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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Shortly after last update, in my battle with Uterland, I sent a ground attack that evidently directly coincided with someone else's attack aganist the same nation. The other person's attack put the nation at negative soldiers, evidently right before I clicked the "attack" button. I got this screen:


    The nation of course did indeed still exist, and I was able to send aircraft/CMs afterwards. So, while it didn't affect the war, it was an odd bug and thus I'm reporting it.

  2. I don't know, actually address the criticism directed at them instead of putting down the critic? There has to be some validity to the criticism if the same complaints have been constant throughout the Alliance's history.

    I'll do it for them, so you won't have to keep posting here complaining.

    Hey, it seems like they are a little to strict, controlling, arbitrary, and are generally bad nations.

    They are the most powerful alliance in the game, they can be as controlling as they like.

    As a fellow red team citizen i am kind of pissed off at the NPO's claim that they are the only alliance in the red team. That really isn't true, my alliance might be small but i've seen loads of other red alliances.

    Feel free to enlighten the NPO by showing them these alliances.

    Oh yeah, i think its kind of uncool that they hold a complete control over the red senate and FORCE their members to vote with them.

    FORCE their alliance to vote for their alliance? Oh no!

    I'm kind of tired of this chauvinistic BS enforced on their members.

    See above.

    (guess who is getting a sanction, oh my). I would trade with a sanctioned nation in an instant. I know I'm new and maybe this isn't my place or this is how every other big alliance works, but i'd like to see a change.

    What do you want changed? There's plenty of other spheres to start alliances on since Red won't work.

    Happy now Pinkerton?

  3. Haha! Look at me! I'm an NPO member SAYING MY OWN ALLIANCE SUCKS! Foes of Pacifica, fear my pretentious sarcasm for it makes your polls seem silly!

    Wow, I'm so witty and original.

    Just before someone in the NPO points this out and calls me stupid or a FAN lover or something, I'm not actually an NPO member.

    What do you expect a member to say? Defend their alliance in a thread where the accusation is idiotic and irrelevant at best?

  4. Registering your disapproval on the Open World Forum is detrimental to your cause. Keep your sentiments to yourself and work in the shadows. Perhaps get a group of friends together, develop some skill with the game, and join a group of large alliances that are only loosely tied with the NPO. Attain through shrewd political maneuvering high positions in these alliances. Create a bloc. Declare a pre-emptive strike on the NPO and pray that it works. If you've taken control of enough of the right alliances, it should, provided you maintain efficent coordination and have massive amounts of war aid handy, and a bunch of other arcane military things that I don't know about because I'm a diplomat.

    This man is entirely correct. If you guys would just be a little more covert for once we might get a war that isn't decided before it starts.

  5. Ever heard of the saying "What goes up, must come down."

    Take notice the great empire of what used to be Rome. All great and powerful and soon fell to small barbarian hordes in small unconcentrated attacks. I was reading a topic where some guy was ranting on how to take down NPO. Overwhelm them with small nations i think he said. Either that guy was good at history and knew this or history looks to repeat itself on Planet Bob.

    But besides this, may the Orders live on until i am through with this game.

    OOC: Unlike Rome, small nations can't attack the big ones. Thus, "overwhelming" the lower ranks, even if it were possible, would do nothing except encourage us to aid our nations up to higher strength levels.

  6. Same here, I just don't like your attitude. I've seen alliances rise as high as yours and then fall. Hell I've even seen your alliance rise and nearly fall itself. The NpO will also fall, albeit not anytime soon with the NPO supporting you.

    They only fell because they crossed the Orders.

  7. Only if they are near you on the PNG, with no icons in the way, or less then 3 lines.


    Clearly people should now just cancel and re-sign treaties just to annoy you.

    Funny how people want OTHERS to stop getting treaties or blame others for the lack of action. Last I checked gremlins hides behind The Continuum.

    Want action, drop The Continuum and see if you can handle the swift kick to the crotch your pseudo-moralist alliance would get once you had to actually account for your words and actions.

    Well that was an interesting first post.

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