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The Storm

Shan Revan

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OOC: I used to roleplay under the modifier of IG nukes * 100, as 2500 nukes seems much more reasonable for a large state than mine. Recently I learned it was generally accepted that it's directly proportional. on hearing this I felt it makes sense from a balance standpoint but moving on. Apparantly the GM's have ruled otherwise so I shall return to 2500. Furthermore apparantly exoatmospheric nuclear blasts (emps) no longer count towards nuke count which was my prior understanding. Not that it matters with relatively limitless access to nuclear warheads.


The effectiveness of Rebel Army's SDI had been grossly underestimated. It was almost as if some higher being was protecting him. Their apparent $@roach like ability to survive a nuclear holocaust had resulted in them retaliating with much greater force than was expected. They had only launched 3x 700kt nuclear warheads at Naboo. One was at the already evacuated population centres in North Africa. In some ways this miss-targeting was a blessing, as the military was located outside in the desert, mostly in Fort Omni and other nuclear bunkers around the region, away from population centres (OOC: Roleplayed this in the joint statement thread!). The deserted city of Marrakech was in ruins. The fireball was about 700m wide, leaving a scorched crater - the surrounding area was flattened for several kilometres, leaving the outskirts irradiated and moderately damaged. The city could not realistically be returned to for some time. To the citizens of Naboo, many grateful for escaping with their lives, the greatest loss was the great resort that had been built nearby. Such trivial items were hard to build within Naboo.

That was not all however, they had striked directly at our homeland, as we had theirs. This was not surprising, but fortunately the leaders had foreseen the vulnerability of the artificial island to nuclear strikes and had made moves to protect it. Today the emperor's wisdom had proved its worth, the island still stood, now even more so the testament to human ingenuity than before.

The warheads struck opposite sides of the island, the left a few seconds before the right and detonated several hundred metres above the surface.

The blast was fierce, a great fireball arose into the sky and the passive defence systems came into play. The radiation was the first to hit - massive spikes were seen throughout most of the spectrum. The weaker levels were absorbed by the heavily reinforced concrete, literally several kilometres wide, the rest was largely absorbed by the reinforcement framework which acted as a large Faraday cage, guiding the energy into the earth in the form of electricity. Some however still managed to penetrate several areas which became mildly irradiated for the next couple of months as a result.

The sensors by now knew what was going on and all power had been diverted to the Liquid Helium Thermal Redistribution network. The shock wave hit a little less than a second later, the system still moving up from 80% to 100% effectiveness. A great force hit the walls, a large section of the reinforced concrete closest to the blast was destroyed, the whole section weakened. The mechanical wave rapidly moved into the wall of concrete until it came across the large expanse of expanding piezoelectric foam. Normally this was used to take energy from the impacting waves, however it had a much larger capacity to absorb mechanical energy than that. The electrical production surged as a result, the energy either being dumped into the ground or stored in high density capacitor arrays were possible. The surge fried many of the storage banks, causing some to even catch fire but this was minor damage compared to what it had saved. The shock wave was severely reduced, a mild earthquake rumbled through the structure, displacing moderately sized items. Minor injuries were prevalent with concussions being the worst. unfortunately, as the thermal system had not come online to 100%, there was still just enough heat to cause further damage to the structure, a great crack formed, penetrating into the depths of a light residential section. Immediately ionic radiation was detected within the sector and the whole area was locked down. Six hundred citizens were sealed in where they received anywhere from between fatal to sterilising levels of radiation depending on where they were before assistance teams could save them. The rest of the heat was rapidly channelled out and into the sea, raising the local water temperature within the exclusion zone by 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The second one struck moments later on the other side. Things proceeded more smoothly on this side however, the system had been designed to withstand repeated attacks from 800kt warheads when operated at full capacity, and now it was. Like before, the gamma radiation was mostly absorbed. Now that all the heat was rapidly being channelled into the ocean by super fluid turned gas, the shock wave proved a lot less damaging. It had managed to remove enough energy that the piezoelectric foam was able to handle most of the rest. Citizens within Omni island merely felt the ground shake a little. The most worry result of this was the local water temp had been raised by 4 degrees - what would this mean for ocean currents worldwide?

(OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=39176)

They had done it - they had proved to be more the $@roaches than their enemy so far. Their SDI system had apparently completely failed to intercept any of the missiles however. This was unacceptable. It was clear a more effective system would be needed in the future. However it was now time to neuter this beast once and far all.

First things first, RA's SDI had to go, and go it would. Naval vessels in the Atlantic and the pacific fired off a barrage of Anti-satellite missiles and would continue to fire them until they were all downed. This was supported by ASAT missiles launched from aircraft.

Meanwhile Intelligence satellites scoured extra hard to find RA missile sites. It was time to remove their ability to sting.

Nuclear Command was scrambling. Most silos had been already located, however intelligence satellites made a last check to confirm locations and also to try and source the location of any mobile launchers.

After two hours, it was go time. What final information that could be gleamed from intelligence had been loaded into the guidance systems.

