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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Because fighting for an alliance that attacked with a flimsy CB would be immoral...

    ...oh wait. Vox Populi is carrying out a war against NPO because NPO supports the war on Polaris. Technically that makes Vox Populi an ally of Polaris. As we know, Polaris, and more generally BLEU, have never carried out attacks on other alliances over trivial matters or with a faulty CB, have they? <_<

    Get real. The Fail Club for Men is just that. Otherwise good people are being ZIed because people who don't know how to gracefully exit Planet Bob are leading them to their death. The whole thing is a bit sad and really, really pathetic.

    You must be thinking of a different alliance, because that sounds nothing like Vox Populi.

  2. wrong, or very naive. if i want to roll you, cause i don't like you. and my friends don't like you or are indifferent, then we can all roll you. anyone who doesn't like it can either shut up or get rolled too. this is politics in CN. trying to complicate things with "real" reasons for doing things is silly. these are not adults, there are no long term consequences considered here, this is all high school level cliques and behaviors. you guys and your "legitimate reasons" , how about this: you sat in my seat in the cafeteria, so me and the rest of the football team are gonna kick your $@! in 8th period study hall.

    This is the policy and philosophy of 'Might makes right', which many of us are in Vox to oppose.

  3. Congratulations you can shuffle members around from one sinking AA to another.

    Actually, we generally request that those already fighting on the right side stay put. Most of our recruits are from alliances neutral or opposing us in this war. Naturally, a few will be spies, but you can't learn anything from an alliance that has nothing to hide.

  4. How about leaving the preparations for such a scenario up to the high commands of the particular alliance, hm? I can't say for sure for TOP, but for Grämlins you can assume they have a plan for everything. A Grämlin does not go to the loo without a plan. Actually Chuck Norris used Grämlins Guides when learning martial arts. Rest assured that there are plans for scenarios you have never even thought of.

    I was not attempting to make preparations for you, and I'm not sure exactly how you came to that conclusion. I was merely pointing out that a statement such as "no one buys it [that the NPO will eventually knock on your door]" is not true.

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