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The Cult of Justitia

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There are many paths to reach the Light...follow me down this one...


I have been a wanderer for much of my time in the realm of the world we live in. Have many homes, working under illustrious and legendary leaders who have taken their alliances to glory and beyond. But still I wandered, away from their fame and fortune away from the glory of their alliances, every watchful for another home I could call my own. I discovered the path to Justitia by chance.

The Cult of Justitia had existed before I had come to know of it and its deity formally, but the idea as I heard it was intriguing and so once again I packed my bags and set off across the vast desolation that is our Realm to the ruined steps that led up to the Temple of Justice. I looked up at the cracked marble stone, the olive leaves that blew gently in the breeze, and the pale white light that seemed to be shining from the temple above. Surely the place was abandoned. I sighed, I was too late, but still I pressed on and climbed the cracked stone staircase towards the temple resting on the top of the hill.

Slowly I pushed open the doors to the Great Hall and found it abandoned like the environment outside. The pristine mosaic floors that spoke of a prosperous past were coated with a fine layer of dust, their colors faded. The marble pillars, lined down the Hall looked down on my petite and frail body as I crossed their ground. My footsteps sending echoes where I had believed sound had not penetrated for centuries. Walking through the Hall I approached another set of doors but these, these doors made of gilded bronze, still shining beautifully would not let my presence inside. I pushed with all my strength but the doors would not give way. Then I heard a voice behind me.

He told me that he was Schattenmann, the Presbyter, the leader of the Cult of Justitia, of whose temple I was now in. "The Cult," he said, "was established to pay homage to one of the late mods of the Realm and provide a path for the nations and rulers of Planet Bob to finally understand the calmness and peace that can be found in Order, Law, and Justice."

Perhaps it had been fate that had led me to this place, a new home, a home of serenity, of peace, to finally let my legs rest. I asked further of the Cult of why the temple was abandoned when it preached such a clear and powerful message. The Presbyter only smiled and walked in front of me and laying his hands against the bronze gateway pushed the barrier open. There in the shining light I beheld the mural of the Cult Deity, Justitia.


I was over taken by the light as I fell to my knees in awe, the beauty of the light and the image was too much as I dropped my head to the beautiful marble floor in homage. It was at this point that I understood where my path had taken me and where it had finally ended. The Presbyter took me from the room and realizing my desire to help him spread the knowledge and peace of Justitia, accepted me into the Cult.

But being part of a message in name will only breed failure. I asked what I could further do to help spread the message and restore the temple to his former glory. To make the Great Hall loud with commotion of the mystes and to make the temple shine as in the seat of Justitia's mural. He told me to go, to travel to the four corners of the Planet and spread the message and so once again I find myself on the road. But this time, my feet are relaxed as the wind blows gently at my back, a renewed vigor to bring the message of Justitia as I am now.


The Cult of Justitia is a small alliance maintained at the present by Schattenmann and myself. While we are not the largest in the game we can offer something that most alliances cannot because of their size. We can over exclusiveness, it is my promise that in joining the Cult of Justitia, you will receive the warmest welcome possible and as much help as humanly possible as a new nation to get set up and ready for your continued journey through the Realm of Planet Bob.

Countries desiring successful resource and tech trading will be welcomed to access the the Red Trading Sphere which we are apart of. Upon entering the alliance, Schattenmann and I will pay as close attention to detail of your nation as possible to get you set up with resource partners, tech partners, free aid, from our own pockets if necessary to help you early on, benefiting all parts of the Cult and the Red sphere in general.

Being apart of Justitia's shining light there is no need to fear from raiders and attack, holding an ODOAP with Nemesis along with having the respect and friendship of alliances across the world you can be safe knowing that those who attack you will meet the full penalty of our law and our swords. If that alone does not give you the promise of safety, then I swear that even in your country's darkest time, whether war, famine, disease, or holocaust effects us, the Cult will stand strong; unwavering like the light beyond the barrier.

My friends there are many paths we take in life. To those of you who are just beginning your journey, let us help temper you into the strongest steel and the brightest light. To those of you who have since traveled and may have seen our path; come...The world is out there to be shared, to be illuminated. Help us make the Light of Justitia cover the world in serenity and order.

Come...follow me to the Temple...

Sarah Tintagyl,

Mystes of Justitia


So to do a very quick recap if just in case you missed anything ;)

Cult of Justita is a semi-new small alliance located on the red trading sphere, you can come and join us at http://forums.coj-cn.co.cc/ and if you're on IRC and need to talk, stop by at #coj our public channel.

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Sarah, I re-read the OP again, it's just so awesome.

By the way, who made your sig? You?

LOL...no...I stole it from Schatt, I'm hoping to get my own soon enough though. I just have to be patient for someone I asked to make me one :P

EDIT: HS...also if you like what I write...check your PM...I sent you a link to a story I'm working on right now.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Our movement increases as more dedicants to Justitia's path find their place within her Temple of Justice. Search your mind and heart, where is your current path taking you? Do you walk without aim? Dare you take up Justitia's path?

Wiki: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Cult_of_Justitia

Site: http://www.coj-cn.co.cc

Forums: forums.coj-cn.co.cc

IRC: #coj on coldfront

Edited by Schattenmann
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The old man smiled and offered a hand which did not shake despite the liver spotted parchment which passed for skin and the thin whisps of snow which were all that remained of the red gold mane of his youth. "At your service, oh priestess of Justitia!" The words were spoken with the calm self possession of one accustomed to the adulation of an adoring populace; despite the raging riots and the fires of anarchy which, even now, swept through his nation, he offered the hand of friendship as if it were he, and not she, who was now in a position to graciously bestow the gift of friendship.

"In my youth," he began, smiling, "I might have led the Grey Knights to the Alter of Justitia." He paused, long enough to grin, "and in my prime, I might have led the Queen and Knights of the OBR to make fast and build well, the walls and defenses of the Justitian sanctuary."

He paused, briefly, as he slowly drew himself upright and eased his aching back after a bow which had been uncomfortably deep, uncomfortable indeed; not, as some might imagine, because his once proud nation lay writhing in the agonies of now certain destruction... no, the discomfort was purely physical. As he straightened, he looked into the lady's eyes and smiled. The mischievous sparkle in his eye shone clearly despite the stoic winces of an ancient ruler with troublesome wounds, most long healed (for well or for ill) but some, the most recent, had clearly been too deep and promised to be fatal.

"Alas the path to the Temple of Justitia lay hidden before me until now. Now, at the bloody end of an overlong life, a life lived in the vain pursuit of Justice, I behold the Holy Gateway, open before me as if in a dream; a shining beacon of Justice rising above the billowing smoke of a million fires now blackening the Bumpivanian sky."

He laughed then, quietly at first. "Odd," he thought, madness and mania held at bay by will alone, "Who would have foretold such irony?"

He offered a sad smile, his deep blue eyes as disarming as the offer of a frog from a small boy; "Wouldst thou carry my prayers, sister? I am unworthy to enter the temple of Justitia."

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