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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Vox Poopuli Is in fact using all alliances fighting against us as a meat shield to further their own agenda of "liberating" the game. Again anyone who is paying attention would know this from the absolutely stellar cast of former leaders you have in your ranks with a bone to pick.

    I'm not going to point out all of them as it would only give them another 10 seconds of fame and im not that patient.

    td;lr its the truth Vox Poopuli is a failed movement and a failed alliance you should be used to that though starfox :)

    Is the childish name-calling really necessary? At any rate, as a meat shield is something used to take damage that would otherwise be received by oneself, your use of the term is frankly terrible. Where you are mistaken is when you say we use these alliances to further our agenda. Hyperion was at war before we were. Vox intially formed as 11 individuals who wanted to stand up for what is right one last time. Hence, we declared war on those who attacked Hyperion. By no means were we attempting to use Hyperion; rather, we were offering ourselves to be used by them. The war of course has moved on to other fronts since then.

    I'm not bitter about this. Maybe some Vox are, and no doubt many of Hyperion's former allies are, but ultimately I don't care all that much. Vox attacked Hyperion's attackers because it was the right thing to do. Hyperion may be out of the equation, and they may have been forced to make a horribly transparent apology, but that doesn't change the fact that the CB was still utterly ridiculous. Thus, nothing has changed for Vox.

    I hope Hyperion lives up to its promise and helps to build back those alliances that were drawn into the war by treaty obligations. They owe it to them, and twofold after slipping out of the war and suspending their treaties even as their former protectors fight for them.

  2. Legitimate CB is legitimized.

    Illegitimate CB is still illegitimate. Forced apology, however, is forced.

    Degenerate, I am curious as to why you think we take anyone to be a meatshield. How many times can we possibly say that we don't care an ounce for our infrastructure or technology? If we did, we wouldn't have put ourselves on the NPO perma-ZI list, now would we?

  3. OOC: Is that really necessary? Thats as low as someone can get. And what bombing raids are you talking about? Your hiding in peace mode you coward.

    OOC: It is entirely necessary, as it is an IC forum. In an IC sense, I am overjoyed that a leader I dislike of an alliance I dislike is now gone. if you expect me to apologize for RPing instead of reacting in a way entirely contrary to my IC position, then you're going to be disappointed. My OOC reaction is an entirely different matter of course, however I did not feel it was fitting in a strict RP forum.

    The bombing raids I am talking about, obviously, happened before I entered peace mode.

  4. Moridin was pleased, even amused upon hearing the news. "Excellent, our movement has infiltrated even the hearts of our enemies' cities. If we can assassinate the leader of a prominent alliance, what can't we do?" Moridin laughed, a touch of insanity on his voice. The more chaos in the world, the better, he thought.

    He looked out over his capital, Shol Arbela, still being repaired after a week of constant bombing, raiding, missile strikes, and even two nuclear strikes, not to mention the riots that would inevitably fill every major street and boulevard when the sound of jet aircraft had passed on. Still, even in the relative peace, preparations for war were once again being made. "Let us have a day of celebration," he told the Interior Minister. "Such a victory for the People should not be allowed to pass without recognition."

    As the Minister was shutting the door, Moridin motioned for him to stop. "Ah, I have also allocated two million dollars to purchase Viridian Entente flags to be passed out to citizens if they wish to burn them. Just try to avoid them setting anything more on fire, we've had enough of that lately."

  5. The difference, as Diskord pointed out, is that our recruitment messages are genuine while VE's are not. We will accept former VE members if they apply; however, I strongly doubt VE makes a habit of accepting nations known to be on the NPO perma-ZI list. Our recruitment messages are serious, while yours are jokes and spam.

  6. Because if we didn't, then damn, it must have been the acts of individuals, and not the acts of 170 members.

    Additionally, if you inform Vox of those types of crimes, then I'm sure the guilty won't remain in our movement for long at all.

    If you are referring to the time period where everyone was constantly quoting the particular jewel of wisdom found in my signature, Vox Populi were hardly the only ones at fault. You'll find many of your allies were just as culpable.

  7. So this was a misunderstanding, too?

    Vox Populi Charter

    As expected, VP is talking out of both sides of their mouths.

    What makes you think that is our charter? As expected, the NPO is throwing meaningless accusations around.

    OOC: As the wiki can be edited by anyone, and as I know firsthand that the Vox Populi movement never decided on a charter, I can tell you flat out that we have no charter.

  8. Fair point, let me turn it around. Can you think of a single example where an alliance or power structure was brought down by a rabble of individuals crowing for revolution?

    No, but I can think of a couple wars where one side won because they gained numerical strength by being viewed as being in the "right".

  9. So is all this rediculousness boils down to you not being able to resist the calls for you to "do something about it?" For all your claims of fundamental change and freedom and such, you certainly have fallen to the traditional means of conflict resolution.

    You made a claim that somehow just posting on these boards would actually bring about change. I am telling you you're wrong. Can you think of a single example where an alliance or power structure was brought done by a few people posting on the forums?

    This coming from a group with ES as a founding member?

    I was not aware ES was a founding member.

