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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. And so are you lot.

    Which is exactly why I fail to see why Valhalla feels the need to stick its nose into the affairs of the New Polar Order and the Grand Global Alliance. Do you perhaps think that we are incapable of working out problems with some of our closest allies?

  2. BnT's accomplishments are 10x anything you could ever dream of. :rolleyes: You would be wise to consider the possiblity that the people you are arguing with know alot more about the situation than you do.

    It has nothing at all to do with knowledge of the situation; BnT's posts can very easily come from the information in this very thread. Background knowledge does not affect in the least the fact that his posts were utterly pointless trolling, and your defense of him helps nothing either.

  3. *bill n ted *shock le gasp*

    Another Polar treaty? With Atlantis 2.0? Heh I see GGA is happy with the situation - good move on upsetting your ally o/

    Well they are allied to loads of people - still doesnt prevent NpO leaving a big steamer at the door of their allies though - go ask their MADP & 1V partner GGA :awesome:

    I have been withholding judgement on Valhalla since noWedge was couped. I had some hope you could redeem yourselves. Clearly I should not have, if they let half-wits such as you troll the forums in while flying the Valhallan AA. You are not Polaris, you are not the Grand Global Alliance. Trust in that we can deal with this ourselves without the worthless input of an inept person such as yourself.

  4. Moridin, there's something wrong with your link. Just say what's on your mind.

    There was a large treaty signed called the "For the Love of God, Think of the Children!" not long after the Great Patriotic War, between most major alliances preventing nuclear first strikes on any nation. Most signatories withdrew following the Second Great War, and the rest followed suit in the following months.

  5. This is an open letter to all nations.

    I think it is about time that interested nations (preferably large nations, with much experience) organized themselves into an observation body whose purpose it would be to control the use of nuclear weapons. I don't belive this has been tried before, so I think there's no harm that could come from an experiment.

    For the Love of God, Think of the Children!

    Edit: I would link it but all my links are turning into crappy HTML.

  6. Wow. You have read 1984.

    pacifica is at war with Golden Sabres. pacifica has always been at war with Golden Sabres.

    Now go take out the garbage.

    Nothing quite like a nice red herring to finish up an already pointless post.

  7. Moridin you know that is not what I am talking about. A few outspoken people is nothing, however, widespread dislike is something that the NPO should be concerned about.

    Then I eagerly anticipate this "widespread dislike" manifesting itself into actual opposition.

  8. Indeed, all actions do have consequences, and that is a fact. So tell me Katsumi, has the NPO given any consideration to the negative impact that its recent series of wars has had on its public image? We can speak of this privately if you would prefer.

    If by by a damaged public image you mean the frequency with which a few trolls attack the NPO on these forums has increased, then of course it has been hurt. And we all know the NPO has always paid the utmost attention to maintaining a perfect public image, and they have never before been unpopular.

  9. From what I have seen those who lack judgment don't disband because they see their alliance has failed. In my experience outside pressure is usually a factor in the decision. So while this theory cannot be proven, it cannot be discredited. Not based on the fact that their is no evidence. I'm sure we will see it sooner or later, but the theory is possible. I have no doubts that it could, but just because it could be done doesn't mean it is.

    Emperor Revenge could also be a small pink terrier. It is a possibility, and cannot be disproven.

    When there is absolutely no evidence for something, then don't bother considering it until you have some.

  10. You bring forth entirely unsubstantiated evidence, not even caring to fake IRC logs or screenshots, present an entirely ridiculous case, which further damages any misconceptions anyone might have had that your "source" was reliable or even real, and then ask mods to lock the thread.

    You truly have done a devastating blow to the New Pacific Order today.

  11. This was really quite overdue.

    Furthermore, we have chosen a number between 1 and 6. If the number of nuclear "rogues" meets the chosen number, the Golden Sabres AA will become a free range for nuclear attacks.

    Sounds strikingly familiar.

  12. It is wonderful to see you are sticking around.

    Special thanks to the Grand Global Alliance, Elysium, and Valhalla for allowing an excellent player to continue in the Cyberverse,

  13. o/ Polaris

    May we have another two good years, and another until the ending of the Cyberverse.

    Congrats on your 2nd birthday Polarians!

    I have brought fresh vegemite owl on toast to help you celebrate. It is the perfect accompaniment for Assington Ale.

    Eww, get out.

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