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Mustakrakish II

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Everything posted by Mustakrakish II

  1. Version 2, but with a white background and black tree. The current way looks...ugly. no offense
  2. Well, i think that era of cybernations is over, and a new one will come. As for now, it seems everyone is in the whiny moopy mode because their arch nemisis is dead. If we're are all patient enough, a new one will come around, just hang in there man!
  3. I think the new sides of CN are being drawn The too Serious vs. The people who enjoy life (judging from the original thread that started all this) Hope you guys get out soon.
  4. i'm here for the free....AHHH MAN! * walks across the street to the chum bucket
  5. wow...tough crowd tonight RAD. ooc: i see you trolling this thread cyphon So, why might you be wanting to destroy the OWF?
  6. This announcement gave me my "O" face http://flisted.files.wordpress.com/2009/06...ls-comedy-1.jpg So, RAD, whats your "O" face? According to Charming Man, this is a Q&A session, so I am taking full advantage of that
  7. But do they go good with knickers, a sweeter vest, a tweed hat, a bag of golf clubs, and a 1 mill announcement? I think not.
  8. OOC: FAIL! harharharhar but seriously, good luck guys. itll be a rough one from what ive read here
  9. Thanks, I work out That is due to a fear of touching the ground with my bare feet. its sometimes hard to deal with
  10. your announcements always make me smile Good luck with the new gov, FAN
  11. An Official Announcement from Asgaard Totally dude. Not too long ago we Asgaardians announced our existence in this little planet we call Bob with quite a bang, holding the #1 seven day alliance gains for several days, and have been on that list for quite a few days of our four week existence. This, to say the least, made me a happy camper. And now it comes with no surprise to me that we have hit another milestone in our first month of existence. We have hit 1 Million total Nation Strength with little more than breaking a sweat and a few noses. It feels great to hit such a milestone so early on, and I look forward to seeing just what Asgaard can do next. I hope its learn to juggle, buy a lion, and start a three ring circus called "Three Guys and a Tent", but beggers can't be choosers. In the mean time, we will be feasting in our mead hall and planning our next big celebration, whatever it may be. And speaking of a circus, we just fully filled our government positions! Here is the list of all our clowns Viking Lords. Lord of Iinternal Affairs: Aboooe Lord of Foreign Affairs: Dcrockway Lord of Defense: Lich King Azrael Lord of Finance: Prince Kabul Lord of Recruitment: PrincessRo If you wish to join us on our escapades and grill our new government, stop by our forums at asgaard.invisionzone.com or our IRC at #asgaard on coldfront.net Until next time, Lonewolfe2015, Tyr of Asgaard Gambona, Loki of Asgaard Mustakrakish II, Magni of Asgaard
  12. So does this make NSO the CN world police now?
  13. the name makes it seem like the treaty hasnt happened yet. Good thing i've got my delorian! Good treaty, guys
  14. Ahh i thought it had to do with NoR... Oh well, we're pretty cool to i guess. o/ Asgaard o/MAROON
  15. Ahaha ah this made me giggle. If you are interested in "tools of re-education" i know some dealers that can help with that
  16. Interesting! Well thats pretty sweet it worked out well for you guys EDIT: grammar
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