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Elections in Führerstaat Kanadia

Tom Litler

Presidential Election  

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Since Tom Litler's election to the position of Staatspräsident, or State President, his regime has repeatedly run into criticism on what has been described as "despotic" policies. Since the landslide by which Tom Litler won the previous election, the self-styled "Führer" appeared to show no apparent intention of leaving office. Führer Litler has been accused by numerous individuals and organizations of being responsible for shutting down major news agencies and intimidating the opposition with his newly formed State Security agency. Members of the outlawed communist Rot Front has been particularly vocal as this time, claiming that the State Security agency has targeted their former party specifically for pacification. In response to these events, Tom Litler had announced yesterday that a presidential election be held immediately in order to quell the unrest, assuring listeners that he continues to hold the confidence of the public.


Candidates lined up for the presidential election

Each non-partisan candidate within Führerstaat Kanadia offers his own unique program with Tom Litler running on a platform of "national revival" and continued development of military infrastructure, educational reforms, and raising awareness of national identity and pride. His economic development plans include progression towards a "corporatist state" described as "economic freedom with a duty to the state". His other goals include an aggressive foreign policy and the seizure of necessary resources from abroad.

The next candidate is the independent self-proclaimed "democrat", Erichs Totermann, has repeatedly called on the new government to lessen what he feels to be excessive domestic policing from the State Security. He advocates Keynesian intervention policies within a market economy. The other candidate, Jakob Faulstier, aspires to nationalize all industries and outlaw private property. The final candidate is native tribal chief Akkikiktok who has promised to expand the ice fishing industry in Kanadia.

Edited by Tom Litler
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"Quite interesting Candidates...Austria supports Totermann."

OOC: A note if you're in IRL Canada: I RPd it as heavily communist, yet nationalistic in my time, when I was Saboria/Canada. Just a fyi, not forcing you to use the history of my RP.

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"We would support the Nationalist, but after seeing the antics he has pulled, we wouldnt want to vote for him either.

On the same note, Neither would I want an Ignorant Liberal or Hetic Communist... Even less a Single issue Candidate.

The world needs more Centralists-Realists."

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Presidential Candidate Murdered

Erichs Totermann was found dead earlier today by State Security in his car at the bottom of a gravel pit on the outskirts of the capital, Neu Birkenau. What were suspected to be his remains were so badly charred that visual identification was impossible. However, investigators' suspicions were confirms when the body, that was found in the ruined car holding his license plate numbers, was taken to a morgue where DNA tests were held.

Totermann had recently taken part in the presidential election running on a liberal platform.

Adorned with bullet holes, the car was found to have burst into flame when a round had hit the gas tank, consuming the driver. Investigations into who is responsible for the death of Totermann are ongoing.


The car that Erichs Totermann's charred remains were recovered from.

Deadly Epidemic Hits Native Population

A new disease has been taking a toll on the Inuit population of Kanadia. The disease targets the small intestine. Symptoms include exhaustive diarrhea, hypotension, circulatory shock and eventually death. If left untreated, death occurs within three hours of infection. It is hard to determine as of yet what the cause of the illness is due to the closed nature of the Native communities. However, the symptoms are so far most characteristic of Cholera, an infectious disease caused by bacteria found in fish. Fish has traditionally been a staple of the Kanadian Natives for centuries, and had the historically healthy fish populations been contaminated with the bacterium, the unsanitary handing of the food would not have left nothing in the way of proliferation among Native communities that thrive on ice fishing. Deaths numbering in the hundreds have already been reported dead with hundreds more undergoing treatment and inestimable others dying, likely in futile efforts to thwart the illness with traditional holistic remedies, a trend that has already left many sufferers dead since the outbreak. Among the dead was the tribal chief, elder Akkikiktok, a local leader and presidential candidate (see below). Medical experts have already been dispatched to the communities and the government has ordered a halt on all ice fishing until the source of the infection has been confirmed and eradicated.

Inuit Chief Dies In Epidemic

The chief of Kanadian Inuits, Akkikiktok (meaning "cheap" or "inexpensive"), was reported deceased after hours of fighting what is suspected to be an outbreak of Cholera among the First Nations. Akkikiktok, who had recently extended his candidacy for the position of Staatspräsident, likely fell ill due to bacterium Vibrio cholerae found in the fish he had consumed prior to the onset of symptoms. He died in his home last night where his wife, Arrluk ("killer whale") was attempting to treat him with herbal remedies. Akkikiktok was two weeks ahead of his fifty-eighth birthday at the time of his death.


