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Everything posted by Cerridwyn

  1. Tired of being treated like a second class citizen? [IMG]http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k606/kevloo/Nevermore.png[/IMG] If you are looking for a place that will value you for being you. Come to #Pax [list] [*]Neutrality [*]Community [*]Equality [*]Integrity [/list] [b][i][font="Verdana"][size="7"]HOME[/size][/font][/i][/b] http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ Come for the coffee Stay, because it's home
  2. Pax Corvus is looking for rulers of nations who desire to grow peacefully here on Planet Bob. Our values are neutrality, community, equality and integrity. Or word is our bond and we value our honor. Looking for a place you can call home? Come for the coffee, stay because it's home. Come to Pax - http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g272/gotillgone/letitgrow.gif[/IMG] Peacefully
  3. [IMG]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q244/rabiecakes/New%20Year/z23941982.jpg[/IMG] Visit Pax Corvus at http://forum.paxcorvus.com Come for the coffee Stay because it's home.
  4. What do you seek in an alliance? Do you seek peace? If yes, Pax Corvus may be the alliance for you. Our wiki entry can be found here: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Pax_Corvus We value integrity, community, neutrality and equality. Visit us at http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ Come for the coffee Stay because it's home.
  5. Tired of being treated like a second class citizen? [IMG]http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k606/kevloo/Nevermore.png[/IMG] If you are looking for a place that will value you for being you. Come to #Pax [list] [*]Neutrality [*]Community [*]Equality [*]Integrity [/list] [b][i][font="Verdana"][size="7"]HOME[/size][/font][/i][/b] http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ Come for the coffee Stay, because it's home
  6. The database and process used by the trade circle coordinators at blacktrades.info was originally created by Lady Kirke of Mykonos from the alliance The Order of the Black Rose to make organizing trade circles easier. It was later opened up to any in the Black Sphere who wished to participate. Recently, Lady Kirke has taken a step back to concentrate on other things. Pax Corvus and the Black Team Trade Circle Coordinators are proud to announce the new Lead Coordinator is now Marine Sniper of Quantico from the alliance of Pax Corvus. Marine Sniper previously served for as the Deputy Trade Coordinator for OBR and for blacktrades.info. We at Pax are very proud to see him taking on this new role. If you are an alliance on the black team who does not participate and wishes to do so, please contact Marine Sniper. If you rule a nation on the black sphere and need a trade circle, sign-up at blacktrades.info. [size="1"]Mods, if this belongs somewhere else my apologies,please feel free to move it.[/size]
  7. Pax is looking for a few good... Corvids. [IMG]http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn97/Shaz_Atts/Winter/Winter%20Challenge/AnyCorvid1point.jpg[/IMG] Ravens, Crows and even Blue Jays are a member of the family of birds known as Corvids. They are a social and community oriented bird. They are very intelligent and in many primitive cultures were emissaries of the gods. Pax Corvus is a black team alliance based loosely on the Scottish Clan system. We are a peaceful folk, who support each other and grow our nations without military involvement with other alliances. We make coffee, not war. (But if you prefer tea, that's okay too.) Our core values are integrity, community, neutrality and equality. No matter if you are the newest of new players, or someone who has been here for years, we value your opinion and will treat you with respect. Sound like the alliance for you? Come visit us at http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ or on Coldfont at #Pax. Come for the coffee Stay because you have found your Digiterran home.
  8. Belated happy birthdays to our dear friends, 7 is not that far away.
  9. I for one am sad. I always felt NOIR could have been more than it ever was. I was there at the first meeting and saw such great potential. I know also that every signatory is not listed above and wonder how those people feel.
  10. Hey gopher, had jerdge paid up yet or is that not yet due?
  11. Pax is looking for a few good... Corvids. [IMG]http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn97/Shaz_Atts/Winter/Winter%20Challenge/AnyCorvid1point.jpg[/IMG] Ravens, Crows and even Blue Jays are a member of the family of birds known as Corvids. They are a social and community oriented bird. They are very intelligent and in many primitive cultures were emissaries of the gods. Pax Corvus is a black team alliance based loosely on the Scottish Clan system. We are a peaceful folk, who support each other and grow our nations without military involvement with other alliances. We make coffee, not war. (But if you prefer tea, that's okay too.) Our core values are integrity, community, neutrality and equality. No matter if you are the newest of new players, or someone who has been here for years, we value your opinion and will treat you with respect. Sound like the alliance for you? Come visit us at http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ or on Coldfont at #Pax. Come for the coffee Stay because you have found your Digiterran home.
