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Everything posted by BloodFury

  1. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1308709736' post='2738078'] I am distinctly disappointed by the fact that SOS Brigade still exists. [/quote] I am distinctly disappointed by the fact that it is not butter!
  2. This didn't even deserve a thread. By posting this you kind of hurt yourself more than anyone else.
  3. This is a rather disappointing display by the SOS Brigade. Those logs do not seem to even show any poaching. However I do imagine that listing numbers in a channel in a decreasing manner is good enough for a reason to wage war against another alliance it seems in this day and age.
  4. [quote name='rileyaddaff' timestamp='1307593680' post='2727625'] When their immense gratitude and feelings of brotherhood for their comrades dissipate and all the love is lost. When all of it is gone what is left? Nothing, but deceit, lies, and how they could use you and your alliance to their benefit. This ribbon is for those alliances and nations that valiantly fought and gave their infra to protect Pacifica and instead of being thanked, felt the blade of knife jabbed into their back. [center][img]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7583/backstabribbon.png [/img][/center] *- Although alliances have disbanded and many nations have moved alliances since then, the former members of alliances that felt the knife of Pacifica in their back are more than welcome to wear this ribbon if they wish **Reason for edit: Didn't want to name names [/quote] Well I suppose I will eat my previous words on this one, but I happen to like this ribbon and what it stands for. Bravo.
  5. [quote name='Cobalt' timestamp='1307546354' post='2726986'] Generally speaking, an alliance is the state of being allied to someone or something. So unless the OP suffers from dissociative identity disorder; it would be awful hard to form an alliance of one person. And plus, I think we can all agree that no matter what your thoughts are on one-man AA's, this numbskull by himself does not an alliance make. [/quote] Well, I suppose if you want to throw technicalities and what you view an alliance is into this argument...I suppose I can pull out my old friend the dictionary. Alliance -Noun 1. the act of allying or state of being allied. 2. a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes. 3. a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states, or organizations OR Alliance -Noun a city in NE Ohio. OR Alliance -Tool A complete set of CAD tools for teaching Digital CMOS VLSI Design in Universities. It includes a VHDL compiler and simulator, logic synthesis tools, and automatic place and route tools. ALLIANCE is the result of a ten years effort at University Pierre et Marie Curie (PARIS VI, France). It runs on Sun-4, not well supported: MIPS/ Ultrix, 386/ SystemV. Latest version: 1.1, as of 1993-02-16. So I guess if you want we can continue getting technical. The Term of Alliance on Planet Bob by all mighty Admin was something set up long before Treaties existed. When treaties started to exist, it lost it's true meaning. It is just used for lack of a better term anymore and the fact that we have become so used to it.
  6. [quote name='bill95' timestamp='1307501726' post='2726559'] Your not officially an alliance. You need at least five people to be recognized as one. Why don't you just merge into a bigger alliance. [/quote] Pretty sure you do not dictate what is and isn't an alliance.
  7. [quote name='Feuersturm' timestamp='1307499545' post='2726548'] o/ our allies Was nice to have such valiant soldiers standing with us on the battlefield, facing off the [b]tyranny[/b] in the world. [/quote] A Pacifican calling someone else Tyrannical. The Irony.
  8. [quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1307339743' post='2725164'] The culture of this world dates much further back than two wars and even if it didn't I am willing to bet you are quite wrong. Ribbons are usually awarded privately within an alliance for sacrifices made by its members, however occasionally an alliance will want to honor people form outside their own alliance and you end up with a thread such as this one which very much falls in line with the tradition of giving a ribbon or medal as a token of appreciation for sacrifices made. [/quote] Well aren't you an intelligent fella to realize that there has been five years and six months of luxurious history of tradition and culture to go around in this community. While alliances do things in private is fine and dandy and how they want to do things in their own private communities is fine for making their members feel wanted, there is no relevant point anymore to post things like that on the OWF. Furthermore, you do not need to publicize publicly that you respect and are thankful for your allies. I am sure they appreciate it just the same to get a query on IRC saying, "Hey thanks for sticking with us it really means a lot." Rather instead what you have here is a thread that screams a whole lot of "Hey look at us, we hand off colored pixels to the alliances that fought for us that at the end of the day means absolutely nothing."
  9. [quote name='Left_Behind' timestamp='1307339170' post='2725151'] Your joking right? Just because they hand out some ribbons doesn't mean the evil empire is coming to get you or that they haven't changed. Not to mention I know a few alliances who still passes out ribbons or awards to its members and friends. [/quote] And do they make huge OWF posts to honor them? I may be wrong in this, but this is the first one I have seen in the longest time. There is nothing wrong to honor your members and friends, but there are other ways to show it than going "Hey, you shed pixels and stats for us, here is a pretty ribbon." [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1307339317' post='2725154'] New Pacifica? I thought the Order is the Order...no rebranding or such. [/quote] Don't you remember being told by Pacifica that it was going to lead itself in a "New" manner after it finished paying off Karma reps?
