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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Uhhh, before this war, NPO was at nearly 700,000 tech, according to the UE stats thread.

    They are presently at 650,000. Add in the lost infra, land, and the opportunity cost of the war.

    You may disagree with the war, but I hardly see how you could call it profitable...

    It was a war of aggression. The notion of demanding a recouping of all technological damages in an offensive war is simply ridiculous, but here we are. This is no different than starting a fight and then suing someone for the medical costs when you get your nose broken.

  2. Extorting technology to make up for your own underestimation of an alliance's fighting capability when you began a war of aggression on them is just plain sad. But of course, the NPO can do as it likes. After all, might makes right!

  3. I don't believe NpO is at war with you still...Getting kicked out of 1V probably ended us for it.

    Also, we weren't really the bandwagon seeing as we were like the first people to nuke you.

    You are still at war with FAN, unless there has been peace declared in the past 20 or so days that I didn't hear about.

    On a more related note, it is excellent to see FAN is caring for their sphere, even if others are not.

  4. I don't think it's so much the fact that Misr joined Vox and is now ZI - that is quite reasonable. The problem is that ironchef explicitly said Misr was taken off the ZI list, and then a bit later decided Misr was back on. It's a rather poor show.

    Good luck in the real world, Misr, though you may find you're coming back before you ever intended to.

  5. Session Start: Thu Aug 21 18:59:38 2008

    Session Ident: Misr

    [18:59] Session Ident: Misr (Coldfront, ironchef)

    [18:59] <Misr> hello


    09[18:59] Misr is *********************** Misr

    09[18:59] Misr is a registered nick

    09[18:59] Misr on +#GGA #nsa @#kurupow +#RoK %#LEN #god +#rad #polaris

    09[18:59] Misr using ice-n.coldfront.net Welcome to Coldfront!

    09[18:59] Misr has been idle 0secs, signed on Thu Aug 21 14:04:06

    09[18:59] Misr End of /WHOIS list.


    09[18:59] <ironchef> http://z10.invisionfree.com/Populi/index.php?showtopic=108

    [18:59] <Misr> i know

    09[18:59] <ironchef> you are still a member

    [18:59] <Misr> but as u can c i only had 1 post

    [19:00] <Misr> and was later asked to leave vox

    [19:00] <Misr> via cheyenne

    09[19:00] <ironchef> I dont give a !@#$

    [19:00] <Misr> i later went to athens

    09[19:00] <ironchef> you are a member of Vox

    [19:00] <Misr> not anymore

    [19:00] <Misr> ask cheyenne

    [19:00] <Misr> i left

    09[19:00] <ironchef> that is their issue

    [19:00] <Misr> ?

    09[19:00] <ironchef> if they didnt check to make sure you are not a member of Vox

    09[19:00] <ironchef> I think you need to let them know

    [19:00] <Misr> lemme talk to cheyenne

    [19:00] <Misr> ya i'll let em know

    09[19:00] <ironchef> you are a member of 2 alliances

    09[19:01] <ironchef> oh

    [19:01] <Misr> talking to junka now

    09[19:01] <ironchef> I need something

    [19:01] <Misr> sure

    edit to remove IP

    What exactly does this prove?

  6. STA is in neither the position to dictate its own terms or at the very minimum have some influence over the terms they will recieve assuming they get any at all.

    Whilst this show of STA unity is endearing STA government will be faced with 2 options:

    1) Accept terms (assuming they are given)

    2) Decline terms (assuming they are given)

    Clearly you are this community's foremost authority on the blatantly obvious.

  7. It seems to be a small handful. They should all be in war mode.

    I have not kept up to date on the Polar military command since I left, so I'm afraid I can't help you there. Those listed are the highest military authorities (scaling down from Emperor) in Polaris. When the Emperor, his Regent, his Liaison, his Minister of Peace, his Deputy Minister of Peace, and the highest ranking general are all in war mode... what more can you ask for?

    OOC: Respond in PM if you want to keep digging, let's let this get back on the topic of the STA.

  8. Again, you willingly ignore the fact that the leadership of Polaris is hiding in peace while they order their minions to die for them. With the exception of Almighty Grub, who, at least on this simple level, has honor in him.

    But, you're Vox, you really don't understand this concept of 'honor' very much, do you?

    I took the time to compile a list of the war leaders a few minutes ago, though evidently you ignored it in favor of repeating your same misinformed view again and again.

    Here, I'll repeat it.

    Emperor AlmightyGrub - war mode

    Regent Zbaldwin - war mode

    Liaison Slashes-With-Claws - war mode

    Minister of Peace Aaric - war mode

    Deputy Minister of Peace KingPenchuk - war mode

    General NotSane - war mode


  9. By preventing their nations from being destroyed by sacrificing your own nation in their place. Perhaps this whole 'honor' thing is a difficult concept for you.

    I hold nothing against ordinary members who are told to go into peace mode. I do hold it against leaders who do the same. Ever hear of phrases like "The captain goes down with his ship?" He (or in this case, 'they') should order their members into peace mode before they even think about hitting the hippie button themselves. Anything less is cowardice. Especially for a big alliance like Polar who certainly has the manpower to find other people to bank.

    No, there is no 'either/or' going on here. You don't put your nation up so another isn't hit, all that happens is that both nations are hit. If you are interested in rebuilding your alliance after a war, you go into peace mode and save money to send out once the alliance is at peace again.

