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Everything posted by Seerow

  1. Didn't you get the memo? GOONS is an Athens sub-alliance that just hasn't been assimilated fully yet. As such any actions undertaken by Athens are also considered to have been taken by GOONS, thus making this GOONS second offense. I mean, duh.
  2. Oh man Musso agreeing with me. I MUST be doing something wrong. Either that or \m/ is just so wrong that it gets two people who normally can't get along to say "holy crap they are crap" which is a pretty amazing feat in of itself.
  3. I thought that was the NONE alliance he formed later? Or were they the same exact thing just different names during different time periods? Either way Polaris isn't attacking all tech raiders, just \m/, so not quite at that level of asshattery anyway. And judging by the comments I've read, some offer was made that GOONS took up on, but \m/ failed to, which is what led to this escalation. So it's not as though no diplomacy was tried. \m/ assumed Polar was bluffing, and is now learning that Grub says exactly what he means.
  4. iirc CNARF was supposed to be some global council that determined what was right and wrong for everyone. This is Polaris exercising their right as a sovereign alliance to act as they see fit, in this case that happens to be stomping \m/ for being a bunch of misfits who somehow manage to shame the name of an alliance that was shameful to begin with.
  5. That tech raid only affected 30 someodd people yet we still got a 50 page thread out of it. I'm sure more than 30 people were in the \m/ channel, so I expect at least 100 pages.
  6. By that logic the only thing that would justify a war would be an active nuclear war. After all nothing else would affect your collections up until the point when GR starts going up, then you need to go to war to punish those who raised it and get it back down. Well I guess unprovoked spy attacks/ground attacks against yourself would justify it you fighting, but what justified them fighting in the first place?
  7. I didn't say that I was outraged by their remarks at all. What I said was I wouldn't mind seeing \m/ get wiped off the face of planet Bob. I did not like them the first time around, and this time they're even worse than they were the first time. Please don't get me mixed up with any of the moralists. I agree, if I had trouble with \m/ tossing around racial slurs it would be very hypocritical, as my alliance tends to have much banter in that regard that probably puts what happened in that channel to shame. However, we keep it private, and any inter-alliance tensions caused by it are dealt with internally. That \m/ could not contain themselves and made a bad impression publicly, thus giving those self-righteous moralists the excuse to roll them is their own fault. Me enjoying the thought of \m/ getting trashed for this is not the same as being the one wanting to get up in arms myself to trash them over this, though I'd lend my nation if asked towards such an endeavor simply for the joy of seeing the zombie die once and for all. Though I must admit, you saying that morals are incompatible with having a subsection for porn is pretty laughable. Cause I'll be perfectly honest, any guy past the age of 13 who says they don't look at at least some porn is probably lying, those above 18 are almost definitely lying. Same probably goes for most women, but it's more stereotypical for guys. Clearly though having an acceptable place for such a popular passtime makes it impossible to have morals! (For the record I don't even have a pervert mask to access said porn forum, I just felt the need to argue that point as being absolutely retarded) Edit: I just realized who I was talking to. Seriously Jason, you should know me better than to think I'd ever become a moralist. What a lame callout
  8. B-b-b-b-but it was a racist remark, not a rape joke! But seriously nothing would please me more than to see some moralists go have some fun wiping \m/ away. However once again we will sit here have a discussion about how classy \m/ is for posting their apology, and how !@#$ty some of their members are for saying these terrible, awful, things and everyone will go home.
  9. Still pretty crappy for you guys simply because of the bad PR, then. But yeah at least you didn't break your charter in doing so.
  10. Seriously I don't care one way or the other about the tech raiding, but you'd think that they'd have learned from Athen's mistake that the CN community doesn't take well to tech raids on alliances above some arbitrary number (generally 5-10) and not made the attack. Seriously, ES needs to hurry up and kill \m/ again. The sooner the better because I hate waking up to this sort of stupid stuff on the forums.
  11. It's alright, if you guys can't help you win, I guess we will.
  12. Last I checked Gre was in a nuclear war far more recently than TOP. I'm hard pressed to remember TOP's last real war, but Im thinking it was somewhere around GW3. But yes, Gremlins are the cowards here for withdrawing from Citadel. On topic: Brilliant Political Move
  13. He speaks truth. Smug is a great measuring stick, and a certain amount is required for association with us. That you even came close to the smug levels of MK speaks volumes about yourself. It just makes it all the more glorious when we beat you out at your competition by whipping our competition 3-0, then move on to beat you :x
  14. One could argue TPF didn't want to see their allies in the same state they were, weakening their total position down the road even further. But then CoC was so confident they were winning, so that couldn't possibly be it...
  15. Seriously Athens? What the hell were you thinking. *facepalm*
  16. tbh I'm afraid to wear the new NPO pip because with how many people hate it I forsee everyone wearing it getting flagged for trolling/inappropriate pictures. If it weren't for that fear I'd totally wear it. At least til MK gets sanctioned.
  17. Pixels are just part of it, we also won best PR, best Diplo, and best Military, or did you forget?
  18. I'll admit our flag is !@#$ and probably least deserved to win. tbh I didnt even vote for it (wait I'm not a mindless zombie? Do it better next time Archon). At least you stopped trying to argue NSOs growth is the best in the game.
  19. This guy is almost smug enough to be an MK member. I'll laugh when he loses.
  20. FAN kept fighting rather than disband because they refused to disband. TPF tried to keep fighting to appease Mhawk's martyrdom. I don't see how you can even compare the two.
  21. They could have, obviously they are not good enough too, reinforcing MK deserving the awards.
  22. And its a clean sweep against the neutral menace
  23. I would have thought it was covered by best military, best propaganda,and best diplomatic team, but that may be in order. However in this topic we see just how quiz is going to achieve greatness in 2010.
  24. 5 minutes to update and no gophers in sight.
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