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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Stop trying to twist scenarios to your liking because you don't think anyone can contradict you, Moridin. First, it's V Bismarck, not von, von was the one from Prussia. It wasn't conveniently discovered that he was spying at all actually. Otto's computer was attacked by someone who wished his coup to end, thus effectively ending his involvement in the coup as a whole and its subsequent failure.

    IC: I am not trying to twist the scenario to my liking. I would love for Polar's hands to be clean here. The simple fact is that they aren't, and by extension mine are not either, having been in Polar at the time.

    OOC: Forgive me if I assumed that an Otto Bismarck was naming himself after the famous Prussian leader. I could not remember if it was von or just the intial V, so I took a guess.

    Second, don't tell me NADC was a power on blue because it wasn't, and never could have been. Trust me, I know firsthand why. The war wasn't meant to remove a hostile power on the blue team, the war was made because of byproducts of a history of incompetent administrations in the sluggish bureacracy that is the NADC government.

    It maintained a senate seat on blue if I remember correctly, which has been reason enough in the past for people to want to bring an alliance down. I never said they were hostile, however they were still a strong presence on the blue team.

    Finally, BLEU didn't use him as a scapegoat at all. Someone (and no, you will not receive who), used his IRC account while my computer was still messed up and spoke to Emperor Assington, revealing that everything was done by "Otto." Bismarck was the NADC's scapegoat, not BLEU's.

    With no evidence to back up what you're saying, you don't expect me to believe a word you say, right?

  2. OOC: I have a hard time believing the validity of this. While the information you drew from the screenshots is certainly valid, the question is simply how valid the screenshot is in the first place. You are assuming that a screenshot which gives barely enough information to identify the attacker is genuine, when that screenshot comes from a group clearly bent on creating chaos. How can you dismiss the possibility that they framed Legendis?

    Screenshots are easy enough to fake. This took me maybe five minutes at most; no photoshop necessary (note that this is an example from over a month ago, I am just using it because it was handy). fallen_fails-1.png

  3. GATO war we were brought in by NPO and GATO's violations to surrender terms long ago.

    NADC, we later found out that is was only a couple people in government that did spy on Polar, but people still messed with Polar in that one.

    If I recall correctly, it was conveniently discovered only to be Otto von Bismarck that was spying, and this realization came to light once he had been outed from the NADC. NADC had been knocked out of the sanction race and was no longer a strong presence on blue, and so as the war was no longer needed, BLEU found a convenient scapegoat in Bismarck.

    GATO did not mess with Polar or her allies, but they still ended up on the receiving end of a curbstomp. Polar was complicit in the execution of the war.

  4. Polar already had the ties to most of the tC so it didn't matter if the tC existed or not. The tC came into being long after Polar had treaties to those that formed the tC. So Polar's power wouldn't be magnified. Polar has never been one to set a goal to being the almighty power in CN. Polar has wanted to just have fun and support their allies. If you don't mess with Polar and their allies then they don't mess with you.

    Yeah, except for the GATO war and the NADC war.

  5. Well, when you put it that way yeah the preparations for war were going on. But that could be said for Polar's day to day stuff as well, because there was several times we would make statements that people need to raise their tech and warchests when there wasn't a threat out there.

    Don't I know... nevertheless, serious preparations were being made within the Senior Command. We were told quite explicitly that it was 'not a drill', or something to that effect.

  6. Then I must of missed the order to military up on that one, because I didn't purchase any military during the GGA/Gramlins issues. I know we had movements to get our tech side of things in line but I don't recall a order given to our members or our allies to military up. I know I never gave that order to an of our allies.

    No one builds up military anymore prior to a conflict. With hundreds of millions in most large nations' warchests, military can be bought a few minutes before war. We were certainly making preparations for war in the Ministry of Peace.

  7. There was a higher alert that there was higher tensions in that last week, but no military prep actions were ever put in place with regards to Gramlins.

    This is to some degree not true. Having been a Major General at the time, I was not privy to all that was going on, but we were still planning and readying ourselves for a potential large-scale nuclear war. I believe (though I am not sure) that target lists were made as well.

