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Why we Are Losing Players



Ok, so this is my first blog:

In the few months I have played this game, I've noticed a few things; very troubling things that a few people have really addressed.

It regards the way veterans of this game treat new players. From what I have noticed, the older players, instead of welcoming new players into the community; they look down on them and insult them.

Perfect example, I read a blog recently in which a poll was created on whether or not we should drive away a fellow player who's name I won't mention. This player may offend some of you by the things he says, but I don't think it's fair to just drive away a valuable player(arguably) from this community. He isn't even the only example, I'm sure that there are many more out there.

The bottom line is that this is wrong, we all should be more welcoming of our new members. This is From the Mind of Lex Luthor, thank you and God bless.



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Everything here is true. Players who drive away other players are apparently not in tune with the rest of CN, as they do not understand that the games current membership conitunues to delcine and only the most dedicated players stay.

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Everything here is true. Players who drive away other players are apparently not in tune with the rest of CN, as they do not understand that the games current membership conitunues to delcine and only the most dedicated players stay.


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Because of your posts

Shut up. Look, My posts are meant to be serious, most of them, but sometimes i go to the satiracal side. So what? My posts are mine. I do not give a !@#$ what you say about them, at least i have respect for all of the members, unlike you.

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Because of your posts

I speak my mind. I'll admit that the way I say things sometimes may sound stupid; but in reality I, like everyone else, just want to be a respected member of the CN community.

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You've just proved my point.


I speak my mind. I'll admit that the way I say things sometimes may sound stupid; but in reality I, like everyone else, just want to be a respected member of the CN community.

Good luck!

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Not everyone who plays this game are bullies, but a lot of them are. They use this game to fill a void they have in real life, so in many ways this is much more than a game to some. They use it be accepted, become popular, seek attention, or just act like an ass to others. Making new players feel welcome, and rebuilding what used to be a vibrant community, would go a long way...but even that wouldn't be enough.

All I can tell you is, don't let them get you down. There are plenty of friendly people who play this game, you just wont find too many of them using the OWF. Visit the numerous alliance forums, or IRC channels, and you will see.

God Bless you too!


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This is hardly a new thing, At its peek growth it CN was far worse and so was the raiding. On top of that only a very small percentage ever show up on OWF anyway. So this is not the issue.

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This is hardly a new thing, At its peek growth it CN was far worse and so was the raiding. On top of that only a very small percentage ever show up on OWF anyway. So this is not the issue.

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This is hardly a new thing, At its peek growth it CN was far worse and so was the raiding. On top of that only a very small percentage ever show up on OWF anyway. So this is not the issue.

I wasn't here in the beginning so I had no idea that's how it was, thank you. The fact of the matter is it shouldn't be like this, in most ICs I'm apart of established members welcome new members with open arms. Raiding is and always will be a part of this game, if you suck and can't defend yourself that's your problem. I'm talking more about the forums.

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Unfortunately, the link between the response to new players and poor player retention has indeed come up a lot in the past, and has mostly gotten a response consistent with what you're seeing now. So bringing it up after just a few months here is probably not going to get a positive response. Same thing with the entire issue of what to do about player retention.

I'm not saying I disagree with what you're bringing up, or trying to discourage you, just more like warning you that this is probably going to end up being counterproductive on the individual level. I think Wes's suggestion is helpful: there's no changing the OWF, but you can be one of the few helpful/welcoming people on there and help new players get acquainted. Maybe join an alliance yourself (can't check that atm) that does protectorates with new alliances and get involved in helping them set up. Or even contact new members to help them avoid getting raided or deal with it when it happens.

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This thread proves that the Riddle Revolution is near!

Not gonna happen :)

Veteran players try and help new players out; however, there are players, like Mr. Riddle, that decide to go against the helpful advice of veteran players. That's fine, but don't cry when you get ridiculed for acting like an idiot when you have been taught the etiquette of the community. There have been many players that started off like Mr. Riddle and are now successful players of CN :) I guess if you can't handle the OWF, then you might as well not be on the forums or find a new game all in all if you still don't get along with people on IRC.

