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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. I don't have have anything against people role playing a personality, that makes the game fun (for example, Ivan Moldavi). Making up an ideology just kind of annoys me, or at least that specific one does, I'm not really sure why. Which is different from an in-game alliance based on an outside ideology or theme, (like CPCN, NoV, or MK)

    It makes more sense to make up one's own ideology in a made-up world; integrating OOC concepts into an IC world that might not even operate properly for them (communism for example) is far more against the idea of roleplay.

  2. Another fine point.

    Forgive me for asking, but what is WAE?

    Stands for Worst Alliance Ever, a common name for GATO among the Orders.

    One thing that irks me in these forums is the seeming hatred of roleplay. Yes, not everyone is a roleplayer, I am not one myself. However, things like this -

    - Any mention of "Francoism", which mercifully doesn't happen that often.

    - make it seems as if having an political ideology for a political simulator is a horrible thing that should be avoided at all costs. I have one question: Why is it so bad to mention such a thing?

  3. Touche. However, I think it goes without saying that a post isn't an official statement from the alliance unless it's explicitly stated by a government member of that alliance. In general though, everything you say is a representation of the AA you wear, official statement or not.

    People have mistaken me for being Polar government, and so I have started adding the tag to some posts. While it is true that you always do represent your alliance in some capacity, it is still convenient to be able to state simple opinions on issues in the Cyberverse with an easy method of also informing the reader that you in fact are not making any sort of government statement.

  4. My words are my opinion and not the opinion of my alliance.

    To be fair, that is often necessary as many alliances restrict members from posting anything controversial without saying that. At very least it is respectful to one's own alliance to say you are not representing them in what you say.

  5. Brilliant political moves

    Stop. Just frickin stop.

    I was just going to say that. It was funny when people first made fun of it after Egore's thread to his allies... hasn't been funny since. Christ, it's been almost a year and people still do it. It drives me insane.

    Other than that: Rouge, congradulations, stupidly written pacts (Article 1: We're homies; Article 2: We'll help each other out cause that's what bros do), annoying polls that range from "who is right" to "who will win" to "are there too many polls", most memes, any post by Atrophis, and threads by unimportant people who want an ego boost and thus make a thread that no one really cares about so PLEASE JUST STOP FOR THE SAKE OF MY SANITY.

  6. Well clearly TGE has a problem with it. What's the harm in altering it to accommodate them? Unless you're being willfully antagonistic, it's no skin off your nose to alter the agreement to suit everyone.

    The problem is that TGE is wilfully antagonistic. Where they could have addressed this in private, they chose to air this out in the open to boost their ego and make them look better than Norden Verein.

    This very thread demonstrates that TGE clearly does not want good relations with NoV, I personally don't see why NoV should feel at all obligated to change their doctrine.

  7. And the reason alliances sign them these days is becasue you never know when an alliance will suddenly explode an have 500 members in a short amount of time and be making a run for a sanction.

    How is that in any way a good reason?

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