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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Riiight cause thats the only way to get access to an account, just ask all the NpO members that signed into CZ's account :rolleyes:

    So let me get this straight, you're saying that CZ asked four other people for their account passwords, got them, and logged in with all of them?

    Either you guys need to do a serious audit of who you let have accounts on your forum or else Chickenzilla is just a real smooth talker.

  2. I am still befuddled as to why all of you close your eyes and pledge loyalty to Moo when evidence is presented against the NPO, but instantly whenever the NPO speaks, and with no evidence to support it, you all flock to their banner and talk down Polaris. It's like a freaking religion.

  3. It's flourishing now, though I can't say the same for polar's forums. Banning the other's leaders kind of prevents that, no?

    Which is why Corinan's thread on the NPO forums wasn't deleted, right?

  4. Perhaps if you ventured into your own emperor's announcement thread, you'll be enlightened as the point of my post in this current thread. Do take the stroll, please.

    I hope you'll understand if I'm not in the mood to browse through 27 pages of posts to find the meaning behind what I am sure is an idiotic quip that has nothing at all to do with the topic at hand.

  5. So, find out about that banning of our IOs and emperor yet?

    Polaris extends its deepest apologies for removing forum access from those who actively plot against us. I also congratulate you on an excellent red herring.

  6. I have read all content posted. If you are of this opinion, obviously you have not done the same. It does not matter how long one has or has not been a member of the Pacific, as soon as you betray the order, betray Francoism and betray the rightful leaders of the Pacific you are indeed a traitor.

    As Zbaldwin said, I daresay the three are not necessarily connected.

  7. Did your post have a point? His involved facts. Doppelganger/Corinan has betrayed the Order, and is a traitor to Francoism. Yours does not involve any.

    Posts like this make me die a little inside. Instead of actually making an argument (something for which HoD is criticizing someone else for, he is simply yelling "traitor!".

    I don't believe anyone can possibly doubt that Corinan has only the best interests of Pacifica at heart. Those calling him a traitor to Francoism by and large are relatively new the Pacifica where Corinan has been there five years. He is bringing important information to the table, information that is simply shocking, and yet all people can do is shut their eyes, plug their ears and yell "TRAITOR" as loud as they can lest they actually begin to read the content posted.

  8. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, stands by his brothers through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!

    Surely this is irony?

    Edit: It appears Doitzel has beaten me to the punch.

  9. MCXA claimed that Polaris gave them targets in their GUN war without even consulting them about helping in the war.

    As someone directly involved in target distribution, I can tell that since this was a BLEU operation (due to a grievance of OcUK) it was simply a given that all BLEU alliances were participating. I doubt even MCXA leadership was blind enough to not notice an impending war involving the bloc.

  10. One of them is the hypocricy that Polaris has shown. You destroyed 2 sanctioned alliances in an offensive war. You decided one didn't deserve to exist. You started acting uppity. You no longer treated your allies as equals, but as secondary alliances to do your bidding.

    Surely the Unjust War is not a valid reason for alliances such as MCXA, IRON, and GGA cancelling our treaties. Otherwise, I would be forced to say: "Hypocrisy, much?"

  11. Pointless announcement in all sincerity. Imagine if everyone praised their allies with individual announcements, we'd be engulfed with literally dozens of similar announcements.

    Needless to say, your relationship seems inspirational. I wish both alliances the best.

    During a time in which the New Polar Order is finding many alliances we once thought to be allies are turning out to be nothing better than bandwagoners willing to change their principles and foreign affairs simply because the wind is blowing in another direction, it is important to be reminded that some alliances in the Cyberverse still uphold treaties as something more than a piece of paper.

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