  10. Vox Populi was doomed from the start.

    You could have appealed to our better natures in staging a peaceful protest; a united group of nations in peace mode calling for internal reforms in order to make the game more competitive and fair. You could have inspired a new way of thinking among the public, and perhaps forced the ruling alliances to change their policies and thus the whole political climate of the game. But you have forgotten the old addage; "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."

    A fine joke. Any sort of activism of this sort is always met with the same tired phrase: "Do something about it."

    Instead you decided to appeal to the violent, the revengeful, and the ignorant and inexperienced in promising fame and glory in going on a suicide run against the most powerful alliance in the history of the game. You have enacted campaigns of deception and misinformation. You could have fought for change in new ways that could not be combated in the traditional ways, but instead your campaign against what you deem as evil is no better than the actions of those you are fighting against. You have lost all claim on the moral high ground.

    It is disappointing really. You could have really had a lasting impact on the game. Instead you are just another mass suicide.

    As long as we are above the people who condone telling someone to "go [censored] die", I'm happy.

  11. LOL. Oh wow. These threads just keep on coming. Valhalla purging purple eh? How about just trying to keep (the old) Legion off of our backs? With every turn they were spying or trying to coup and meddling in our affairs.

    Yeah, it would've been terrible if noWedge had been couped.

  12. Just saying, from my observations Vox members come off as a bunch of naive idealist kiddies being manipulated by pseudo-intellectuals in the background.

    Also, just to confirm, a Revolution is only a 'Revolution' if it actually overthrows what it sought to overthrown, you have no not overthrown Pacifica and it's allies, nor will you. What you have is not a 'Revolution', what you have is Adolf Hitler sitting in a bunker 'commanding' divisions that no longer exist, with Russian troops closing in overhead.

    Godwin'd by the second page. Congratulations.

    If you'd like a historical analogy to that time period, the best one would be the anarchist collectives in Spain fighting against Franco and his fascist forces. It works on more than one level ;)

  13. First i want to congratulate Vox Populi on achieving something, monumental. You can ask anybody in the MHA, I had predicted a new era of CyberNations. I didn't predict Vox, but it is in many ways a new era of Cybernations. For the first time (to my knowledge) that anybody has ever won a senate seat, from the NPO. You should give yourselves a round of applause, that is no easy feet to accomplish. You have stirred the peoples soul. You have started a movement that will not be put down at the end of this war. What you have done, is shown the people that if they work together, that something can be achieved. You set goals and you achieve them.

    I believe New Reverie held a Senate seat for a short time during the LoSS debacle in December 2006.

    However in the process of your peoples revolution, you have given up any right to claim moral high ground. Not that you had it to begin with. In many ways what you have become is a vampire. Feeding off the emotions of for the most part young children. You preach glory of the power of the people, you spoon feed your propaganda into the mouths of not only your followers, but the community as a whole. You use your words to motivate people into doing your bidding. You brain wash them into following the "Noble Cause" the "Will of the people".

    To the members of Vox Populi, you have been lied too. Your leaders are the Jim Jones of CN. They want to lead you into the new era, the era of the people. Which is a noble cause, however Vox Populi will never be the voice of the people, because it ignores the people. It does not tell the people the truth about it's intentions. Read through the last few pages of the open world forum, your leaders have all with in the last month posted their fair well letters. So in this war for them is the last war of CN. They will leave without once thinking of you. Leaving you to negotiate your own way off your now EZI list. Yes, the NPO has sentenced all Vox members to EZI. Your leaders will abandon you, your revolution will die, your nations will forever be in EZI. This is the fate they don't tell you.

    Oh god, not this drivel again. I have stated this literally 10 times already, and added to the other 50 or 60 that other Vox members have done, it's becoming more repetitive than the number of threads about us. Perhaps I'll put it in italics so it's actually read this time. Every member of Vox is more than aware that being in Vox means perma-ZI. There was never any intention of negotiating our way off the EZI list in the first place. If any member wanted to do that, they would have to do it alone whether or not the founding members still remained.

    To say it is the fate we don't tell them is the most often repeated lie by your side of the conflict. I cannot stress how irritatingly often I see it, and how irritatingly often I have to tell you that you're completely full of it. EZI is a fate that every last member of Vox accepted when they joined the movement.

    Now the NPO, regardless of weather they want to admit it or not, are good people.

    Are you trying for comedy because your serious argument is a complete failure?

    Vox for the most part will probably get off EZI lists, you will be allowed to rejoin the community. Ask yourselves this, who is the "honorable" ones. The ones who will no dought abandon you, or the ones who will forgive your crimes.

    I for one will not be abandoning anyone. I am here for the long haul, as are many other of the founding members. Get over it.

    Now I am not going to tell you that all of you will get off, simply because I am not an NPO official, but NPO is not evil, even tho they would like you to think they are. So after a few weeks you will probably be given peace terms, but your revolution will be dead, your leaders will get off scotch free.

    Ha! The founding members of Vox, if that is indeed who you mean by "leaders" (which, I might remind you, is an absurd term to use in the context of Vox, and demonstrates your utter lack of knowledge about our movement) are the least likely to get off with a mere slap on the wrist, and indeed we have no desire to be at peace anyway.