Chief Akkikiktok, depicted on this campaign poster, ran for Staatspräsident on a platform to expand the Kanadian ice fishing industry.

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OOC: Is this canon or non-canon? I'm assuming the latter since you aren't in the world map (so Lynneth your Canada doesn't count here. :P )

IC: "We wouldn't be surprised if the establishment was behind the death of the two candidates. It's what usually happens when there's a dictatorship in power that wants to pretend to be democratic."

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The next day's issue sits on the editor's desk, waiting to be printed...

Suspected Communists Arrested In Purge Communist Plot Thwarted, Totermann Killers Revealed

Communist presidential candidate Jakob Faulstier has been implicated in the murder of recently deceased candidate Erichs Totermann by the State Security agency was arrested last night after State Security investigators traced the death of fellow candidate Erichs Totermann to him. He has been accused of He is being charged with murder, treason, and electoral fraud despite the ambiguity of the evidence presented by the authorities. as well as working with foreign bodies in an attempt to subvert the authority of the Kanadian state.

Several dozen others have been taken into custody with more to be arrested on grounds of participating in a communist plot that has yet to be fully revealed by the Kanadian government, vaguely described as involving money laundering, the assassination of key government officials, terrorism, and misinformation the dispersal of foreign propaganda. They are to be hanged tried within the coming weeks.

Interrogation of suspects has shed some light on the murder of deceased candidate Erichs Totermann. Extensive torture interviews have suggested the Faulstier most likely paid his agents to wait by the roadside as Totermann drove by in his car, on his way to his summer home, where his vehicle would be shot by the contract killers with contraband Kalashnikov rifles.

Submitted by: Conrad Ehrlichmann

Election Results: Flawless Victory For The Führer

Tom Litler has won the election in a landslide victory. As the other candidates engaged in intrigue and backroom schemes, the Führer has been garnering votes. In a fiery speech yesterday, Führer Litler denounced what he described as the "decadence" of representative democracy.

"...within the past days, the democratic institutions have shown themselves for what they truly are. Deceptions, lies... nothing but a popularity contest between contestants who care nothing about this great nation or its people."

Following Tom Litler's victorious emergence as the Staatspräsident, a state of emergency has been declared and a full investigation by State Security was launched to find candidate Totermann's murderers.


Tom Litler gives a fiery speech following his victory in the elections.

"So long as the conspirators remain among us, so long as Kanadia's security continues to be threatened from within as well as without, the state of security will remain. From this day forward, Führerstaat Kanadia will be a Führerstaat!"

"...Freedom is slavery. You have been liberated."

Submitted by: Anwir Button

Also on the editor's desk...

Dear Conrad Ehrlichmann,

I am sure you are aware of the poor economic conditions. Because of this fact, we have had to eliminate certain positions. Sadly, your position is one of those to be eliminated.

We hope that as economic conditions improve we will be able to consider you for another position. We wish you every success in finding a new position and we extend our thanks for the good work you have done for us.


Zappe Kaestner,

Chief Editor

Edited by Tom Litler
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President Ned of Nedland has condemned the results of this election in Kanadia.

"I'd wager that Tom Liter was the real culprit in the murder of Totermann," President Ned said. Ned has also called for the release of Jakob Faulstier from prison and urges the people of Kanadia to take to the streets in civil disobedience of the election until Liter reveals the truth about the murder.

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Fuhrer Meets With Akkikiktok Widow

Führer Litler has attended Chief Akkikiktok's funeral this morning to pay his respects to the Inuit leader. There, he gave his condolences to his widow pledging to personally insure that a pension is paid to her by the government as she is left to raise two children without her deceased husband.

"Such a tragedy that the only other honorable candidate in this past election had to meet such an unfortunate end..." the Führer is reported as saying.

Edited by Tom Litler
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The Brotherhood of Mol has been rumored to have created a Writ of Honorable Execution for Litler, to whom anyone can claim with proof and be rewarded...

Of course, this is just a rumor.

-Ashley Williams, Liason between Brotherhood of Mol and Molakian Special Forces

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Colonel Ester to General Eisner on hearing the news.

Ester "Is this why we invaded the dutch?"

Eisner "Probably, but we haven't heard anything except from Port Dranagg back home anyway to confirm that."

Ester "You thinking that there was a reason all the BZ-RK supporting members of the army were sent on this invasion?"

Eisner "..."

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"We are sorry to say this, but we cannot help but think there has been some sort of set up in this election, and do not necessarily trust the results."

***Private to Norway***

"That's putting it mildy, don't you think?"


"This whole affair seems fairly suspicious to us. And very convenient for Litler."

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