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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. You know the expression regarding assumptions.

    The way it's worded, it is still OOC ethnic profiling used in an IC context to promote a CB. Ethnic profiling is still ethnic profiling, despite connected with circumstancial evidence. I'm sure you have other reasons for war, so use those reasons, but that "reason" was completely unecessary and shouldn't have been included.

    OOC: The vast majority of CN players reside in North America and Europe. Singapore, with about 4.5 million people, statistically is going to have a very small number of CN players. If, as the OP states, there are numerous Singapore residents in GUN, and then combined with the obvious motive for vandalizing OcUK's wiki page, it becomes extremely hard to believe this was a random act of vandalism.

  2. Large wars never happen because there is no real incentive to fight in them. The technology gained from war is not worth the costs.

    I think the only thing that could really cause a large scale war at this point is for the admin to add an incentive for getting involved in a large scale war.

    The incentive always has been to be the top alliance, even if it means losing some strength. It just so happens that the current (potential) power players in CN don't enjoy such risks.

  3. Actually, what I was saying is if this is so evident, why doesn't anyone do anything about it. One answer to that is evident, the pixels are very important.

    Well, obviously if something hasn't happened, it's because nobody wants to enough.

  4. Wait, so you (and everyone else according to your post) already know that to end the stagflation NPO needs to be brought down a few notches, "something that not only does no alliance have the balls to do, but something no other group of alliances would have the balls to throw their fate behind" (quote from OP) and yet still nobody can't grow a pair? Damn, there are a lot of cowards. OOC part: If there are so many cowards afraid of losing their pixels here, how huge of a percentage of people are cowards in RL? It's got to be like 99.9999999%.

    Never knew you 1337 Guy, but good luck in RL.

    Everyone agrees that the stagnation in the game is a result of far too many treaties, and I believe it is quite evident that if a powerful group of people challenged the NPO that the game would be interesting. No one here is denying any of that, though I congratulate you on your ability to restate the OP in question form. However, the point is that it gets even more dull than the current political climate when people say this in every other thread.

  5. Keep in mind that a lot of the declared wars are likely a result of the ongoing GATO war. A more accurate count would the number of wars declared on each color's unaligned nations.

  6. Just wonder but, how exactly do you know that they haven't really left if you can't see their boards?

    Step 1: Register an account

    Step 2: Look at the mask of the member in question

    Edit: It appears I have once again been beaten to the punch.

    Any posts quoting this with the word "profit" will be met with my full contempt.

  7. No offence, but you're dictating operational procedure to an alliance you're already at war with over individual surrender terms the alliance is clearly not responsible for. If the individuals are not adhering to the terms then just redeclare on them.

    However, it is an alliance's responsibility to make sure non-members cannot access the private areas of their forum. Unless WAPA has made a habit of giving out full member masks to non members, the fact that ex-members can still access the forums and post as members is unacceptable.

  8. How was it "trollish?"

    he simply provided a differring viewpoint and clearly stated he was playing devils advocate.

    No, because if all they wanted was to simply keep attacking people they would never have offered terms in the first place.

    Edit: Cloud got it first <_<

  9. How exactly did it come to your attention what members of other alliances were doing on their own forums (I am assuming that by leave WAPA, you mean resign/get demasked on forums as I cannot think of any other way to leave an alliance beside change AA)?

    Just stop trying.

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