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STA Monthly Press Conference


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I find the fat dancing cat to be appealing to the point of near fascination. To appease the peanut gallery as a whole and to lighten up the press confrence a bit would you be so kind to give us a summation of how it is you came to obtain it? Details would be great, if available. As an example were STA applicants required to spend time searching for this as part of an initiation? Was this obtained as a gift from Ivan?

Any eloboration on it would be appreciated, also as this is my 4th visit to one of the STA press confrences I have come to form some what of a tradition. that tradition being my asking "where the hell is Uhtred" and if you can get him to show up can we get some ancient reference (or current one) to the valhalla alliance? His posts during the nocb war were epic in response to the terms offerred at the time and they rank amongst my personal (and I am sure I speak for other peanut gallery members here as well) most underrated commentary this venue has ever seen.

Skippy found the fat dancing cat picture for me. He seems to enjoy looking for pictures for me to use. He even made my current signature picture although I made some minor alterations.

As for Uhtred, he sleeps a lot and we only deploy him during crises.

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I find the fat dancing cat to be appealing to the point of near fascination. To appease the peanut gallery as a whole and to lighten up the press confrence a bit would you be so kind to give us a summation of how it is you came to obtain it? Details would be great, if available. As an example were STA applicants required to spend time searching for this as part of an initiation? Was this obtained as a gift from Ivan?

Any eloboration on it would be appreciated, also as this is my 4th visit to one of the STA press confrences I have come to form some what of a tradition. that tradition being my asking "where the hell is Uhtred" and if you can get him to show up can we get some ancient reference (or current one) to the valhalla alliance? His posts during the nocb war were epic in response to the terms offerred at the time and they rank amongst my personal (and I am sure I speak for other peanut gallery members here as well) most underrated commentary this venue has ever seen.

I found the avatar on some site and gave it to him. Tygaland the Terrible sacrificed 5 virgins in honour of this victory

Would Skippy make a good viceroy for Athens?

I'm now open to bribes, so when your new STA overlords take over Athens, keep that in mind.

Edited by Skippy
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Any eloboration on it would be appreciated, also as this is my 4th visit to one of the STA press confrences I have come to form some what of a tradition. that tradition being my asking "where the hell is Uhtred" and if you can get him to show up can we get some ancient reference (or current one) to the valhalla alliance? His posts during the nocb war were epic in response to the terms offerred at the time and they rank amongst my personal (and I am sure I speak for other peanut gallery members here as well) most underrated commentary this venue has ever seen.

Valhalla is !@#$. That's a fairly accurate reference I think. Also, what Tyga says is true, I'm pretty damn lazy these days.

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Oh you'd love us to give you prior warning wouldn't you! While you sleep, Sith. While you sleep!

Also, hello

I'm just going to point out that I am currently the highest ranking member of NSO.

If you thought Doppelganger had an itchy trigger finger, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

And before anyone asks, I am completely serious.

Edited by New Frontier
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What are your thoughts (be honest now) on WAPA nowadays?

We haven't had much to do with you guys in a while so my opinion is "no opinion" really.

Where do hats come from?


I'm just going to point out that I am currently the highest ranking member of NSO.

If you thought Doppelganger had an itchy trigger finger, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

And before anyone asks, I am completely serious.

I have assembled my allies! Do something about it!

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So, what were your opinions back in the day!?

Erratic alliance with poor leadership who thought they had a birth-right to do whatever they liked in the Cyberverse without repercussions.

From what I have seen, you guys seemed to have settled down and learned how the Cyberverse works.

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I haven't seen any amazing fails from Burnsey (self admitted also :P) so that's definately a positive, A few members you have can bug me quite a bit, but the general leadership seems to be doing a lot better.

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I haven't seen any amazing fails from Burnsey (self admitted also :P) so that's definately a positive, A few members you have can bug me quite a bit, but the general leadership seems to be doing a lot better.

You do realise that Burnseys not the only leader of WAPA? Anyhoo. Everytime I see your name Skippy I think of Skippy the Kangaroo. Sorry, it's just natural to me.

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You do realise that Burnseys not the only leader of WAPA? Anyhoo.

Of course I realize that, but any leader is still a strong representative of the alliance, and will be seen as such.

Everytime I see your name Skippy I think of Skippy the Kangaroo. Sorry, it's just natural to me.

That is what I name myself after, so I'm glad someone didn't think I was peanut butter.

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1)What are your thoughts on IRON as an alliance and politically?

2)What are your thoughts on the IRON & NSO treaty?

Nothing, really. The thing about STA is that we don't much care about alliances we've never had anything to do with. We don't tend to form opinions without any level of meaningful communication or interaction. Since we've never really had any with IRON, we don't care one way or another about them. They apparently do not like us, though we have no idea why, having had, as said above, no meaningful interaction with them before.

As for the treaty, we know NSO had been vetting it for awhile, and as such, congratulate both alliances. IRON is lucky to have such loyal allies.

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