    It's not to late to stop the travesty that is Vox Populi. You can return to your alliance, or join an alliance that is on the side of the war you agree with. Ignore their attempts to gain support, educate those who would follow them on their word, and protect your friends from joining. It like drunk driving, you don't let a friend do it. You don't let your friends join Vox Populi. If you want to fight against the NPO, join an alliance that has some honor, like NpO, STA, LEN, CCC. These alliances are fighting for the same causes as Vox Populi, the difference is they care about you, and your nation. They will help to rebuild you once the war is over. You have a chance with them.

    This is such a ridiculous paragraph that I almost couldn't even bring myself to respond. The complete lack of knowledge about the mindset of our members makes you look foolish at best. People join Vox because they care little for their nation. To advise joining an alliance that cares about your nation is so completely and entirely absurd that it makes me wonder if you actually thought about what you are saying before you typed it.

    The president that Vox Populi set in this war is that if enough influential people get together for one last HO RA, that they can take down good, mis lead, people with them. They have ushered in a wave of selfishness, that only thought the voice of the people can we eradicate this scum from our world. We don't need alliances that like Vox Populi, that they only care about the leaders. Their goal is to get on over on the people they believe did them wrong. The thing is they all have warranted the crimes attributed to them, now they may plead oh why me, or i didn't do any thing wrong, but make no mistake their actions were wrong, they were dealt justice, and regardless of what they brainwash you into thinking, they are only telling you fabricated lies.

    Through off the oppression!

    See through the lies!


    This is the same inane drivel as the rest of your post. Please, next time just post this in one of the other 10 threads about us that slanders us with the exact same fallacious arguments.

  14. Why should anybody contact you? If every member of Vox can speak for Vox, there is nothing to gain by speaking to you, or the nation I am fighting right now, or any other.

    Though Vox has no laws in the strict sense, we still have mutually agreed-upon guidelines for forum/IRC conduct that can be taken up with the member in question.

  15. Most of this ridiculous post has already been dealt with by others. However, I take special issue with this part as it is in effect an attack on my character.

    The first thing necessary in any scientific investigation is to examine the character of the membership, for it is they and their interests that make up the essence of the alliance. Upon investigation the scientist is immediately struck by the eleven founders of the alliance and its ideology: Starfox101, Doitzel, Rebel Virginia, West of Eden, Cheyenne, Moridin, MegaAros, Jonathan Brookbank, ChickenZilla, King_Srqt, Schattenman. These names are significant for their place in relation to the existing structures on Planet Bob before they became founders; namely, the majority of them had been rejected and come to exist outside of said structure.

    By and large, it is not so much that we were rejected, but rather that we rejected the existing structures.

    We can begin therefore to understand their opposition to it – it is the environment in which they failed to survive.

    Again, not true. Those few among us who were truly "rejected" were done so because they spoke their minds, evidently a crime worthy of the dreaded perma-ZI in today's environment. I for one did not 'fail to survive' - when I intially decided to leave CN, I did so in good standing, as a high ranking member in the Polar military structure.

    Indeed, this is excellently demonstrated by their own words. Doitzel, one of the founders and central figures of the ideology, described his history: "Hate was all I knew, it built my world, it imprisoned me, taught me how to eat, how to drink, how to breathe. I thought I'd die with all my hate in my veins." Looking across the list of names and their own histories we can see that this was not an uncommon feeling among them – defeated and alienated, without any real group of comrades, they had nothing left to hold onto.

    How can you say we did not have any real group of comrades, when you are speaking as a person very distant from any of us? Friendship is not defined by which alliance one is in.

    The history of this core membership (of which a significant number were dealt bruised egos by the noted alliance) also goes to explain their specific targeting of the New Pacific Order despite a number of others (including alliances they support) being in far deeper violation of the principles they claim to stand by – to this end we can recognise that despite the analysis that follows, a lot of the leaders (whether institutional or social) are merely using the ideology as a vehicle through which to convince others to carry out their personal revenge.

    This is by far the most ridiculous accusation, and interestingly enough also the most often repeated by the NPO and allies. We are not using this ideology as a means to ensnare innocent people into a web of lies and revenge. When we founded Vox Populi, we founded it as 11 people who opposed the status quo of the Cyberverse - the perpetual curbstomps and blocs centered around the NPO that removed all fun from the game. We honestly did not expect it to go anywhere, we did not start out by recruiting people to our cause. It was only when people began to show up at our door in droves that we realized it could become something more than just us. There is no one in Vox Populi (with the possible exception of spies) that is not aware of why they are there and what the consequences are. Every person in Vox made a conscious choice to forsake their infrastructure, technology, and altogether nation to oppose something that they personally disliked.

  16. Hello Kingzog.

    The New Pacific Order recognizes your violation of our sovereignty and will deal with it as such. If you want a war, we will give you one. You will languish in peace mode forever, or you will exit it and promptly perish from the Earth.

    P.S. welcome to perma-ZI. You and your comrades have earned it.

    It is an honor to have evidently annoyed the New Pacific Order enough to be sentenced to a state of permanent ZI.

    P.S. I thought we already had been sentenced

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