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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Your missing the final verse from Bilbo (given at the Grey Havens).

    Still round the corner there may wait

    A new road or a secret gate,

    And though I oft have passed them by,

    A day will come at last when I

    Shall take the hidden paths that run

    West of the Moon, East of the Sun.

    Also, goodbye Mordin, but you'll still stay in the Water Cooler/Boiler Room...Right? RIGHT?

    Also, what about the chess tournament?

    I will continue in the chess tournament, and I will maintain my nation at least until that finishes.



    Oh come on, I even put the two words in there as a hint. No, not CNT. :P

  2. I have been in the Cyberverse for 738 days; shorter than some, but longer than most. Most of those days were quite enjoyable; however, now this game has stagnated beyond what I ever thought it could. There has been no war for almost year, and frankly I doubt there ever will be again. There is simply nothing left here for me to enjoy. I won't go on a lengthy essay about what caused this, because that has been done countless times already by those more eloquent than I.

    I hope to see you all one day in a brighter world where we can all build our nations and our states anew. Until that day, farewell.

    The Road goes ever on and on

    Under cloud and under star,

    Yet feet that wandering have gone

    Turn at last to home afar.

    Eyes that fire and sword have seen

    And horror in the halls of stone

    Look at last on meadows green

    And trees and hills they long have known.

    Still round the corner there may wait

    A new road or a secret gate

    And though we pass them by today

    Tomorrow we may come this way

    And take the hidden paths that run

    Towards the moon or to the sun

    The Road goes ever on and on

    Down from the door where it began.

    Now far ahead the Road has gone,

    And I must follow, if I can,

    Pursuing it with weary feet,

    Until it joins some larger way,

    Where many paths and errands meet.

    And whither then? I cannot say.

    -J.R.R. Tolkien

  3. Access lists >>>>> passwords

    That is all :awesome:

    Considering the channels are for specific battalions, I would imagine that maintaining an access list would be a lot more work and a lot less fun than making anyone stupid enough to actually join the channels into target practice.

  4. I can say that true FAN members wont leave their comrades on a battlefield while the battle still rages. Since I was a FAN member when we were attacked and since the attacks have not stopped I am still here. Simple. Since this conflict has all the making of an eternal battle I guess I will be a fighting FAN member for quite some time to come.

    There's battle raging? I could swear you guys were in peace mode.

  5. Moridin,

    Please keep your one sided opinion.

    NPO just wants to destroy CN, and Moo is a cow in RL.

    Here you go. Now open a thread, screenshot what I just said, and write a 2 pages essay on why CN will go down, and how cows are able to write. (gene mutation is the answer)

    objectivity ftw.

    I'm not sure what you're getting at, but why would I do any of that?

    Edit: Send it through PM please, I'd rather not derail this further.

  6. I wasn't saying he ins't telling the truth just questioning why you don't need to hear both sides of an argument and suggesting blind trust in someone who has betrayed trust in recent times is unusual.

    They are two entirely different worlds of trust. One is a trust to keep quiet despite perceived injustice, another is a trust to be outspoken and honest about perceived injustice.

  7. Since those 'detractors' are my allies I hope you don't mind that I have reserved judgement until I've heard both sides :) .

    To each his own. I was merely pointing out that Baden-Württemberg should not say what we should or should not listen to, just as I would not presume to tell you the same.

  8. Refusing to listen to both sides of an argument because you trust one side more than the other doesn't strike me as politically sound. Especially when one side proved he couldn't be trusted by posting confidential information in public and trying to overthrow his own government in what turned out to be an unpopular uprising.

    What does that have to do with how truthful his words are?

  9. I agree with Scalare. Before we start learning Doitzels lessons we should start trying to listen to both sides before judging anyone's actions.

    Not so. Some of trust Doitzel's words much more than those of his detractors.

  10. I saw the screenshots when FAN posted them on the public area of our forums as well as many other alliance forums and I didn't notice or even think about which forum they were from. Considering the timing of the release it wouldn't be hard to believe they came from the new boards without going back and looking again and I didn't save them so I can't exactly go look.

    Regardless you can stop with the hints that tC was hacking your forum, it was FAN and we all know that so lets cut the semantics.

    I don't remember mentioning the Continuum. Perhaps you could direct me to where I said that?

  11. Well, since we have no access and the screens were released AFTER you moved to your "new" forums by a few days iirc its easy for one to make that conclusion.

    BTW I am now curious as to why you are making that distinction? Have there been more "hackings" other then the ones I referred to? You make it sound as if there was, if so what other juicy "fake/real" screens can we all expect? Also since we are on the subject which exact ones are supposedly fake and which ones real?

    It was blatantly obvious that they were taken from the temporary forum as the temporary forum had the ugly, normal IF skin and the new forums are SMF forums with a different skin. Penguin was asking why you seemed to think there had been hackings on our new forums. I'm sure Grub would appreciate Valhalla reporting any such incidents, as we have faith you are honorable enough not to accept illegally obtained information.

    Hmmm far as I read I made no direct accusations to anyone. I even said in my post "people" which is plural. So why so jumpy?

    Of course you made a direct accusation. You knew quite well what you were talking about when you referred to someone outside the alliance helping put together the new forums, and you put "people" in there purely to save your own skin when the target of your accusations rightfully called you out.

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