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Everything posted by TheThirdMark

  1. Excellent move GO! Always great to see you back in battle!
  2. o/ Seems to fit the OP. Good luck PC! May the force be with thee!
  3. Even though I fully support our move its always a pity to see good and old friends break a Treaty. Though, as explained in the OP, it was a logical and expected move. Even still: we will remain friends, with or without a white paper with ink stains.
  4. Thank you for that total OOC comment.
  5. I cant help it that you cant read. Its stated in the OP. Instead of wanting to post as fast as possible you could have read the OP. And if you found it good enough to respond you surely would know the history behind it. Why else would you post in a thread like this? For your post count? Really?
  6. You may ask. But instead of explaining it to you I suggest you climb away from that rock you apparently have been living in the last 2 weeks. Great Action by FOK (but be honest, isnt that what you expect from such a fine Aliance) and a standard LOLDN action.
  7. Be carefull what you wish All hail FOK! (uhmnwhaitwhut, am I now hailing myself?)
  8. Even though the issue has been resolved I think I have the right to post here after reading all 15 pages and facepalming myself over and over. (you know, after the 10th time it starts to hurt). At page 1 I had a very clear post to make in my mind but when I kept reading I found most was already said and others ruined it with dumb remarks and pointed fingers. Even though Invicta opened the Freak Show with this thread their original demands were just fine. $3M per nation is a good amount when it involves low NS nations. It will pay up for the damage taken + soften the pain with a little bonus. Even if the damage was only 10K, 3M is still a good figure.
  9. You sound like yet the next best idiot shouting around without any what really was going on. Shouldnt you join Invicta for this? I'd suggest you read the topic again, and again and again (for it seems that the first try it was utter failure and nothing more).
  10. Those are basic Tech Raid rules (for Alliances that allow said Tech Raids). Though that is not the point here. The point is where other Alliances (Invicta, big surprise) step in to aid the Attacked Nation in such a way that it is a DoW by that Alliance itself (after all: a High Government Member of the Alliance is stepping in to declare war on iFok). This way a ''normal'' raid becomes a war. Didnt he also say: ''blessed be those trying to hump a bee hive''? Coming to the aid of a Treaty Partner is ridiculous? Almost correct your story though it contains some flaws. The one kid was indeed without many friends. The bigger kid didnt bully him though. The one kid was showing off his sweets making the rest hungry but with no sharing at all. So he took it. I know, a bad thing to do but hunger = hunger and we all do weird stuff when we need the foodz. Then an Emo kid came by and gave the little kid some money purely for the (re-)actions it would cause. Willingly coming to the aid of the one kid. So then some friends of the bigger kid saw it happen and asked why the Emo kid would want to declare war between 2 Alliances. Emo kid had only 1 remark: Lord Fingolfin hears something but has no clue where its coming from. No surprise though, thats usual isnt it? For you, you get the credits for it.
  11. Can you imagine the horror when people are getting asked to join your Trade Circle when the receiving partner has 0 trade agreements? /me *shrugs* So true. It would be good for Purple if they finally get a Senator that actually knows what to do
  12. Make them close to not reaching it at all you mean Oh wait! erikz belongs to us now War is eminent. No idea who against who, but in time there will be war B) Where you see any lines? Your post just saved this topic. ODN should openly accept their History. Even if its made of Fail. By accepting you can understand the mistakes made, if any. And by accepting it, you (as an Alliance) agree on a new path. Growth is the inevitable outcome. Good luck with that And to be completely OnTopic: Good luck to all Alliances involved.
  13. This Thread, for some unknown reason, has just made my day, night, week and month. At once.
  14. Well, someone should change his Alliance to Going Out With A Popcorntopic. One way or the other: Im surely going to enjoy this show.
  15. Thats a dumb reason actually. Either you keep flags in or you get rid of them once their time is up. Double standards are not cool.
  16. Welcome and welcome again. About time you guys would show up =)
  17. It would be cool if the NPO would decom everything in order at the same time (at least within 1 day). Would be a cool thing to see how much of their score is War Based.
  18. They lost way more then just a third. But many others joined up. Still 'fun' to see how much one can lose without fighting. Can you imagine what the NPO would have lost if they actually held their words and fought the war they started?
  19. Id like to congratulate all parties who were involved in this situation in resolving this. Now that peace has been achieved its time to get the barbecue out and the beer in the fridge (and get it out obviously when they are cold as a hell frozen over).
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