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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Five years ago, the New Pacific Order was born from the ashes of a decrepit regime, a regime that was utterly unable to beat back the waves of Revolution. The New Pacific Order rose to become the beacon of peace, strength, and prosperity in a dark time, and five years later, is still the beacon of peace, strength, and prosperity in an ocean of grand self-delusions, blind hatred, and an ever increasing number of impostors claiming to speak for the people and for Francoism.

    This propaganda gets a little old after a while. You are swimming in this ocean of grand delusions if you think the Order stands for peace.

  2. Well, you can't very well condemn something without enforcement, can you? I would imagine you of all people would recognize this.

    So if we came out of peace mode to ZI someone, you all would stand by and not attack us while we did it? I daresay if you attacked us in the middle of it, it might become a bit difficult to finish the job.

  3. Either that, or tc goes the way of Bleu, Pacifica get's attacked by some hyperpower mega power bloc, Goes down like FAN and becomes irrelevant. Vox has a huge membership surge and becomes the new dominant mega power. I mean how long are Pacifica's allies going to tolerate being Bullied and manipulated before they walk out on Pacifica?

    We have no wish to become a "mega power". Should the current power structure fall, I expect Vox Populi will go with it.

  4. Farewell. It was good having you in Vox.

    Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

    I was going to use that at some point :((

  5. Harshest terms ever, eh?

    Apologies if someone else has already mentioned this, I haven't read through all of this massive thread.

    That's another way of saying "forced disbandment". We are talking about actual surrender terms.

  6. I admit that I read only the first and last page of this thread (6th page at the moment I start writing this).

    I don't think that 82k Tech is "that much", considering that the GPA alone had to pay 70k after they were attacked for a very controversial CB (see Kurushio's revelations over tC's conspiration; you can also match them with this old Apriland's point of view).

    The GPA was more of an isolated incident until these kinds of terms came along. Viceroys were the standard in recent months, and highway robbery has risen to prominence now that servitude is no longer allowed. In that respect we are indeed in a new era.

    That being said, MK is paying out 70k or so tech to two alliances. GPA paid 70k tech total to 7 alliances (if I remember that number correctly), where in this situation there is a single alliance receiving an unprecedented 58k tech in 'reparations'. FAN did even more damage than MK and I don't recall them dishing out that kind of technology.

  7. GPA had a kick butt banking system, and they were diplomatic pros, but they failed militarily.

    GPA had a lot of failings diplomatically prior to their curbstomping, actually.

    GPA refused to go all out on NPO militarily. GATO excelled militarily and economically but failed diplomatically.

    I would disagree that GATO excelled militarily.

    NADC excelled Economically but failed diplomatically and militarily.

    NPO had nothing to do with the NADC war...

    FAN excelled militarily and economically but failed diplomatically.

    Wow, you actually got one right.

    Vox Populi has a FAN style military, but your failure is economic and diplomatic.

    You flatter us.

    NPO wins by both exploiting their opponents weaknesses/points of failure and NPO has the best bankers and diplomats on the planet.

    Right... twice!? Surely this is mere coincidence.

    They may not have the best military (To be honest, MCXA could smoke them in a one on one brawl). but NPO has plenty of friends to bring to the party. Friends make all the difference in a war.

    Hahahahahah! MCXA is half ghosts and half incompetence. The NPO would hang you out to dry (and will, I might add, eventually).

    MCXA excels in all 3 areas, They have a kick butt military, a good solid banking system and the #2 diplomatic corps on the planet. Vox will fail, you will be victims of your own design.

    Laughable at best. Your diplomacy is getting in as many blocs and treaties as you can so when you end up angering people you actually have backup. I don't claim to know about your economics, but your military is absolutely dreadful.

  8. Of course.

    Now, let's get back on topic, shall we?

    Excellent plan. In the spirit of that, it would be really nice if people would stop turning every topic into something about Vox. We know we're quite charming, but there's no need to make us the highlight of every thread.

  9. The New Pacific Order lost 3 million NS. With demilitarization they will lose probably around 500K NS more.

    The 58k tech owed to the New Pacific Order amounts to 290 thousand NS.

    This means that MK is effectively paying for roughly 10% of the damages caused to the NPO, which isn't to bad when you think about it. Having said that, it means that MK will rebuild at a much, much slower rate.

    But you'll help them rebuild, of course.

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