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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Random, I wish you would stop starting wars that will inevitably crush our alliance, for this time we are truly outmatched. I will curse your name even as I draw my last breath.

    One last time before we die... Hail Polaris!

  2. No.

    I denied him when he approached us and as you can see, with good reason.

    If you had accepted, would you now have to attack yourselves?

    These guys are stronger than the Crimson Blades even!

    No! It cannot be!

  3. The OP is about as ridiculous as the amount of posts this thread garnered.

    12 pages

    You know you're going into Drama withdrawal when...

    No, we're just in the height of the annual cycle of "Blame NPO for ruining the game".

  4. I can assure you, I know exactly what I am talking about.

    All major conflicts on Digiterra were spurred on by the NPO manipulating various factions into pushing for war. Either they acted themselves or they placed others into positions to make the moves they desired for them. Back room IRC discussions between high level members of NPO and NpO and NPO and GGA in which it was stated clearly that they would remain neutral, or if push came to shove come in on their side against GOONS took place.

    Great War I: Somehow I doubt the Orders manipulated that into happening.

    Great War II: Started purely by the LUE-GOONS-FARK controversy; the NPO merely stepped in to defend its treaty partner.

    FAN War (if you consider it a major conflict): I strongly doubt the NPO told FAN to attack the NPO's protectorate, without informing the rest of the Initiative, or to strike a deal with the NAAC during the Third Great War.

    Unjust War: If Pacifica had been engineering the war, they'd have been in it. No NPO member I know likes anything more than a nice war.

    Take that coupled with the intensified political situation between GOONS and NPO, starting with the Moldavi Rebellion, in which he was removed because he was pushing directly for confrontation with GOONS, up to the actual destruction of same.

    1. Ivan Moldavi wants war with GOONS.

    2. GOONS support Moo.

    3. Ivan Moldavi is removed from power, Moo regains the throne.

    Yes clearly, Moo was pulling the strings here and really is to blame for the Unjust War.

  5. You ask a very good question. If we're such a minor problem, than why continue on? The reason was pointed out in West of Eden's posts. They fear us more than any other alliance. Even in such a state as ours, they wake in cold sweats at night to the thought of us reappearing in full force.

    Yes, the Orders are terribly afraid - if you all were to come out of peace mode right now, we would probably be defeated.

  6. I am curious, why do you say this? The NPO has been "on top" more or less since the very beginnings of Digiterra.

    The brief period immediately after the first "great war" was nothing but a slight stumble. The NPO overtook Legion easily.

    Since the third great war (and including it to some degree) all the major confrontations in this world have been the NPO attacking, or manufacturing defensive action, those that were posed to overtake them, rival them or otherwise overpower them in the rankings.

    That started with GATO way back in the dark ages. GOONS, FAN, Legion, GPA, some others, were all targets long before the first shots were fired.

    Being number one means a lot. You can't claim to be the best when some other group is looking down on you.

    There have been numerous times throughout the history of the Cyberverse where the Orders won only through diplomatic ability and military organization. As I said previously, in these cases only the loser can be faulted for not making better preparations for war.

    In the Second Great War, the Initiative had far superior and more efficient war machine, while the League failed in enlisting the support of the Legion and the ODN. Each side could have seen this war coming from some way away, and yet it was the League who failed to make the proper preparations in anticipation of the war. The two sides were virtually equal in strength; by no means was the Initiative a hegemony at this point. The Initiative won because it was organized and prepared; the League lost because it was not.

    I have already touched on the Unjust War, but evidently my point did not breach the skulls of those crying "hegemony!" The Unjust War was even easier to see coming than the Second Great War. The GGA and the NpO withdrew from the World Unity Treaty in mid August, and yet once again it was Polaris and allies that was prepared for war, this time with strong diplomatic ties to most major alliances outside the Unjust Path. The NPO even sat out the war, after a fashion, though engaged GOLD for reasons unrelated to the ongoing conflict. Once again, there was a clear potential for the advantage to be swung in favor of the NpO's opponents, but they once again failed to prepare properly.

    The Orders themselves have not always been the strongest by statistics, but it is the continual failures of our opponents and the strength of the Orders in things other than raw numbers that bring about this "hegemony" time and time again. The global hyperpower always breaks down eventually, but our enemies always overestimate their own ability, the Orders come out on top once again, and cries of "hegemony!" begin anew.

  7. So..now you're trying to say that was sarcastic? You really do change your story fast.

    ....of course he was being sarcastic.

    Now I know you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. I guarantee you are the only person in this entire discussion, save possibly atrophis who would claim that was not sarcastic.

  8. What has changed exacty to render that statement incorrect? I don't believe anyone said there wouldn't be another war, perhaps never another competitive war and that clearly has been the result since the Inititative victory. We still have a dominant block that crushes anything in its way. There was a little spat with GOONS and \m/ but that was swiftly handled and there was little to any real risk to the hyperpower. Now those in control steamroll anything in their way with virtually no possible risk of defeat. You can state that people have been saying the same thing for a long time, but hasn't it played out the way that the critics have suggested?

    Individual nations don't matter nearly as much from when that 2006 statement was made. Since the war system now allows a gangbang with cruise missiles and aircraft that can destroy hundreds of infrastructure a day compared with the 2 attacks only system from 2006, that point your making is irrelevant. Large nations can be torn down much easier than before. It is only through collective action that any nation has a chance to prosper. However, once torn down, there is little if any chance to recover given the massive costs associated and distance placed between the alliance doing the destroying and the nation that has been ravaged.

    The Unjust War was only short thanks to GOONS' stupidity in alienating their allies through the use of OOC attacks. Polaris and allies also had made better preparations before the war in the form of diplomatic ties, where GOONS and friends were, I believe, overly arrogant. It is thus only the fault of the loser for not fighting harder that the war ended so quickly and produced a unipolar Cyberverse. As the next war will no doubt exclude GOONS, that same foolishness cannot be expected, and as such it is quite possible that the next war will be a hard-fought, long battle with the victor emerging from the battle still weaker than when he went in.

    You also point out that large nations can be torn down even faster thanks to more advanced weaponry, but entirely fail to note the continual economic rise of nearly all nations. The top nation today has far more infrastructure and technology than this same time in 2006 or 2007; in fact, I would argue it now takes even longer to take down a nation from the peak into the depths.

  9. What would you suggest could be done about it? Some groups have such an overwhelming lead in terms of resources and have effectively stagnated the game to such an extent that there is literally nothing that could be done unless they decided to walk away. How could anyone do anything to such a large and poweful group of alliances if they desired to. The only people who could change the present environment and challenge the hyperpower system are those in the hyperpower themselves and the likely winner of such conflict would retain domination and control over the game and force the perpetual destruction of the loser as we have seen in subsequent conflicts.

    That seems strangely familiar.

    Oh right, it's the exact same thing that was being said a year ago. The Initiative had defeated all visible opposition, so clearly the game was over. After all, who had the power to challenge the Initiative? There wouldn't ever be another war.

  10. Well.... To be perfectly honest... Yes...

    In my mind, Polaris have too much pride and arrogance to solve this... However, I would be very glad if you actually managed that feat :blush:

    And once again I find my contempt for your alliance is well-placed.

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