  10. A good leader leads by example. He doesn't hide in peace mode under the claim that he's banking. He should put his people before himself, and order them to bank while he dies for his alliance.

    You are completely missing the point here. Not every alliance wants to go down in a blaze of glory. I suspect that the current goal of the New Polar Order is survival, and thus it makes perfect sense to go into peace mode. It's easy to talk about honor and putting people before yourself when you're on the winning side; once you're losing you realize that in some cases, it is better for the alliance to hit peace mode and save for rebuilding. Going into peace mode is putting the people before oneself. How does having one's nation destroyed help the alliance in the least?

    Actually, it's...

    35 out of the top 40

    40 out of the top 50

    and 45 out of the top 100

    ...in Peace Mode for Polaris at the moment. But I'm confident the officers are sitting back and shouting words of encouragement to the troops from their bomb proof, air conditioned peace bunkers, rest assured.

    If a bank nation hit peace mode at the beginning of the war, they have of course taken no damage while other nations are losing infrastructure by the thousands. It makes perfect sense that the top nations are the ones who are in peace mode.

    Here, I went ahead and compiled some information on the war leaders and whether or not they are in peace mode.

    Emperor AlmightyGrub - war mode

    Regent Zbaldwin - war mode

    Liaison Slashes-With-Claws - war mode

    Minister of Peace Aaric - war mode

    Deputy Minister of Peace KingPenchuk - war mode

    General NotSane - war mode


  11. And who gets to decide who is "saving their alliance" by staying in peace mode (keeping all their infra) and who becomes a meat shield cast off to die? Perhaps it is the very leaders/flagstaff who find themselves in peace mode? There is no honor nor bravery in Polaris' actions here. What we see today, are military commanders who are all too anxious to prattle on the glory of war when they are curbstomping a tiny alliance, but in a war that could very well lead to their deaths, we see them fleeing. No military commander should send men/women off to die unless he too is willing to make the same sacrifice. Polarian leaders never had the minds of warriors, what we see here are the minds of conquers. A conquer isn't a very good conquer if he/she has to one day die with honor.

    Some alliances have banking systems.

  12. Moridin, do you remember what I have asked you couple of day ago. Would you apologize to those who didn't get the point of your "movement" because of your empty propaganda. I still remember you said you wouldn't apologize. Any change of hearts now?

    No... which will be my exact same answer a month or even year from now. I'm not sure why you keep asking.

  13. As Doitzel said, please, if you have evidence of someone in Vox doing OOC attacks that have not already been dealt with, query Doitzel, RV or Starfox, just to name a few. We cannot remove them from Vox per se, and we won't waste our time and resources attacking them, but what we can do is remove them from the forums and IRC that we administrate and moderate. We can hang them out to dry, as once revealed I assure you that Vox will not be coming to their aid.

    Unless I see these reports flowing in, I'll have to say that all this talk is merely posturing.

  14. Haha,you are one of the nations that was in peace mode when this started. Half you guys were in peace when Vox recreated.

    OOC: I was still in three wars, with one Pyramid member, and two Valhallans, who saw fit to tech raid me a few days after I decided to quit CN (I was waiting for aid to expire to delete). Those wars carried into the first few days of the current war, including through the reformation of Vox. Since then, I have dropped into peace mode so I could escape nuclear anarchy for a bit to collect, and to wait until I can get my next wonder so I can do more damage on the way down. Now if we could stop making every topic about trying to accuse Vox of this or that, especially when it's entirely irrelevant to the RP at hand, it would be nice.

  15. My use of the term is exactly what i have stated. Vox Poopuli is using CB's and declaring wars with baseless claims of "We're coming to liberate the game!" or "We are the revolution!" Which is otherwise complete nonsense.

    Had Vox Poopuli actually meant to stir revolution they would have surely formed and declared on the evil doers well before the evil doers even thought of declaring on hyperion and Co. Vox Poopuli is opportunistically using the hyperion war to their advantage while hyperion was being attacked. Theres no denying that.

    We did not initially come wishing to start some massive revolution. We had a humble beginning. We wanted to have a blast going out, and fight on the right side. Here, enjoy some logs.

    [01:58] <Star> we're going to post a DoW sometime and all sign it, it's going to raise a lot of "lol wtf" which is awesome.

    [01:58] <MegaAros> lol

    [01:58] <Star> you should come

    [01:58] <Moridin> Oh hell, that sounds fun

    [01:58] <Starfox[Vox]> We're going to be supporting them on the battlefield and some already are

    [01:59] <Starfox[Vox]> Tomorrow we'll announce the "Reformation and Declaration of Vox Populi"

    [01:59] <Moridin> Sounds good

    [01:59] <Starfox[Vox]> Long epic post with <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read? at the end, then all our signatures

    You state by no means are you attempting to use hyperion? this is a funny statement considering the amount of "Those of you that want to fight know where to go" i've seen in this thread alone. If in fact Vox was truly out to save the world as you have kindly stated hundreds of times in the last week Vox would have simply declared before we had and become the martyrs they claim to have been.

    Part of this I addressed above. The other part, being that we are simply stating that if any Hyperion members wished to keep finding, they knew where they could find us. I'm still not sure how that's using Hyperion as a meatshield.

    Vox attacked Hyperion's attackers because it was the right thing to do.

    ^ this line is a contradiction to what starfox said earlier. Just pointing that out.

    When did Starfox say it was the wrong thing to do? Perhaps I missed it.

    [A few edits were made for clarity and to address the last point]

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