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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Well this was unexpected.

    Kevanovia, you would look at a lot better if you didn't claim you never reversed your stance in a thread titled "contradicting a statement" after leaving an alliance to support former \m/ that turned their back on you.

  2. Geflügelsalat (Good master Hakai) of the Black team of the alliance CIS-NpO POW was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Land Of The Hatchet (NobodyFresh) of the Blue team of the alliance Confederacy of Imperial States on 4/14/2008 12:39:07 AM.


    Number of Nuclear Weapons: 0


    If you really want to know there are faster ways to find out than posting on the forums and hoping for a government member to respond.

  3. I have never known you personally, or even been in the same alliance, yet I have always held you in the highest regard - you are an intelligent player, a competent leader (despite what others may say) and above all simply a likeable person. Congratulations on two years!

    And you scared me, the title of the thread made me think you were resigning :((

  4. As Kevanovia was no longer an IAA member when he declared war (correct me if I am wrong), he had no treaty to honor. Thus, it is him following his personal beliefs that he should defend any alliance when they are attacked without what he believes is a sufficient casus belli.

  5. As of 12:00 AM on April 14, 2008 the Freebootin Pirate Insurgency has ceased to exist as an alliance. [...]This is not a disbandment


    to disband

    to break up or cause to cease to exist


    I am inclined to agree to agree with my comrade here.

  6. For those concerned about FPI nuking... well, it only brings their death that much closer.

    You understand that we're both allies correct? In the future I suggest you address your concerns in private, particularly to myself. With the material you wish to question highlighted. Also, make sure to make a reference to how it concerns you, or your alliance. That's a pretty elementary level of CN politics.

    In fact, this is an invaluable example of your point.

  7. Why would you disagree with the removal of a rogue, his titles, and the denouncement of his works?

    That's the part i'm not getting.

    I disagreed when they would not not remove the title. You might notice that when they announced the removal of the "Honorary Imperial" title, I applauded them.

  8. brilliant political move

    If irritating CIS wasn't enough, you've now invoked the wrath of the entire treaty web by cursing out NpO. Boneheaded decisions like this prove once again why you fail at CN politics. If fighting CIS and NpO was tough, it's going to be hell having to fight all the alliances that will sign up to kill you now.

    Technically, they cursed out CIS as this is a response to "CIS aggression".

    Not that it makes them any less screwed.

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