For the next 5 minutes, 500 missiles launched from about 70 sites. A wide range of missiles, from the famous H-ICBMs that could carry upto 50 warheads to the lighter ones which could only carry several, or even one! A grand total of 2000 nuclear warheads begun their deadly arc. They ranged in power from 50KT to 30MT with larger ones targeting cities, fortified installations, missile silos, command bunkers and other important sites, whilst smaller ones targeted military bases, and the RA Navy. Nuclear bunker busters were used as appropriate. Some steered off from the others to hit Gebivian targets. Particularly in North Africa. The number of nuclear warheads however were matched by the number of non-nuclear. Approximately 500 chemical warheads, 500 biological warheads and 1000 high-powered Thermobarric warheads. Finally, Exoatmospheric EMP weapons were fired, exploding over RA and Gebiv.

"By this point a nuclear winter was coming regardless, we might as well make it a good one." Was all the emperor had to say.

Supersonic bombers, both tactical and strategic armed with nuclear, chemical, biological and even some conventional weapons were launched with a great escort from North Africa. They were mostly escorted by Vectors, the main air supremacy aircraft within Naboo. There were however some of the newly developed F65 Vanguards in numbers worthy of being wary of. The bombers were ordered to lay waste to what remained of Gebiv. Not a single city was to be spared.


I request any and all rolls to be done by Hawk.

Also I still have ~500 warheads remaining, on mobilelaunchers, submarines and about 30 more hidden underwater silos.

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OOC: Just the world needs more flipping nukes being used.

IC: The Estovakia Imperium is outraged by this blatant disregard for humanity that Naboo has shown. By launching so many nuclear warheads you have condemed citizens from other nations that had nothing to do with you to death as well. If there was any form of international court you should be in front of it charged with crimes against humanity. We will not forget what you have done.

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Promised Land must protest. not only will you make it worse for all of us by using yet more nukes (Proving you have learned nothing from the widespread useage of these weapons), destrucion of satellites in such a manner will endanger the satellite networks of countless other, uninvolved nations.

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LeVentNoir looked agast.

"Madmen and lunatics!" was his first statement to the Aotearoan press. "We are bringing the skeleton crews of the monitoring stations on Fiji and Vanuatu back to the fatherland, and setting up remote controls. We will shelter here, a people alone from the madness of the world. For let lose have been the hounds of war."

"We have our neighbour buying massive numbers of ICBMs, the same class used to attack Tahoe, and this attack from the north. We may have to consider activating the NBC lockdown systems in our main cities."

The press turned white, and a low, hushed buzz began.

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OOC: Lavo claimed to have MIRV warheads for all his nukes giving him an equivalent number that Shan is using. It is the exact same, actually, so any opposing this is opposing Lavo's strike, which there hasn't been much of. Apparently the GMs approved this. If that is the case, then just assume he means 2,500 warheads total.

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"We have our neighbour buying massive numbers of ICBMs, the same class used to attack Tahoe, and this attack from the north. We may have to consider activating the NBC lockdown systems in our main cities."

OOC: I thought that was classified...

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OOC:: I don't think the arguing is against the nukes themselves as in its more against the number. 2500 nukes is unacceptable whether it is in warheads or actual missiles. I have and always will accept the rule of 1 IG nuke = 1 RP nuke and nothing different. Also 2000 odd nukes/warheads going off will screw the entire planet up with no matter what you say and that many nukes hitting Europe is going to cause hell for every European nation not just the ones hit.

Shan you have 25 nukes IG thus you have 25 nukes in RP and so that is what you have no more and no less.

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OOC: Tell that to Lavo and the GMs who already ruled that missiles can be MIRVs and thus hit numerous targets. As Lavo stated in his thread, Tahoe was hit 60 times from only 3 missiles. Shan's claim, therefore, is perfectly legitimate

OOC: Legitimate my $@!. Shen never stated they were MIRV's and so I can only base them on actual nukes also he only has 25 nukes IG so at most he could only have 25 MIRv nukes in RP not flipping 2500 of them.

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OOC: Logic, therefore, is your friend. It is obvious that his nukes would be MIRVs

OOC: Therefore he has 25 MIRV's which I can accept. What I can not accept is the fact he has 2500 MIRV nukes when he only has 25 nukes in game. 250 might be pushing it if he *10 but 2500 come on thats just stupid the bills for I would be unmanagable to begin with.

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OOC: Since when did the GMs rule otherwise? Unless Hawk or Mercy posted something very recently, it's been one nuke = one warhead, including MIRVs. And I know that MIRVs don't carry 100 nukes each.

Either way, the ruling (1 nuke = 1 warhead, including MIRVs) was being overlooked by me and Mercy when Hawk was appointed GM and we'll continue the conversation with him.

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I launched three MIRV missiles at you. To take a bit from my OP: "each armed with an MIRV warhead containing twenty 700kt bombs".

To quote Lavo, which the GMs have not stated anything to oppose. If Lavo has warheads containing numerous nuclear devices (20 each), then so does Shan

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To quote Lavo, which the GMs have not stated anything to oppose. If Lavo has warheads containing numerous nuclear devices (20 each), then so does Shan

OOC: 25 MIRVS with 20 warheads each: 500 total, low-yield. Not 2500, with yields varying between 500kt and 30 MT

Edited by Lynneth
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OOC: Can we see the rolls for the nukes that landed on you? I seriously doubt your man-made island would survive that well seeing how nuclear heat tends to vaporise things.

OOC: The rolls only apply for the SDI. Mercy already made those rolls. In Shan's post, he said that the SDI did not shoot the missiles down.

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