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OOC: Can CN survive 5 more years?



The true question is will CN stand the test of time? Thus far, one could argue that CN already has. As when compared to other spreadsheet games, CN has outlived the majority of them in terms of it's life span. Although, it would be unfair not to note that as far as member retention is concerned, following a typical bell-curve, we could expect CN to fade into obscurity in the next few years if measures aren't taken. What does this mean? Eventually, CN as all good things must come to an end. However, whether that time comes sooner or later depends solely on admin. At present, at 14,000+ players the CN community is still thriving, with new alliances being created and communities which tie into the CN community also still thriving and doing well.

However, in order to prolong the life of this game certain measures MUST be taken in order to ensure player retention. A lot of these are common sense, and have been suggested by myself in the Suggestion Box in the past.


1) Give the players some lee-way.

CN is one of, if not the most demanding spreadsheet game which exists. Although this has contributed to it's success in it's early days, this late in the game it's detrimental. You can not reasonably expect players to constantly maintain interest in their nation over the span of 1-10 years, players will invariably have real life circumstances which arise that would inhibit them from logging in to CN. And once years of work is lost due to nation deletion, you can expect that most of these players will not return. As it stands it would be beneficial to not delete nations who are inactive for 25 days, but rather archive their nation or leave it be, or whatever.

2) Give players a chance.

As somebody who has experienced destructive war in the early phases of Nation Buildingm, I've seen that it results in players not caring about their nation any more, and as such losing motivation to tend to it.

Before a player builds wonders, which usually doesn't occur till after having invested 6+ months into their nation (forgive if numbers have changed due to inflation), everything they have built can be destroyed in a single war. ie; they have nothing to show for 6+ months of building. This is why I have suggested an infrastructure water mark in the past, similar to that which we see in CN:TE. This would allow players the option of rebuilding at a cheaper price, and as such give them something to show for their months of building. This would greatly improve player retention.

3) Time zones.

This is probably the most common sense problem which has existed since the creation of the "quad attack", players exist on different time zones, and as such there is no one size fits all for time zones. I don't know what constraints exist in terms of updating nations, but if it were possible for players to nominate an update time, or select from a drop-down box which update time was most convenient for them, that would give players more freedom to tend to their nations and war at their convenience. And as such, benefit the community as a whole.

4) The future

NPC/RNG events, etc.

Creating events in TE which provide benefits that carry over to CN standard and other great ideas such as this can influence the community to generate more activity and interest. Which as a whole benefits the community.


Yes, CN can survive 5 more years if measures are taken.

Note: I apologize for the poor writing.


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let members create a second nation, with these constraints, cannot deal with each other financially, cannot be in the same alliance, cannot deal with the alliance of the first nation in any shape or form, must be as dimetricly opposite in beliefs from the original

Add another wonder, nano-technology, happiness +4, +1 environment, -5% in tech costs +$2 if you have microchips

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let members create a second nation, with these constraints, cannot deal with each other financially, cannot be in the same alliance, cannot deal with the alliance of the first nation in any shape or form, must be as dimetricly opposite in beliefs from the originalAdd another wonder, nano-technology, happiness +4, +1 environment, -5% in tech costs +$2 if you have microchips

I think the only way anyone would be happy with allowing more than one nation is if admin adds another 'standard' server.

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Creating events in TE which provide benefits that carry over to CN standard and other great ideas such as this can influence the community to generate more activity and interest. Which as a whole benefits the community.

Absolutely not. The flag is enough.

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CN used to allow players to have 2 nations. That ended long ago. As for ensuring they are not allowed in the same alliance..... Seriously issues with that as spying would become rampant then.

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CN used to allow players to have 2 nations. That ended long ago. As for ensuring they are not allowed in the same alliance..... Seriously issues with that as spying would become rampant then.

This almost sounds like an argument for 2 nations.

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1) It's not really that demanding, in fact it's actually the least demanding. Logging on once in 25 days, 3 mins a day. But agreed that it can be improved.

2) Agreed. Also helps if people would stop being dicks and not use deletions as a mark of how well they're doing in war.

3) Quad attack is not really a major thing. FOK works around it, very well too.

