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Everything posted by Seerow

  1. Damn, you've got me beat even if you count my total time in bill lock (since I had a week out before being forced back in about halfway through). Good show Opethian.
  2. I'll hold you to that next time you argue attacking people for money is immoral.
  3. Wow you're cheap. I might have work for you in the future.
  4. If this is serious I think that there actually are prices that would do it, just most people wouldn't pay it for one nation. If the OP is willing to pay it could probably get done for the following: 1) It would be a 3-man job. Each of the three people are paid equally. 2) All 6 of their aid slots filled with 3mil+50 tech for the duration of conflict plus 3) All 6 of their aid slots continue to be filled with 3mil+50 tech, continuing for an additional 3 months afterwards 4) All 3 nations receive a $20.00 donation monthly monthly for duration of conflict and 3 additional months afterwards. This ends with each nation receiving a minimum of 4 donations, and a minimum of 180mil+3000 tech. Yeah, the three attacking nations are going to lose some NS in the process of destroying a 54k nation, but I'd say those rewards roughly balance it out, and the people attacking should come out ahead at the end of the 3months. Even if they come out behind slightly in infra (they'll be above their starting, but below where they could be), they'll gain enough in tech to make up for it.
  5. Because while they may not be protected from 500ns tech raiders that no active nation can really hit (and even the NPO would not be able to defend them by force, they'd toss the attacked nation some money for help with defending themselves and recouping any damage, and the nation would probably come out far ahead for it), the protectorate status does protect them from larger threats that could actually potentially cause damage. Also I'd imagine if NPO decided to release themselves from terms early, start signing treaties and remilitarizing before terms actually ended, they'd find themselves at the end of another global beatdown before any individuals could think to take advantage of it.
  6. The increases per unit are linear. Nukes increase in price by 50k per unit you have, so it would be having two = 500,000*1.2=600,000. Having 20 is 500,000*3=1.5mil Upkeep works the same way, but it increases for every nuke above the first. So it goes: 1- 5000 2- 5500 3- 6000 4- 6500 5- 7500 And so on up to 14500 per unit at 20. (Or 17000 with 25)
  7. How do you walk out of a war like that with only two nukes?
  8. Wow almost no MK rolling. Cmon guys we havent been rolled in over a year, we're long past due to be on the wrong end of a curb stomp.
  9. Actually while you're playing with numbers, any chance of juggling infra damage numbers for other attack types on TE? I don't play it so I don't particularly care, but if you buy into the logic that less damage means the war draws out and makes people more aggressive, then lowering infra damage from nukes and planes couldn't hurt either. Just a thought that struck me while reading this topic. I am glad however that you changed things back to normal for SE, the average CM doing less than 10 per hit with full satelites just seemed wrong.
  10. People I don't know or recognize taking over IO spots. I consider this a good sign. I also am curious why SDRD didn't get culled with the rest though.
  11. Potato however was not. Truth hurts That said, anyone has problems with this treaty, try doing something about it
  12. Hey guys, who else remembers when Aqua was a new sphere, and almost completely empty?
  13. Over-narrowing of war ranges? I guess you don't remember the ladder system.
  14. If they requested it, I imagine it would. One of the nice things about having allies that don't forget you exist. That said I doubt Athens would need any help at all to fight off TJO on their own and make it wholly unprofitable for you to do so without their allies, so it's a moot point.
  15. Hi Mono, is that you? On topic: This thread is full of entertainment. I would read again.
  16. Memo to self: Never sign a treaty with MASH, it would never get posted and half the government would forget it exists, while the other half would spend days digging it up.
  17. Really? I mean, seriously? You're the only person who has claimed to read it that way. [ooc]For one, this is a game, and a lot of people would bear well to keep that in mind. RL comparisons like that don't generally hold water. Though really in 99% of the cases that is exactly what happens when they see someone being robbed. How many people want to risk themselves getting stabbed or shot for someone else's money? [/ooc] You can have a response to it, but when it comes to the point of publicly telling an ally you will attack them if need be to defend an alliance they didn't know existed a week before, it raises serious questions about the relationship between the alliances in question. There's a line between standing up for the little guy and outright screwing your friends that Polar seems to be walking very finely.
  18. Pretty sure if there was an answer it would have been given by now. As indicated in the OP the respective leaders have a fairly wide time difference and probably still haven't worked the details out. But instead of asking over and over, it's probably going to be easier to wait, because we'll probably see yet another new topic when terms are finished.
  19. Congratulations you are officially the 5000th person to say this. Have a cookie. If you'd like you can sell said cookie to help contribute to the "Save those poor defenseless Knights of Ni" foundation.
  20. Well you look on the Wiki and OWF, and see nothing. At this point in time you figure you're clear. You attack, you then hear a few people saying there was a treaty with MASH. You go to MASH and ask if there's a treaty. They say "I see no indication of a treaty" until an older member goes digging through forum archives from 18 months ago and comes back out with the treaty and goes "oops, my bad, we did have that treaty" I fail to see how it's sloppy intel work, nobody could have known the treaty existed outside of KoN or the less than a half dozen people in MASH government who were around at the time the treaty was signed. Yes, well, we all know how you treat your allies, so I'm certain you do look favorably upon telling a MDoAP partner that you will go to war with them over an issue that you have no stake in. Most people however will see this and be left with a bitter taste in their mouth.
  21. True enough, everyone else gets held accountable for other alliance's actions.
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