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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. How many threads do you need in one day?

    Evidently, two. So far.

    Hail the Rebel Virginia Doctrine! This will usher in a new era of stability and peace on the Red Sphere!

    Good luck enforcing it attention whores.

    We thank the New Pacific Order for its kind words and well wishes; it is unfortunate that we decided you could not help us in this message of harmony.

  2. I have a question for you guys. You were all members and leaders of some of the most powerful and aggressive alliances in CN and you all ended up on the receiving end of your friends and allies at some point. My question to each of you is this:

    Was it before or after your fall from grace/power that you realised the status quo was evil?

    To some degree, before. The GATO war really triggered that belief, though numerous events before (signing of the Continuum for one) had perhaps laid the foundations; however, I kept it largely private until the NPO and its pets isolated Polaris in June. In that respect, it was during - as alliances began to cancel it it quickly became obvious who was behind the whole ordeal.

  3. Moridin: We know for a fact that under Sponge, Polaris was attempting to isolate us politically. It is hard to imagine that they would not have acted then had they felt safe doing so, or that they would not have done so in future having succeeded in isolating us. It is a clever use of words to put 'Grub' in there, but yes, Polaris would have eaten us if it could.

    It is not a clever use of words, it is a clever use of looking at the Polar government list and finding who's Emperor.

  4. NpO is and was not isolated. They have lost a few allies only, but they have kept many.

    Ha. Every sanctioned alliance that had a treaty or bloc with them dropped it, and numerous others as well.

    And history has shown that NpO has proven themselves to be vindictive, and with a chip on their shoulder regarding Q and Citadel. It would be certainly more then enough for NpO to act on, wouldn't it.

    But did they act? Or is this another one of those wonderful 'pre-emptive strikes' where you have no idea if Grub actually intended to attack the Continuum or Citadel (and indeed it would be suicide anyway).

  5. Okey, our argument is turning against us.

    I'd suggest that MCXAers and NpOers simply stop here and enjoy the fight.

    The only thing that happens is that the whole thing gets more heated, and more people pissed off, and I personally don't want that.

    After all, it is a game and nothing else.

    There, I believe I have fixed it for you.

    Watching from the sidelines, I found this was actually quite surprisingly civil, and I would not expect to see it get more heated as long as the same people continue the debate.

    What I think is what goes around, comes around. You and yours have had this coming for a very long time and now it's time to pay the piper.

    Indeed, and and I will pay the piper gladly. When my nation is finally laid to rest, my people will take solace in the fact that those such as yourself will one day meet a fate no different from ours.

  6. I cannot wait for the time when the New Pacific Order pulls you all down, one by one. Each time, you will all jump to the side of the aggressors, to the side of overwhelming force. Each time, you will beat down one more alliance that stands in the path of what you perceive as your ideal world. And when the day comes that the noose holds one of your names, I will rejoice.

    It is but a matter of time.

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