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Adrian LaCroix


Can we please stop pretending that any of us have any morals whatsoever? You're only fooling the stupid people.

I was worried when Karma started blathering about morals. I always thought that was a silly decision, and I think the "ex-Hegemony" all of a sudden becoming "moralist" after that war bears that out. People whine about morals when it suits their interests, and ignore them when it doesn't. We're like real life that way.

So yeah, that's all I've got.


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I'm reasonably sure more effort goes into decrying "moralism" than has ever gone into perpetuating it. No significant political or military action in this game has been made for overtly moral reasons for almost a year and a half. I'm not sure what the purpose is of lamenting something that as far as I can tell has a negligible effect on the game.

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I'm reasonably sure more effort goes into decrying "moralism" than has ever gone into perpetuating it. No significant political or military action in this game has been made for overtly moral reasons for almost a year and a half. I'm not sure what the purpose is of lamenting something that as far as I can tell has a negligible effect on the game.

Mostly this. Complaints about "those pesky moralists" is often used as a straw-man argument by whoever's in charge. I can't count the times I've been called a 'moralist,' which really, anyone who knows me and what I stand for would find laughable. Well, not entirely, depending on how you define "morality," but it certainly doesn't apply to me in the conventional sense.

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I think that very rarely, something happens that we're not personally connected to that we all feel outrage at, but otherwise, I think most people only care if they've got something to gain from it.

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That's the point. It doesn't have much effect on the game because it isn't actually anything. It's just obnoxious.

Sure it has an effect. You're here now joining the crusade against this pervasive and elusive evil.

As much as I hate to reference 1984, it works here. Moralism is CN's Goldstein.

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Define morals?What is moral for me may not necessarily be moral for someone else.Is publicly stating what you believe to be true moralism? If so we are all moralists.

While your at it, define "moralism" and exactly WHAT the people who are "moralists" believe.

Personally, I'm all in favor of people just dropping the term altogether. That means those people who use it to cry about injustice and those people who use it to cry about those others who cry about injustice :awesome:

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I have morals. Ethics is probably more accurate of a term, but as an IC nation ruler and alliance leader, there is definitely a code that I follow. I don't think I'm the only one like that. But I agree that the majority of outrage on OWF is just impotent rage from whatever side is on the bad end of the development being announced. Most alliances have done their fair share of dirty work or helped support others in that regard. Which is probably why the alliances that are most uncompromising in their values (or even have values besides self-interest) tend to be neutral.

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Moridin nailed it. The illusion that there are people or alliances here pushing "moralism" is nonsense. "Moralism" is a cover-all for anyone who disagrees with whatever crap a group is trying to pull at any particular stage. The ones making all the noise about "moralism" are the ones who claim they despise it. It is a shadow created for them to box. Don't like what someone says about your latest war? Label them a pesky moralist and instantly they are discredited in the eyes of the peanut gallery as someone akin to the nosy old lady next-door who tells you to turn your music down all the time. Prudish, old hag!

The facts of the matter are that every alliance and bloc in this game has their own opinion on what is "right" and "wrong". We all have morals, what those morals espouse is what differs. You need only look at the ODN-CoJ nonsense for an example. CoJ consider an alliance aiding an alliance they are at war with as an act of war, a "moral" opinion that has been the norm in the Cyberverse for as long as I care to remember. ODN believe that CoJ telling their protectorate of this is a "threat" worthy of special punishment in their peace terms. That is ODN's "moral" stand on the situation. Who is "right" and who is "wrong"? Depends on whose side you are on, I guess. For me, I have no link to either party but I can guarantee my opinion would be dismissed as "moralism" regardless.

During Karma, MK and friends were at the forefront of the Karma revolution. Bringing a fairer, dare I say nicer, world but deposing the NPO and their allies. This is probably the only real example of a war fought on a truly "moral" platform. Yet, those at the forefront then are the ones bleating loudest about the "filthy moralists". Laughable.

My suggestion to the owner of this blog is to move away from the big jug of Kool-Aid and get some fresh air. The thoroughbred you thought you bought is a mule.

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The CN-iverse has been in decline for the past two years. It is a land where everything is accomplished by underhand dealings. The only thing that keeps me around is the close network of friends that I have made in the game. I stopped caring, and chose to leave the politicking to the ones who get some sort of chubby from it.

It's just a game. There's more to life beyond the pixels.

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