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Everything posted by AlmightyGrub

  1. It is unlikely we will be friends, I don't have any. You can continue with the self-serving logical fallacy for as long as it takes to convince yourself and your handful of nations, but it is still a logical fallacy. I think it is clear by now that you either don't believe anything was done to justify the Inquisition you face or alternatively, you are simply denying it for appearance sake. Neither matters, your alliance is a crater. It is time to Repent and be on your way.
  2. I think you need to read the post again in its entirety. My assertion is this simple: Noctis is nothing to do with anything, to do with anything or anyone remotely, by marriage or birth, with the CB for this war. You have latched onto his mad ramblings like he is somehow operating with any more information than you are. His insane posturing has merely confused you. Return to the state of shock and disbelief you were in 15 pages or so ago because nothing has changed since then. You have no more or less information and nor will you in the foreseeable future. Noctis and his sanction wars and so forth are completely off-base, red-herrings and a futile path of inquiry. You can think whatever you like about the CB, that will not change the facts or the evidence, nor will it persuade anyone to part with any information to assist your deliberations. The misunderstanding is that this is somehow a trial when in is in fact an execution. You can fight and die or you can die but speculation will achieve very little other frustrate you. Your allies are indeed free to die on their own terms. It is always assumed that your treaty partners will defend you and it would be madness to start a war without considering the potential ramifications, it is still always their choice and your choice together how you cobble together a defense. I would like to suggest the ball is in your court now but that would be foolish, you appear almost completely powerless.
  3. I think what we can all take away from people arguing with Noctis about things that have nothing to do with the OP, based on the opinion of Noctis, who has nothing to do with the OP and no actual knowledge of the evidence used to support the OP and in fact absolutely no link in any way shape or form to the OP, is you are becoming less informed by the post. As previously stated, leave the witch hunting to the witch hunters. Noctis speculating out his navel and you debating the merits of the resulting pontification serves only to frustrate you and stroke the ego of someone completely irrelevant to the matters at hand to the point where you have convinced him he is important. You have received all the information you were entitled to receive. If you feel aggrieved by what you have received because you erroneously perceive your entitlement to anything is higher than it is, then feel free to complain loudly to anyone who will listen. Given that appears to be only Noctis, who is quite possibly insane, one could speculate that you are pretty much talking to yourselves. You, of course, have other options, but it seems accepting a completely ''unprovoked'' and ''unjustifiable' attack on your alliance stand without response, other than the gnashing of teeth and waving of arms, feels appropriate to you. If only you had friends and allies who could relieve some of the burden. Imagine their outrage upon finding an ally attacked under such circumstances, why it might even trigger that pesky Defense clause in those fancy treaties you all hold. Maybe martyrdom suits the Knights, but I don't think the poets will sing tales of your alliance when this crusade is finished.
  4. You are walking a very fine line. Your micro drama is of no real concern to anyone, in fact most of it is pretty much cringe worthy. Please don't confuse your apparent status within your own circle of wannabes with actual status in the wider world. Back in the cage please.
  5. I like the way your logic works, I really do. Unfortunately our desire to share does not at all have any bearing on the existence of the evidence. You need to get the right dots before you can form a picture, right now you are scribbling madly with a crayon and pretending you have a ''Mona Lisa'' . You can seek the evidence for yourself, you can conduct your own investigations. Just because you can not find the same evidence merely means you are a really !@#$ detective not that the crime was not committed. When the Inquisition is concluded the Holy Church MAY at its own discretion reveal the nature of the screamed confessions, but it is unlikely that we would break the bond between the sinner and his salvation in such a self-serving manner. Repent or Die.
  6. I think that your contribution to this thread could be summed up as ''shocked disbelief'' followed by some ''random assumptions of facts not in evidence'' and finalized by ''grasping desperately at straws'' You need to read things issued by the Holy Church herself, not the ramblings of associated members of the peanut gallery. The Holy Church has sought answers to questions, determined the truthfulness of the answers and at the conclusion weighed the evidence and embarked on a Holy Inquisition. The fact that you did not expect such inquisition is hardly your fault. Without being trite, the evidence was compelling. There is no confusion within the Holy Church. There is also no need for the evidence to be made public whilst there are still further sinners to be brought back to glory by the Inquisition. The evidence exists, you may freely access it upon your own inquiry with those concerned. Go forth and sin no more.
  7. All the fancy words are what made it more than what it is now... After all diplomacy is what this was all about in the beginning.
  8. I like to believe in a golden time, when men were men and CBs took effort. An age where I could post almost endlessly being fed almost by the minute. Alas those days are gone. There is no room for the Trollmaster2000 anymore, no sooner does he fire up and the food runs out. Likewise there is no room for a good CB anymore, people just don't put the effort into their schemes and machinations. On this occasion however we do have a winner. Someone was going to a lot of effort, most people on both sides of the ledger recognize that it was indeed happening, denial is of course a great defense and always will be.... until there is all those pesky logs. I, for one, salute the now martyr ghos7 for his resolve and efforts so far. The fact that someone so lacking in talent and natural ability was able to get as far with this as he did reflects on the general pathetic nature of you all. Surely there is a leader worth following, surely there is a plan worth going ''all in'' on. Maybe this was such a plan, maybe ghos7 was such a leader, but as usual the cat got out of the bag before it could be persuaded to be both alive and dead. Plot in secret, but remember the most important part of secrecy is the secret bit.
  9. Every war is a gamble, you try to fix the odds in your favour, but..... Every gambler knows That the secret to survivin' Is knowin' what to throw away And knowin' what to keep 'Cause every hand's a winner And every hand's a loser And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep Dear The Templar Knights, dying in your sleep truly is the best you can hope for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4nJ1YEAp4
  10. I am very pleased with this unexpected development.... oh wait.
  11. I wish everyone all the joy that is possible. War is good for your soul. Just don't get too carried away now
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