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Everything posted by BloodFury

  1. Good to see this happen. POT couldn't of merged into a better alliance.
  2. [quote name='DrummerMike' timestamp='1311129275' post='2759579'] Bloodfury the second you tell me what your going to do i will give you ops [/quote] As Viceroy I am calling for the disbandment of Forte and for the members to join Tetris.
  3. [quote name='DrummerMike' timestamp='1311128814' post='2759572'] WTF is a viceroy [/quote] You lead this alliance? I am sure this as well as your other actions will leave a grand impression on others.
  4. [quote name='DrummerMike' timestamp='1311127926' post='2759566'] By forced i mean, we had to, not you guys [/quote] This is already looking bad for you. Maybe you should finally start to listen to your Viceroy.
  5. As was decided and voted upon in the Tetris Channel, I am the official Viceroy of this alliance and I do not approve as this will delay the merger that was planned. Tetris will be disappointed over this apparent disregard to the Viceroy and will probably have to take action against these Rogue Elements in Forte.
  6. [quote name='Star Gazing' timestamp='1311109612' post='2759440'] So... you do not like me, or am I a threat to you? [/quote] You are the furthest thing from being a threat, so figure it out.
  7. [quote name='Star Gazing' timestamp='1311108392' post='2759432'] I understand perfectly. However, I find the comments against Zeke and friends to be baseless. I have nothing against them, and I do not stand alongside people who openly disrespects others. If you really do not care for them, learn to stand aside. Worry about yourself, and let them take care of their own. Is that too much to ask for, all-caring one? [/quote] It is part of Politics to deface those that you do not like or are a threat to your well being, so technically they are worrying about themselves when they insult the Status Quo government. They have an image to uphold just as much as anyone else. But since you are in no way shape or form connected to this , why don't you follow your own advice and as you so kindly put it. "Worry about yourself".
  8. This may be a dumb question, but do you guys hare forums? Or an IRC channel? I don't seem to see any thing to conclude that you do from your announcement.
  9. Sad to see this happen. I know one or two of your members join Zeon, and they are a quality group of people so I could just imagine that you were a quality alliance also. Best of luck to the future of all the former SLCB members.
  10. Wow, I feel really old now. I remember y'all forming on one of my original nations. Keep on trucking TTK.
  11. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1310874614' post='2757571'] Haters are going to hate you because you are a terrible leader of a terrible alliance and are fully and completely worthy of scorn. Your charter is awful, your alliance is minuscule and your sense of self-worth is entirely oversized. [/quote] And you are a good leader...? Don't make me laugh.
  12. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1310664714' post='2756137'] From the SQ forums.... Total posts 117 • Total topics 21 • Total members 12 117 total posts in nearly 6 months of existence. 12 members(that would be including any "foreign diplomats..." Dedicated indeed. [/quote] Well, Zeon's forums aren't in heavy use, but then again we are a Skype/IRC based alliance for the most part.
  13. [quote name='ALT3RNAT1V3' timestamp='1310606984' post='2755761'] Your attempt at comedy is well and slightly with a bit of [/quote] Your attempt at a witty remark is well and slightly with a bit of But that is okay, some of us are just better than others.
  14. What a horrible Government...It is like I am staring right into the face of Octava Orden all over again.
  15. The Stock Market is now Open! I would like to officially state that we only currently have Stocks for the alliance Axis, but anyone that wishes to have their Alliance be traded openly on the Stock Market please simple change your charter to allow other people to buy votes within your alliance and you will be added to the Stock Market!
  16. Best of luck with all of this Alex.
  17. I would say congratulations to SUN, but they are a good bunch of people, so I suppose I will say Congratulations to Tetris for getting involved with people as good as SUN are.
  18. Interesting. SNAFU are a good bunch of people.
  19. Thus with the passing of this new treaty, the flock grew larger. [center][img]http://wwwdelivery.superstock.com/WI/223/255/PreviewComp/SuperStock_255-30840.jpg[/img][/center]
  20. [quote name='Straylight' timestamp='1308878118' post='2739802'] Kain just make a nice ribbon to celebrate this treaty with our new friends, that ought to offend his ~finely tuned artistic sensibilities~ enough to garner a less approving response [/quote] I hardly knew one would consider ribbons art. But I imagine someone like yourself would consider them so. It is a shame that Rebel Virginia is not your Emperor.
  21. [quote name='Straylight' timestamp='1308872508' post='2739705'] And I expected some whining from you eventually. Looks like one us expected right. Like clockwork [/quote] Looks like you got me. Far be it from you to know that is how I talk to Randalla.
  22. I expected better from the Sith. Signing a treaty Randalla? Really?
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