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Everything posted by AlmightyGrub

  1. 1. There are multiple threads because the NADC decided they would start their own thread, rather than just use the existing DOW as would be normal. I find it much more convenient to confine my arguments to one place, but I can accommodate up to 1000 threads at once with the upgraded TrollMaster2000. 2. We have no need to defend our CB. It exists and NADC are being rolled because of it. I find it entertaining to respond to anyone and everyone who tries to have a shot at the CB, stop feeding me and I will have to stop posting. 3. Nothing you do or say will change the facts as we believe them. Defend the NADC or don't, but don't whinge because someone is posting something besides ''Junka Sux'' (as entertaining as that is all by itself).
  2. There is no hurry, NADC seems unconcerned and I can only care as much as they do.
  3. I don't have a ''story''. We were provided screenshots by a third party unsolicited. Seems like a lazy try this late in the piece.
  4. The hang time on this slam dunk was legendary. We have already dunked it, you can see the crater it left as we did. Now if you are concerned you can try the same tactics that Aurelius did, bang a drum and wave a flag and see who follows you to war, however as far as I am concerned we are well past the time where you arriving with righteous indignation means much at all.. well it wouldn't have mattered much when you arrived but at least you could have raged against the machine a little earlier and not found yourself so alone in the quest for justice or whatever you are seeking. Polar will not sit by while people plot and plan in ''secret'', we will respond as swiftly as possible to ensure the plot never thickens. Here endeth the lesson. Vote Grub - Violence is a solution
  5. No I don't understand your assertion at all. What I see is a very lazy reading of the facts, which are conveniently located in our DoW thread for you to consider. Polaris just wishes to remove the NADC as a threat both now and forever. Given that we are only two weeks into a war, and the Sec-Gen of NADC says he refuses to communicate in the appropriate forum, ie here, we shall continue to dig the crater deeper until NADC cares to sue for peace. If that happens now, awesome, if it never happens, also awesome, you may also take as read that anytime between now and never is also awesome. As for your opinions on the justness of our cause, whilst I hold you in some regard, I could not care less about your opinions or assertions. I do like talking to you though, at least you try to say something, which is better than the nothing we are otherwise faced with from NADC.
  6. You are really quite good at this min/max game. Polar is not playing any games however. Might be good to realize the rules before you start trying to play.
  7. I know you are too lazy to read but maybe you should make the effort. I gave you a TLDR but you are rehashing old material. Read both threads and then ask again if you are confused.
  8. I know percentages are difficult for people but please check yours. You are are more than welcome to Vote Grub. We wouldn't be voting for you would we? That would be as stupid as 99.9%. As for blowing you up, are you in NADC? If not all good. Chatter? I love to min/max as much as the next person but your soft attempts to cast Aurelius in a friendly light are laughable. Aurelius knew exactly what he was saying and so did his alliance when they shouted "hell yeah" and elected him. Vote Grub - violence is a solution
  9. Bern did not provide the screenshots to us. Screenshot delivery is inconsequential to the situation. We have the screenshots and we didn't commission them from anyone, that's all that matters.
  10. Actually it would appear he is that ignorant. It doesn't matter who leaked the screenshots, not even a little bit. What matters is Aurelius thinking he can simply ignore the matters at hand, over and over and over, all while calling me uncivilized and not fit for public consumption. Sounds kind of like Junka and his barbarian claims. NADC signing a treaty of convenience with Sparta to take a shot at us, failing badly and as a result getting shunted off blue should have sent a clear enough message on two counts. 1. NADC is not good enough, in any facet of the spectrum of skills required to ''get'' Polar. 2. NADC is not welcome on blue. Aurelius needs to stop deflecting and take some responsibility for his alliance's plight and offer them his resignation (screenshots would be ironically delicious) for his bungled campaign and his atrocious leadership that has led to his alliances current predicament. There is no confusion here folks, just a sad dude living in a fantasy that he is leading his alliance anywhere but a deep hole.