  12. Tired of being treated like a second class citizen? [IMG]http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k606/kevloo/Nevermore.png[/IMG] If you are looking for a place that will value you for being you. Come to #Pax [list] [*]Neutrality [*]Community [*]Equality [*]Integrity [/list] [b][i][font="Verdana"][size="7"]HOME[/size][/font][/i][/b] http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ Come for the coffee Stay, because it's home
  13. When you meet an ally in real life for coffee (or whatever) and bring with you a gag gift that is fitting for your CN roles. Example: Randalla and I met for coffee and I brought her a peace frog because Pax means peace.
  14. Good luck in GPA You might want to petition to change your forum name to match either your ruler name or your nation name.
  15. Pax is looking for a few good... Corvids. [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y90/newelljo/2008-April-May_Japan_Russia_Alaska_Albums/7%20-%20Sitka%20Alaska/sitka_crows2.jpg[/IMG] Ravens, Crows and even Blue Jays are a member of the family of birds known as Corvids. They are a social and community oriented bird. They are very intelligent and in many primitive cultures were emissaries of the gods. Pax Corvus is a black team alliance based loosely on the Scottish Clan system. We are a peaceful folk, who support each other and grow our nations without military involvement with other alliances. We make coffee, not war. (But if you prefer tea, that's okay too.) Our core values are integrity, community, neutrality and equality. No matter if you are the newest of new players, or someone who has been here for years, we value your opinion and will treat you with respect. Sound like the alliance for you? Come visit us at http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ or on Coldfont at #Pax. Come for the coffee Stay because you have found your Digiterran home.
  16. What do you seek in an alliance? Do you seek peace? If yes, Pax Corvus may be the alliance for you. Our wiki entry can be found here: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Pax_Corvus We value integrity, community, neutrality and equality. Visit us at http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ Come for the coffee Stay because it's home.
  17. A dad day Let the mead flow as we toast our sorrows. Best of luck to all of Asgaard in their new homes.
  18. Pax means peace. Corvus is the genus where you find ravens and crows, community minded black birds found throughout the world. Pax Corvus brings to the Black Team an alliance dedicated to peace. And we want to help you grow in a peaceful manner to develop a healthy nation. Part of growing and developing peacefully is recognizing that what is right for me, may not be right for you. All we ask is that follow our charter and stay at peace. We will not force you into changing your color or your resources. If you choose to, we will help you find the best black circle we can. Our core values are: Neutrality - Community - Integrity - Equality. And we value them all. Our motto is "Nevermore" because nevermore will we allow a government to treat its members unfairly, nevermore will the people in our alliance not have a right to speak their minds, and nevermore will we succumb to the tyranny of someone who believes his way is the only right way. Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore!” Pax Corvus - come for the coffee, stay because it's home. A cup of coffee shared with a friend is happiness tasted and time well spent. http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/ Come on over and roost with us [IMG]http://i595.photobucket.com/albums/tt35/carosol07/peace.jpg[/IMG]
  19. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1327326846' post='2905471'] Is that Tigger's tail sticking out between his legs, or is it Tyga's massive e-peen? [/quote] ROFL And happy anniversary of your creation
  20. This is our 501st reply woot! What do you seek in an alliance? Do you seek peace? If yes, Pax Corvus may be the alliance for you. Our wiki entry can be found here: http://cybernations....wiki/Pax_Corvus We value integrity, community, neutrality and equality. Visit us at http://s4.zetaboards...x_Corvus/index/ Come for the coffee Stay because it's home.
  21. What do you seek in an alliance? Do you seek peace? If yes, Pax Corvus may be the alliance for you. Our wiki entry can be found here: http://cybernations....wiki/Pax_Corvus We value integrity, community, neutrality and equality. Pax is also home to Marine Sniper, one of the best trade circle coordinators on CN. Members of the black team have a website set up dedicated to getting you the trades you want. Visit us at http://s4.zetaboards...x_Corvus/index/ Come for the coffee Stay because it's home.
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