  8. Yes on Gramlins, and the TOP/NpO trolling depends on the time frame. But as I said over the last several months efforts were made to prevent trolling of TOP from NpO's side of things and worked to better relations.

    I can testify to this, having wanted to 'troll' TOP numerous times during my stay in Polaris.

  9. OOC: I know it's from the OOC section, but its content proves a valid point here.

    IC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=33919

    Pot? Meet my friend, Kettle....

    Vox continuously violates the sovereignty of every other alliance, including spying, as seen above, and also in poaching members of other alliances with recruitment drives. I see no validity behind their charges so long as they don't practice what they preach.

    My, it sure is impossible to get people to read something before responding to it.

  10. Home is behind, the world ahead,

    And there are many paths to tread

    Through shadows to the edge of night,

    Until the stars are all alight.

    Then world behind and home ahead,

    We'll wander back to home and bed.

    Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,

    Away shall fade! Away shall fade!

    Farewell Horde, and may good fortune be with you beyond this game.

  11. That percentage doesn't jump very high even when you include "all the other revolutionaries." Not nearly high enough to justify Vox's self proclamation as being "The Voice of the People".

    If you can't find anything better to criticize than our name, kindly get out. The New Pacific Order is certainly not new, the Multi-Colored Cross-X Alliance is largely on blue, the Grand Global Alliance is far from grand, the Independent Republic of Orange Nations is an NPO colony, and the Orange Defense Network has not actually defended anything or anyone in recent memory. Names are names, get over it.

  12. If you think that Polar members believe Sponge was infallible, either things have changed greatly since I left or you're making a terrible exaggeration. As for Vox, as Doitzel said, we're here for the fun of it. Your parting shot doesn't really amount to much.

    I will resist the urge to say more and simply keep it at "Goodbye".

  13. The point I made earlier is that alliances were created by people like you and me who crafted alliances into pretty similar form of what we see today. Admin's definition in my opinion is just an interpretation of what he saw us doing, but hardly something that he defines. Alliances are what we've made them, and the reason Vox's allianceness is a question of debate is that they fall pretty far outside what we've come to know as alliances.

    So the GGA never recognized LSF as an alliance?

    I am also awaiting a response as to why you recognized us as an alliance as of August 17 but suddenly do not now.

  14. In the last few days, the alliance Vox Populi has tried a new guerrilla tactic to strike at my alliance by attempting to take over one of the three seats of the senate.
    For an alliance fighting against such principles and practices, it is a bit surprising.

    It seems that not so long ago you considered Vox to be an alliance and referenced us as one. Only now that your inability to follow your own charter has been pointed out have you backtracked and attempted to reclassify Vox in an attempt to justify your actions. You once said this to us:

    I wish someone from Vox Populi would just admit the truth: you're going to sanction GGA, Andromeda, and maybe VE because you don't like us. At least that would be honest :P

    Now I wish someone from GGA would just admit the truth: You dislike Vox enough to justify breaking your own laws in an attempt to gather information on us.

  15. The point I was making is that while VP is a collection of anarchists (implied meaning: each individual is a sovereign and does as he/she wishes), Vox Populi as a whole is not a state because that would imply that these anarchists tribute some part of their sovereignty to the state. See the contradiction?

    Of course we are not collectively a "state", unless you count the idea of self-sovereignty as meaning that we are a government, a state, simply by existing. It doesn't matter if we're a state or not. Since when does that have to do with the word "alliance"? An alliance is just that - and alliance between nations. We hold alliance with one another, thus we are an alliance. It's not as complicated as you're making it out to be.

  16. Perhaps this is only me, but doesn't the debate start being silly the very moment the usage of IC or OOC changes the context of a statement?

    [ooc] I hate you[/ooc] and [ic] I hate you[/ic] seem pretty similar to me, to the point of making this entire thing seem very silly.

    OOC: The context is actually very important. Saying "IC: I hate you" is common simply because national leaders do not necessarily get along well. Saying "OOC: I hate you" is saying that you actually hate the player behind the monitor, a rather serious judgement to pass on someone since more than likely you don't actually know them.

    The rest of your post I will address in a bit as I am needed elsewhere at the moment.

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