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Kuwaiti Emirate Announcement


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Due to the loss of communications, KE troops have been dispatched to the former US, Brazil, Canada, British Empire, Germany, Union, Northasia, and FEE. As each of these nations have fallen into anarchy we formally annex all of the aforementioned land.

In addition, we have changed our name to the Nuclear Wastelands and using our newly obtained stockpile of nukes have launched all of them at strategic population centers around the globe.

In other news, parka sales have gone up 7000%.

Edited by Californian
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OOC: goddamnit Californian you beat me to the punch

IC: Before anything could happen, the Yugoslavs had a vision that doomsday would come and instead of living in fear until they died. So they partied like there was no tomorrow until the last Yugoslav had died from either alcohol intoxication or degeneration of the pancreas.

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Indonesia was ripped apart by an unprecednted number of volcanoes going off within 24 hours of each other. What was not destroyed in the flames from the Earth was inundated by tsunamis from the backlash.

The nukes were flown into the Union and dropped as one...ensuring no one survived. :P

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Before going silent, all TVs and radio waves across the world repeated "THE GAME. YOU JUST LOST IT."

**Message to Republic of Mozambique**

Beware of the radioactive zombies.

**Message to the Kuwaiti Emirate**

Eugghhh, mmmmh, brains


Jobuk Wade

President of the Republic of Mozambique

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Indonesia was ripped apart by an unprecednted number of volcanoes going off within 24 hours of each other. What was not destroyed in the flames from the Earth was inundated by tsunamis from the backlash.

The nukes were flown into the Union and dropped as one...ensuring no one survived. :P

OOC: Why does this remind me of the movie, 2012? :lol1:

IC: The Imperium of Central America began launching its nukes....wait, it didn't exist. Nevermind, move along people. Oh, and dont mind the zombies and radioactive cornfields.

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"Those darn 2012 Doomsday believers predicted Planet Bob's fate way too late, nor did they predict nuclear, radioactive, and EMP -bleep-storms." a random person said as radiation wipes out the human race.

Edited by HHAYD
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Meanwhile, in another dimension, in a galaxy far far away...

The Executive Minister sat at his usual position in the heart of Temple Secundus' Control Room, where he would be often found in a rather stoic position, where it was with no doubt to the others shuffling about, busy with their own tasks, that he performs his deepest, most meaningful soul-searching and contemplation.

This time, however, as Michaelson approached, the reports from some generic and standard procedures and happenings elsewhere in Nod Territory grasped firmly in his hands, did the good General notice his Leader, stoic as ever, but greatly disturbed...

"Minister, what is it?" The General asked, with the concern not unlike that of a son for his father.

“I felt a great disturbance... within the very fabric of time and space itself..." The EM spoke with a rather monotone voice, his gaze averted elsewhere, as if seeing terrible events unfold before his very eyes. He was obviously in a trance of sorts, or was still submerged within the oceans of his own thoughts.

"I... forgive me, Sir, but... I don't have the slightest..."

With a great sigh the large figure in the chair slumped back into his Great Chair and turned to Michaelson, his head shaking.

"...its as if billions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced..."

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A lone fisherman in the middle of the Atlantic went about his day fishing. He noted that the waters war calm and that the day was alittle too chilly for his location. He heard a noise break out and a ball of fire splashed into the water several miles away. He rushed to the scene.

It was a plane, and explosions were still happening. He caught glimps of several people in the cockpit. The pilots skull crushed in and a woman screaming for help. A shock and twist of electricity ran through the gages of the pit. The current killing the woman. A man floating away on his seat had been moaning. His body mangled. The fisherman watched as the water around the man filled with blood. The man was about to speak, but a sudden yank pulled him down into the waters. Beyond belief, the man ran to his phone to ring for help. He picked up and there was...nothing.

He turned to his steering...but the motor caught something and wouldnt budge. It was another body..caught in the motor.

He felt nothing...Hope went away, and if nothing could make it worse, he reached his quarters to pick up a case as the ring of missiles flying over drew his attention. The earth itself began to quake and the distant horizon was green. He opened his case.

He pulled out his revolver and put a bullet in. He lifted the gun to his chin. The dust clouds began to spread over. The world was ending faster every second. He cocked his gun. Looked up, and watched as a hurricane brewed right in front of him.

The last words uttered on earth...

"Well !@#$."

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As King Harold is blasted off with a team of experts, astronauts, important people, and a bunch of very fertile young men and women... plus 10 years supplies of food and shelter.... to Mars.

Back on Earth, the entire UK nuclear arsenal is launched to random locations equally spread across the globe, just as the rocket exits the atmosphere.

Coming soon... MARS RP :awesome:

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And then the world self-destructed. THE END :awesome:
If only it were that easy. . . all the nuclear weapons in existence could not destroy earth. . . and humankind were like cockroaches, someone somewhere survived.

Somewhere in the Bering forces gathered to create a nation in relevantly unclaimed Bering Islands; subtitle diplomacy, plans, and manipulations were in progress to declare independence and receive recognition from the world’s nation’s. . . except there wasn’t anyone left to recognize it, and in the devastation a country was destroyed before it exited, Procinctia (ERP) would never come to be.

Standing in the wasteland of what would have been the capital Procinctia, a sole survivor, Generalissimo (ERP), “Oh my God... All the time it was... we finally really did it.


The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around.

The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones.

The earth was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing, an atomic spark struck by human hands, quickly raged out of control.

Spears of nuclear fire rained from the skies. Continents were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans.

Humanity was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the background radiation that blanketed the earth.

A quiet darkness fell across the planet, lasting many years. Few survived the devastation. . .

. . . but War Never Changes

Edited by Generalissimo
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