  10. [quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1307339014' post='2725148'] Doomhouse has nothing to do with the culture of Bob. They are the flavor of the month power bloc that will eventually crumble like every one of their predecessors. Culture is culture and it should be held on to. Just because this is a "new pacifica" does not mean that they have to abandon all things form their past. Just because the all mighty DH doesn't do it does not mean it shouldn't be done., they are breeding you sheep more and more obedient as time goes by... [/quote] I don't recall seeing any of the other alliances that fought this war, or seem to remember any alliances in the war before this one use ribbons. So I suppose that means that the culture of Bob does not use Ribbons. Since I rather am not a fan of either side, I doubt I could be called a "sheep". But as far as sheep go, the only sheep I see here are Pacifican sheep. Where the mighty Pacifican Shepard leads its flock, the sheep are sure to follow, even into the meat grinder.
  11. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1307338589' post='2725138'] Well if anyone is an expert on getting made fun of by a large portion of CN, it's you. [/quote] Ohh look, a witty remark from Scat Man that fall far from the truth, how very original of you.
  12. [quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1307338447' post='2725136'] Oh lord are you ignorant. Ribbons and honors of the sort are a deep rooted tradition on planet Bob and doubly so for Pacifica. [/quote] Deeply rooted? I await to see Doomhouse hand out ribbons then, maybe theirs will be pink with bows on the ends and will have a picture of a pony in the center. Or the likely scenario is hardly anyone uses them since they are highly antiquated. Just because it is in a so called tradition for Pacifica to do so, doesn't mean it should. This is supposed to be the New Pacifica, start to be New.
  13. I love the smell of drama in the morning.
  14. [quote name='deathcat' timestamp='1307335599' post='2725069'] Also, I think BloodFury is just a bit Jelly [/quote] Jealous? Of ribbons? Totally . Something that will mean something for a few days, people will get made fun of for wearing them by a large portion of CN, then they will be gone. Yes you can see me jumping to get my hands on a ribbon that means absolutely nothing at all as they always have meant nothing at all. It is merely a showboating PR stunt to capture the hearts of the less intelligent members of your allies alliances to say "Hey We Appreciate You", but in reality is just a way to appease the masses inside of their allies Alliances.
  15. I will continue to back Ridin High financially so that he may achieve a swift victory against this infidel.
  16. Randalla gobbles up yet another alliance. How quaint.
  17. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1306875428' post='2721513'] Ah, yes. You produced your usual turd of a post. You're obviously one of those that is unable to see beyond your own point of view. Maliciousness is easily perceived in Christians and their "I will pray for you and if you don't fill the gaping hole in your heart with Christ yadda yadda yadda" passive-aggressiveness for those of us that take offense to it. The reason that we take offense is because people like this entire alliance are consistently claiming that people such as myself are 'not whole' and that they are going to attempt to fix us by talking to their imaginary friend. I'm whole. I have my wits about me and am rational despite my tendencies to be a bit harsh in discussions. As for the rest of your post, you're clearly not a competent gauge of intelligence, nor lack thereof. [/quote] I am going to have to agree with nippy on this one. Clearly a very logical and well thought out point to make on the subject matter that was at hand in defending his case. In Reply... [img]http://media.monstersandcritics.com/articles/1337265/article_images/path1.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.fenichel.com/Monastery-Top.jpg[/img] I suppose its that time of the year again to pillage and plunder.
  18. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1306381445' post='2718373'] Carlos recognizes Bloodfury as Derp of the Day for 12/18/10 [/quote] Well I must say that I attack this achievement with great humility. It is an honor to receive the Derp of the Day from Carlos. I would also like to take this opportunity to put forth the claim that currently I have the oldest Derp Awarded to date.
  19. Congratulations to my friends with this treaty.
  20. Wow, a shout out to me, and one that lists rather nice qualities about me. This might ruin my image of being rather mean to everyone on IRC. It is good to see you have stuck through thick and thin, I am glad you are still around trucking. Keep on being yourself, and don't let anyone get you down. P.S. Emperor Tiberius is no longer around, he occasionally still pops onto IRC though. P.S.S. You should give a shout out to Londo for making the game interesting to play and giving Octava Orden attention. Remember there is no such thing as bad Publicity, only Publicity.
  21. I love how a decent portion of the posts has been about the Principality of Zeon so far. While it is nice that you all care so much about our humble alliance, it has nothing to do with the content matter that started this thread. Instead of quoting a few of the less mentally developed that have brought us up, I will simply not get involved with this argument more than I have. Also sorry to hear about KoT, best of luck to it's members in KoH.
  22. Hadrian, you remind me of Kevanovia with these past events. So if you want to quit the game, do it with a little more dignity and delete like Kevanovia did. You aren't helping yourself here. Especially if you want to continue to play in the future.
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