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Not gonna happen :)

Veteran players try and help new players out; however, there are players, like Mr. Riddle, that decide to go against the helpful advice of veteran players. That's fine, but don't cry when you get ridiculed for acting like an idiot when you have been taught the etiquette of the community. There have been many players that started off like Mr. Riddle and are now successful players of CN :) I guess if you can't handle the OWF, then you might as well not be on the forums or find a new game all in all if you still don't get along with people on IRC.

I never went against the advice of anyone. I handle things a certain way, but when something improved my nation, i did it.

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I don't agree with attempting to drive people out of the game, but the reason people are doing it is because they'd rather have a game with a smaller community if it means less terrible posters.

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While being a jerk is generally unpleasant, I don't think it's a majority reason on why people are leaving the game. People stop playing games when they become boring and same-old after a while. It doesn't take long for CN to become monotonous, so in my opinion it's quite a testament to what we have going on here (rather than a sad reflection), that it all simply lasts so well. When people get bored with a game they stop playing.

To me what's interesting is when the game population gets small, the individual impact that each person has on the world increases. Each person is no longer a cog in a large machine, and they can have a very real and substantive impact. The sooner people realize that, instead of following the bandwagon that CN dying should increase with time, the better off everybody will be. Boredom -> Less people -> more individual impact -> more for an individual to do -> less boredom. It should slow down when people realize. That is, assuming they are interested in having an impact at all.

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I agree with what others around here have pointed out, you're not going to be able to change the OWF. That's just how it is. That is, in many ways, the fun of it. New members seem to be treated the best within their alliance and IRC's. This may largely be due to the fact that alliances are trying to get new players more intigrated into the alliance. Most new nations get involved in an alliance because of the bombardment of recruitment messages before they go to the OWF.

As for player retention... that's a tough one, and one in which I doubt has much of a correlation with players attitudes in the OWF. I think that allowing people on the same network to play would help keep the numbers up, but presents some logistical difficulties... More updates and new additions to the game would also help. I don't really think that it's anything that the players are doing.

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While being a jerk is generally unpleasant, I don't think it's a majority reason on why people are leaving the game. People stop playing games when they become boring and same-old after a while. It doesn't take long for CN to become monotonous, so in my opinion it's quite a testament to what we have going on here (rather than a sad reflection), that it all simply lasts so well. When people get bored with a game they stop playing.

To me what's interesting is when the game population gets small, the individual impact that each person has on the world increases. Each person is no longer a cog in a large machine, and they can have a very real and substantive impact. The sooner people realize that, instead of following the bandwagon that CN dying should increase with time, the better off everybody will be. Boredom -> Less people -> more individual impact -> more for an individual to do -> less boredom. It should slow down when people realize. That is, assuming they are interested in having an impact at all.

You still don't impact anything lexxy :wub:

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While being a jerk is generally unpleasant, I don't think it's a majority reason on why people are leaving the game. People stop playing games when they become boring and same-old after a while. It doesn't take long for CN to become monotonous, so in my opinion it's quite a testament to what we have going on here (rather than a sad reflection), that it all simply lasts so well. When people get bored with a game they stop playing.

To me what's interesting is when the game population gets small, the individual impact that each person has on the world increases. Each person is no longer a cog in a large machine, and they can have a very real and substantive impact. The sooner people realize that, instead of following the bandwagon that CN dying should increase with time, the better off everybody will be. Boredom -> Less people -> more individual impact -> more for an individual to do -> less boredom. It should slow down when people realize. That is, assuming they are interested in having an impact at all.

I understand this, I'll be the first person to tell you that this game gets boring after a while so I could also add that to the reasons why people are leaving. I'm speaking more about people being dicks to new members.

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Not everyone who plays this game are bullies, but a lot of them are. They use this game to fill a void they have in real life, so in many ways this is much more than a game to some. They use it be accepted, become popular, seek attention, or just act like an ass to others. Making new players feel welcome, and rebuilding what used to be a vibrant community, would go a long way...but even that wouldn't be enough.

All I can tell you is, don't let them get you down. There are plenty of friendly people who play this game, you just wont find too many of them using the OWF. Visit the numerous alliance forums, or IRC channels, and you will see.

God Bless you too!


Yea, I guess you're right.

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