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The new wonders



So it appears that we have some new wonders introduced into this game.

  • Federal Reserve - $100,000,000 + (Nation Strength * 1,000) - Increases the number of banks that can be purchased +3. Requires Stock Market

So the first of them, the Federal Reserve. Now what I find interesting here is the price scale. It would cost me 120 million. A nation at 600 thousand NS would have to pay 700 million. I suspect this is some attempt to counter the fact that this wonder is massively massively powerful. Three banks is 21% of base income. That is quite a long way above what any other wonder effectively does. Even the Great Monument with 5 additional happiness doesn't quite cut that. For my nation it is 7x the effect at 4x the cost than a stock market.

In terms of game improvement, I don't think it will help that much. Money is not an issue in this game in my opinion, beyond the slight possibility that some people have too much of it.Most nations in the top 40% can afford this without draining a warchest though. Those it will really help are those knocked down and yet to rebuild but still with plenty of cash. I will definitely purchase this wonder as soon as the current cycle in my nation ends.

Interceptor Missile System (IMS) - $50,000,000 - Thwarts Cruise Missile Attacks, 50% of the time (removes 1 attackers CM strike chance for that day). Requires 5,000 technology and a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

Interesting one. For a nation with 5000 tech 50 million to stop 50% of CMs is definitely worthwhile. I am concerned however that this does detract from gameplay. One nice thing about CMs is that a dogpiled nation unable to launch GAs, unable to lauch air attacks, with depleted nuclear stocks can still do something to return fire. It ensures that the attacker will take some cost. Reducing that is not in my opinion a good thing. I will not buy this as I do not have that much tech.

Superior Logistical Support - $80,000,000 - Provides supplies more efficiently to your nation's military. Reduces Aircraft and Naval Maintenance Cost by -10% and Tank Maintenance Cost by -5%. Increases attacking and defending ground battle strength +10%. Requires Pentagon

For a lot of nations I suspect that the tank maintenance and aircraft costs are not their primary concern in warfare. It might make the warchest last a bit longer, but when you have a daily nuking this really doesn't matter. And at the lower levels spies are the main warchest factor, not upkeep. Overall the wonder seems to be a bit of "a little bit extra" as in opposite tone to the Federal Reserve, it is three times the cost and half the impact of the Pentagon. Probably not high on the purchase list as we are not even out of this war.

  • Foreign Naval Base - $200,000,000 - Allows +2 naval vessels to be purchased per day (+1 in Peace Mode) and also allows +1 naval deployment per day. Requires 20,000 infrastructure.

Even more so than the IMS, this is a big boys only wonder. Top 200 nations only. ~1/8th of the number that can buy the IMS. However it does seem to give a fairly heavy boost to that nation. Only issue might be if those nations get knocked down (as some have as little as 5000 tech) they go down with a fairly heavy naval firepower boost. But otherwise I don't see this having a massive impact as so few nations will have it.

Overall...I feel fairly meh about them. None of them I really feel is bringing anything that feels new, and in 120 days time (or 60 days and $60 time) nations will run out of them again.

EDIT: For clarification, this was written before the final version of the wonders, which are not identical to the descriptions above.


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It'll take me about 80 days, or 4 cycles to pay off the Federal Reserve and make it become profitable as it should cost me around 200m and increase my collections by around 50 million per 20 day cycle. They do not however, show up as purchasable yet for my nation. The 20k infra model likely never will.

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I can't see any of the new ones even though my wonder window's open but the Interceptor's already been used against me a couple times. Dammit all.

Always thought an offensive cruise missile wonder would be more effective than a defensive one but still cool.

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Actually it is +2 banks. I will pay it off in four collection cycles - then the extra income will pay for the other three before I have enough time to purchase them.

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The IMS is a totally stupid wonder. Cruise Missiles were already useless, and now I can pay another 50 Mil to make them even more useless. Dumb wonder.

Wars need to be more destructive, not less.

The Fed Reserve is a sweet wonder because that will heavily boost my income between now and the next conflict.

Foreign Naval Base is for the Super Tier.

The Superior Logistic Support is nice for the GA boost, but the maintenance costs are worthless sans the Naval ones.

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I finally got SDC this month, which was the last of the permanent wonders I didn't have before these got implemented. The only reason I built my infrastructure all the way up to 14,000 was to meet the requirements for building it, so its good to see admin added another high infrastructure wonder to make it worthwhile for people to build their infrastructure up those levels.

I doubt I'll ever be able to get the 20k infra one, but I had my doubts I would ever get SDC at some point. So who knows, but I definitely plan to get the others.

I'll probably get SLS first due to the low cost, then either the Federal Reserve or IMS depending on if I have enough tech at that point to get it; then whichever I don't have of the 3 which dont' require 20k infra 3rd.

SLS will be really useful due to the increase in ground battle odds, plus maintenance cost reduction makes having some navy during peace times and war more manageable.

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These wonders are awful and only cater to the top tier, not to mention the IMS is just a stupid wonder in general.

What about smaller nations who are just getting into wonder purchases? What about the nations that are choosing/forced to stay in the mid tier?

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There are a whole pile of wonders to cater to newer and smaller nations. Some of us haven't had a new wonder to buy (other than rebuying the moon wonders for the 5th-6th time) for years.

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I should have said moon or mars wonders for rebuying in the post above.

I'd like to see another dozen new wonders implemented, and perhaps some oriented towards high tech or high land or high casualties and not all based on high infra requirements.

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Praise Admin for his recent devotion to making needed updates. I'm glad to see the new wonders, although as a 10 month old nation, none of them are quite right for me yet.

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