4) Flags. Last I checked, winning TE also earned you a few free donations as well. As a major TE player and someone who was senior gov for one of TE's bigger alliances, I find that TE is very well suited for politics. But people usually use it to troll or blow up random stuff. It's actually a very interesting part of the game, but quite tiring. And the general culture is that it's the anti-politics of CN, which doesn't help make it interesting for everyone else.

two nations) You can already make a second nation in TE and join a second alliance. (and spy too if that's your thing; you can do actual spying within TE and not get permanently punished, or watch for SE stuff that does seep into TE)

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Don't think it will unless admin makes the game itself more fun. Why would someone want to "play a game" that they only have to check for 10 minutes every 20 days. Add cities, completely overhaul the war system, Im sure there have been other good suggestions admin just doesnt apply them. Nothing we do can make the game itself better. So no it wont last 5 more years, which is pretty sad.

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Don't think it will unless admin makes the game itself more fun. Why would someone want to "play a game" that they only have to check for 10 minutes every 20 days. Add cities, completely overhaul the war system, Im sure there have been other good suggestions admin just doesnt apply them. Nothing we do can make the game itself better. So no it wont last 5 more years, which is pretty sad.

This is what it boils down to. Making the game more interesting requires an investment of time and effort that admin is unwilling to commit to, either out of laziness or fear of alienating the community he already has. (If I had to guess I'd say it's a mixture of both).

A few minor changes may be made, and even desirable, but doing so would merely be easing the end. Quality of life features are nice perks for an active game, but won't drastically prolong the life of a dying one. But anything bigger than that we simply won't see anytime soon.

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Being someone who quit and came back, No.

There are a lot of different reasons. The decline of the game has been predicted by probability, at this point im not sure anyone can pinpoint a final date for it, heck in 2009 I said it would be dead September of 2011 and as you can see im dead wrong with that one.

What it would require to save CN: Real activity from Admin, him showing he cares. I dont think he does, but I dont blame him.At this point,too many good people have left the game for it to matter now. Ill stay because i cant quit this game, but Yes I am resigned to its death. It makes me sad? Yes,110% it does. I love this game, even though its a shell of what it was 2 years ago even. I remember when #RoK used to average 110 members on IRC. Even during wartime etc now its down to like 40-50 a day, and that goes for ALL major alliances. IRC activity is basically gone. People dont care anymore. And I dont blame them either....

Basically, to get to the gist of my point: The exodus from CN,people I think will eventually go to !@#$%* if that ever gets any better, and old CN folk will move there.

I think there is a chance CN could be here in 5 years, if you count it to be like 4 people in the big IRC channels...

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CN is only demanding for alliance government and generally only when problems arise and are being dealt with still, I've seen and played games which required far more time and energy for both government and the average player. For government it's probably somewhere around the middle of the range for time consuming of games but that's more because of indifferent players requiring government to baby them. For players, I'd say it's among the least demanding even when at war.

There are a lot of different reasons. The decline of the game has been predicted by probability, at this point im not sure anyone can pinpoint a final date for it, heck in 2009 I said it would be dead September of 2011 and as you can see im dead wrong with that one.

There will be a shell of a community but it won't entirely die off. They seldom ever do.

My honest opinion; progress here is damn near effortless. There is precious little to progress in. The mechanics provide no reason to fight and actually act to discourage fighting. Conclusion: the game itself is boring and has no draw.

CN will continue to live on with or without changes, just with a gradually declining population until it stabilizes and frankly I don't much care either way.

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To answer your question in the title: no, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

We are in the third decade of the internet. How many websites that were around in the 1990s are still in existence? Hell, how many websites that were around in the early 2000s are still around now? The Internet is not a real place and exists only in electronically coded 1s and 0s. It is unsubstantial and is constantly changing but that's the nature of the beast. New communities are constantly springing up, growing, and fading (whether it be by a natural decline of users or by outside purchases).

Cyber Nations has been around 5 years, It's natural that it has seen member fluctuations and I would not be surprised if it is eventually shut down or bought. The same cycle of growth and decline has struck other online games like Warcraft and NS.

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Creating events in TE which provide benefits that carry over to CN standard and other great ideas such as this can influence the community to generate more activity and interest. Which as a whole benefits the community.
Absolutely not. The flag is enough.

I second this sentiment. Some of us don't want to even touch TE. Why should anything more carry over? It's a separate game.

Also I don't see the game as being in a steep long term decline. I think a 5 year time stamp is far too short. For some the game will get more interesting as the player base diminishes and those not truly dedicated to the game or its community are weeded out.

In short, doomsayers get proved wrong repeatedly, I'll see you in 5 years. Some of your recommendations are more likely to kill cn than improve it.

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