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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. so what's behind the stagnation is NPO not being behind the stagnation - prove A by disproving B? There's good stuff in the OP, I just want to hear more on the topic the title dictates.

    It is on what the title says. Cheyenne is saying that the complacency and acceptance of most alliances today with their position in the world, that being "below the NPO", is what is causing the stagnation, and thus is at the root of "what's really wrong with CN". You cannot blame the NPO for playing the game well, you can only blame those who do not or cannot play at their level.

  2. I'm just having trouble seeing what point you're trying to make - you come in under the title of "Whats really wrong with Cybernations" but you never tell us what you perceive the problem to be. You do a great job of showing that the NPO and others at the top of the power structure aren't to blame - and I agree with most of what you're saying... so great, NPO isn't the problem - in your opinion who/what is?

    It is detailing his belief of what is behind the stagnation that has enveloped this game for nearly a year.

  3. Despite those technicalities I'd say my main point is still pretty relevant.

    And I think your main point is still wrong. The problem is not that we have too much diversity. The problem is not that we lack large alliances. We have plenty of large alliances - the problem is the attitude of those alliances. Willingness to cheat by accepting secret information obtained illegally, and a general feeling of content with their lot in the game - not pursuing their own power but instead sitting in the comfort of connections with alliances better than themselves is what has destroyed this game.

  4. Interesting, however, I'd say there's another contributing factor to why CN is so boring these days. In days of old, the sanctioned alliances had hundreds of members, some of them over a thousand members strong. These days, even NPO, the strongest alliance in the game isn't over 1000 members strong, and there is one reason: small alliances of friends, schoolmates, etc, that form and can't even boast over 50ish members in most cases. These alliances are usually weak and there are so many of them, with so many different opinions, that in any Great War they are called bandwagon alliances...other big alliances see them as propaganda, that we have more alliances on our side than you have on your side. If these alliances, and the people who create them, really wanted to make some fun in CN, they'd start merging...alone these alliances are practically meaningless in the politics of CN, but if they gave a try at a few really big alliances instead of silly alliances designed for friends and close buddies, the political landscape could be a bit different.

    No alliance has ever really been over a thousand. When Legion, GPA, and NPO (and GOONS?) sported 1000+ member counts is was simply because no one bothered hunting ghosts. Once that began, or the ghosts decided for other reasons that it wasn't such a fun ride after all, the numbers began to fall quickly.

  5. Forgive me if this is not so, but have you ever considered the fact that those screen shots could have been taken by the person, or people whom you gave admin access to in order to upload your old database and repair your new forums?

    Considering there were screenshots taken from our temporary forum where no one outside the NpO had any high level of access, that is not a fact that needs consideration.

  6. Technically, without OoO (which I didn't see a thread bringing it back, unless the recognizing of Grub brought it back) they aren't allies :awesome:

    That is correct. However, that does not change the fact that we will expel a member if incriminating evidence is presented against them.

  7. I'm quite sad to hear that, really, as this doesn't just mean that Polaris has lost a great player, but this also means that they are probably bound to make the same poor choices again (or Voodoo wouldn't have thrown in the towel).

    That would be true if Voodoo had been the only person working towards that change. However, over the past month we have seen a new Emperor come into power, a new Regent, and numerous other new government members, and with a new perspective on how to play this game. As an alliance we have experienced being the underdog, being faced with the possibility of war against overwhelming odds, which all in all was a wake up call for Polaris and has changed it for the better.

    When I say that Voodoo finally threw in the towel, I did not mean to say that he was tired of trying to change Polaris, though I realize the placement of that sentence made it seem so. What I meant was that I believe he is tired of the CN political climate as a whole, and understandably so.

  8. I would have taken this post more to heart, had I not glanced to the left and read the words "New Polar Order". Voodoo, your alliance is hardly a shining example of what you preach. I'm sure we will come across many who will state that the NPO is to blame for this world, but I would argue historically that the New Polar Order has much greater guilt of what you speak, compared to say the NPO. At the very least, if the NPO comes first, you guys are a very close second.

    The hypocricy is a little hard to overlook, it makes what otherwise could be a great read seem rather shallow. I agree with the words, but your chosen alignment as an individual says otherwise. You could have very well joined an alliance that has the values that you speak. Sure, there are not many such alliances within planet Bob, but such alliances do exist. Had you, and other people, simply joined or created an alliance that you can believe in, a lot of the problems that you state across planet Bob would now be ancient history.

    Being in an alliance does not mean agreeing with everything that alliance does. Anyone who has been in this game for very long at all and believes their alliance has been right in their actions on every occasion is fooling themselves. There have been numerous actions Polaris has undertaken that I have disagreed with, and I am sure Voodoo has had the same sentiments during his time in the NPO and the NpO.

    What makes a person like Voodoo different than any regular grunt following orders is that he has worked towards and supported change, so that his alliance does not make those same poor choices again. He has finally decided to throw in the towel, and calling him a hypocrite helps nobody.

  9. Frankly, I'm surprised at how light these terms are. Having no reparations is nothing more than a blessing.

    Is there now? Perhaps you should like to share it with me as I should very much like to know which quotes are in my name.

    I believe it is in reference to this post, though no doubt a large exaggeration.

  10. So as a TLDR: Sponge is AFK for 2-4 days time whilst only coming online enough to post OOC insults; Random Interrupt, Sponge's partner in all OOC crimes and knowing his own limitations many they are, pass the job of Polar Emperor onto someone not even in Polar but a former Polar Emperor whos incompetence and impatience sparked GWWI because he couldnt wait.... And Tygaland knowing the responsibility is too much passes the job onto Almighty Grub...

    Question is whos next? BNT or Mogar? I think Yala Misr could make a poll about it :P

    You could always try learning the first thing about a situation before posting your mindless drivel about it.

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