  11. TL:DR 1. NADC elects a populist leader who campaigns on ''fixing'' Polar (wrongs) and returning to Blue but also correctly predicts that Polar won't be happy. 2. NADC changes its name to No Apparent Defense Combine. Now a smoking crater within two rounds. 3. No end in sight as Aurelius has banned the Oculus negotiator from the NADC server. Future resolution to be conducted on OWF. 4. CN Radio debate reveals the NADC leader has taken his bat and ball and gone home. 5. The screenshots at the center of the CB were not provided to Polar by the nominated NADC scapegoat. 6. Oblivious to all else, NADC members withdraw to their safe place and wait for the bad man to go away.
  12. To be fair he has a losing hand that he refuses to throw in.
  13. In your opinion. I am far from self entitled, I am entitled. You on the other hand are grist for the mill. Goodbye
  14. You are amusing. You don't get to invite me anywhere, you are well below my pay grade. As for your opinion of me, who in the entire population of Bob has ever given a rats arse what you think, say or pretend to be. I like the Oculus troll though, that was pretty clever. Too bad no one asked you, maybe you could have raged against the machine. Once again, above your pay grade. See the trend? As for Junka, not a single alliance, collection of alliances and especially not a group of amateurs will run Junka out of the world. No one has the power. Please stop your hysterical whining you are drowning out the angry mob armed with plastic spoons trying to intimidate Junka. It will take a lot more than that. To anyone who thinks running Junka out of town is a good idea, rethink your second drink. He isn't going anywhere and now you are feeding his arrogance and determination. Stop feeding him please.
  15. What a load of self gratifying nonsense. No one of importance. wants Junka to leave. They want him to stop being such a pompous arse. So given that your initial rant is based on fallacy, I find the rest irrelevant. No one can make someone leave Bob. Junka is in total control of his own destiny. If he didn't want the negative attention he wouldn't seek it in the manner he does. As as for your job trying to save the world, give up now. Little nations are of no great value to this world. They come and go because they are a decade late and a billion dongs short. They are the province of silly micros and dud rogues. The few good ones need little encouragement to stay. This planet is doomed and has been for a long time. The job now is just cleaning it up so it looks pretty before we leave.
  16. I know it is pearls before swine and all, but have you ever considered that you are piss poor at expressing your exact point, and that from my generally disinterested approach to analysis of your posts, you seem to be unsure what your point is most of the time, clarifying it as you go along as it dawns on you what you are actually trying to say? *Long sentence used to keep most people from reading it.
  17. I will not be signing anything tomorrow and there is unlikely to be any debate as such. I will answer a question or two from the host (apparently my answers are restricted to 30 minutes each) and then we shall break for open destruction of the No Apparent Defense Combine. I meant it when I said that peace terms would only be discussed in this thread, I am a man of my word when it comes to such matters. I am interested to hear Aurelius answer a question or two asked by the host. I promise to only smirk or at most chortle so as to not ruin the whole Pleasant Valley Sunday vibe Mogar has going on. That promise of course can be revoked if Aurelius turns out to have an outrageously pompous accent. I doubt anyone will understand anything I say but it should be fun.... if I remember to turn up after golf.
  18. All he has done is made several threads about him and usual we all fall into the hole.
  19. You could exist in peace if you wanted to, instead you make every topic about you and your absurd political theories. You could exist in peace if you wanted to, instead you insult anyone who dares criticize your approach. You could exist in peace if you wanted to, just shut your stupid pie hole for a few months and people would forget who you even are. When your whole reputation is based on calling your opponents barbarians and terrorists, you need to have a look at the quality of your discourse. You could live in peace if you wanted to, but your ego won't let you be anything other than a martyr for the cause (which has never been clearly defined) You could live in peace if you wanted to, but the evidence to hand suggests you have no intention of existing in any state other than hostility. The only reason your alliance isn't an actual crater is because real alliances with real leadership couldn't be bothered rolling you yet again. Polar did it once and it was most satisfying apart from the bit where you posted every five minutes about whatever !@#$%^&* you were rambling about at the time. Keep going however and we shall see how much motivation can be found. As for your new protector, I wonder how much they will risk for you, how much they will intercede on your behalf whilst you undermine their good natured efforts to keep you alive. I think I speak for everyone when I encourage you to find your inside voice and try using it only inside your own alliance for a while.
  20. There is nothing wrong with FoxFire wanting to collect stray animals. The issue is everyone else wants to put this one down.
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