announcements from the Office of Minor Annoyances. :lol:
  2. No, their mistake was not getting approval for this Declaration of War from the Athenian government. It is, in fact, an extremely serious violation of our protectorate treaty (one which justifies immediate cancellation according to the treaty). We are still taking them to task over it. I would like to remind all interested parties who are thinking that now would be a good time to attack the Oceanic Alliance that they are in fact still currently under the protection of Athens. Thanks.
  3. This DoW was not authorized by Athens, I can tell you that much. More to come of this later.
  5. Team unity is quite a challenge in CN. Congrats on this, and hope it goes well for you.
  6. Athens is not a signatory of the Writ De Credo.
  7. Congrats on gaining one hell of a member. <3 /A\/A\ <3 Stormsend.
  8. So recently (a few minutes ago), I got completely locked out of CN, CN:TE, and the CN forums. My browser would just take me to a page that said the server didn't exist. I use firefox and sometimes IE to access CN, and Windows Vista. After I cleared my browser cache of private data, I was instantly able to get onto everything again. This seems a little odd to me, and I'm not sure if it was a server side issue or maybe issue with my browser? The rest of the internet was working fine, no firewall status changes, etc. Just sort of seemed to come out of the blue. Any ideas what this is? Thanks in advance.
  9. Since its inception eight months ago, the Complaints & Grievances Union has been the epitome of everything a friendship in this place can be. We have been through a great deal together in these past few months, and yet our friendship has held true. We stand together now, united in our honor, for we have all walked through valleys where it was all that any of us had left. We have survived, we have grown and prospered, and we are still here. And on this day, it is my pleasure to present to you a new brother of the Union, Vanguard. There were quite a few serious questions we had for Vanguard when first they entered into our halls, such as.... "Have you ever been in a serious social situation, and realized you have to pull the underwear out of the crack in your $@!?" Article I. We, the undersigned, remain true to each other, first and foremost, as friends and, more importantly, as equals. Our complaints and grievances stem from our similarities and brotherhood, and we can not be dissuaded from our bonds with our comrades. Article II. We pledge mutual defense AND aggression in times of conflict, doing so with the utmost trust in each others motives and reasoning. We live as one, and fight as one. Article III. In the course of history, it is only natural for friends to make more friends. As we are open and accepting of our allies' allies, a new alliances may be accepted into the C&G union with a majority vote +1. Article IV. In some instances, an alliance may feel that they are simply going in another direction. If that is the case, the alliance(s) in question must submit a private resignation 72 hours in advance, notifying the group of its intentions. Article V. In some instances, an alliance may take actions that the groups sees as unfit for the whole. As such, with a majority +1 vote, the group may expel the offending alliance. Article VI. This agreement is not a replacement for current treaties. Acceptance or withdrawal/expulsion does not void any treaties made outside of this agreement. /s/ for Athens Archon eponymos - Londo Mollari Archon basileus - Rsoxbronco1 Theorodokos - Jgoods45 Polemarch - The Corrupt Teacher Dikast - Lightningdelta Didact - Medtech /s/ for FLY The Sovereign: Anenu The Councilor: James /s/ for =LOST= Emperor – Wargarden Minister of Internal Affairs – Tacoleary Minister of War – Ninmeister Minister of Foreign Affairs – Hombre de Murcielago Chief Justice – Mandellav /s/ for Mushroom Kingdom King: Archon Prince: Trace Lord High Envoy: AirMe Lord High Vanguard: SirWilliam Lord High Treasurer: Azaghul Baron of Exotics: Stormsend /s/ for Vanguard Grand Architects of Vanguard The Sovereign, Revanche The Vizier, QTUN Architects of Vanguard The Sword, Napoleon The Shield, Rafa Nadal The Hammer, Thaliak The Treasurer, Petrovich The Scholar, Fire Within Welcome to C&G, Vanguard.
  10. Well that's one way to get someone's attention. Also: JOKE THREAD IS JOKE.
  11. OK.... Green Raging Angry Masters Loving Its Nice Stats ^^^^ SEE, SEE I figured out what your acronym means too.
  12. We are epic. Join us if you want to be part of one of the most tight-knit and active alliances in the game and kick some serious $@!. We have been through hell together and we are ready to go through more if need be. If this sort of recruitment message turns you off, that's cool. We probably couldn't use you anyway. We are Athens. We fight for our honor. We fight for our friends. If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, check out our recruitment video and forum link. Hope to see you around our IRC. Athens forums+IRC #athens on coldfront
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