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Why I became a GOON



I started my nation in Feb 07 when I saw the link on Fark.com. Irony tag assplodes by the time this blog is over.

I didn't read the Fark thread about the link, though, so I wasn't really aware that there was a Fark alliance or that they were in the deathgrip of a war with GOONS. In fact, I wasn't really aware of any alliances; I knew there were alliances, but I didn't see any reason to join one, I just collected taxes every day. I never got techraided because I never bought tech--why buy something so expensive :v:

My manager was also playing, and he got raided one day in August, so he decided to join an alliance (MHA). I found out there was a GOONS alliance, so I joined it. I wasn't a forum goon, but I had been enthralled by Yablonski's tales of North Appleton for 4 years by that point, and SA was generally hilarious. y boss suggested Fark since we joined because of Fark, but I figured I had been reading SA since 2001, but Fark only since 2007, so I went with GOONS.

I joined right in the middle of ModGate and the Moldavi Rebellion, and everyone in #goonrush was constantly talking about some guy named Ivan LOLdavi and people were all the time linking their QQQQQQQ posts on the OWF, so I began reading the OWF and really playing the game for the first time a full 6 months after first starting my nation.

Unfortunately, I joined GOONS just in time for GOONS to get the ever loving snot kicked out of it by NpO, GGA, and cronies, the forum (GOONS forum) was deleted in Novemeber like 2 weeks after I got masked out of the bootcamp, etc etc--it was a crummy time to join. When Alastor and banned member took over (there;s two people I miss), they had a lot of us fake surrender so we could spy, so I did that and had a lot of fun for a while. When they made a new forum they wanted everyone's SomethingAwful forum acct name, so I finally bought an account for me and also one for Naguchanzilla. I primarily went ahead and registered on the SA forums after so many years so that in the future Sardonic would be able to cite my post count and call me not a real goon.

Why did you become a GOON?


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CIS got super pissed at me for calling them NpO's puppet and agents of chaos etc etc, and demanded that Browncoats let me be ZIed, but Hal told them to piss up a tree.

Technically it was a game of 'Poker'. I was polite and didn't blink...basically they did. That whole incident could have gone another direction and had it gone another direction, Browncoats would have been like a housecat caught by a bear. Oh we'd have tried to scratch their eyes out, but the result was pretty much a given. I think that's why CIS blinked truth be told. They didn't want to be perceived of on the OWF as bullying Browncoats. When I tell people just how many times that Browncoats was saved by yours truly in my short time there--other antagonists included GGA, NPO, Valhalla, GPA (yes, GPA), and Ragnarok...and that's just the ones I recall off the top of my head--you are left to wonder when Browncoats' luck was going to run out. It did the moment I packed my bags for Ragnarok.

I've been complimented on the Bubblegum War by everyone from Vox members to NPO Imperial Officers, people still randomly tell me that they were amazed by it--it was one of the most imaginative and intricate plots in history. I still get emotional thinking about the end result of Browncoats, but my plan was working without a hitch until a Browncoat wrecked it; the Bubblegum War met every goal we set forth, Browncoats was attacked by Dark Confederate only after the plot was exposed by myopic dullards.

Your prime minister at that point was never on IRC (like ever, even when he was active as PM in his first term before I came on board he was never on). He knew he wasn't effective as a leader but no one else stepped up to take charge. You effectively couped him by taking away his final decision/approval of the operation. A plot that intricate demanded that all the parties affected be on board. Clearly they were not. If consensus took more time than you had, then you should have followed my advice from the start, which was to stick with IAA in the coming fight until you'd done all you practically could for the war effort, then asked for peace. Since BC wasn't the primary target and would have been dragged into the war through treaty, peace would have been granted with minimal terms. Instead...trainwreck.

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I became a Goon because I was forced out of my alliance or because I was sent to become one, depending on who you ask. Either way the alliance has needed a savior, and in me they got one.

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When I tell people just how many times that Browncoats was saved by yours truly in my short time there--other antagonists included GGA, NPO, Valhalla, GPA (yes, GPA), and Ragnarok...

Having dug that right now I can attest that Browncoats didn't need to be "saved" from the GPA, although for what I know I can't exclude that some concern might have seemed justified from the outside.

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I don't know either, maybe you just bit, why don't you just link them?

I hope you're happy to know that, even if I still maintain that that feat was brilliant and funny, I at least didn't waste my time by reading another wall of text on the subject... I know you love me, that's it.

Well, one problem is that when they upgraded the forum software here, the new version limits user content to just 365 days old, so it's almost impossible to find something a person posted more than a year ago, oneself included. Google is a passable alternative if you have an hour to slog through results.

The other is that if these people are STILL asking the same loaded question 3 (or 4?) years later, they clearly missed the multiple threads.

I could have sworn you made a topic about it more recently than that as well. What would it have been, around the time Haf was going at Zzzptm on the OWF until they finally got to fight in Bipolar? I seem to remember Zzzptm making a topic about it all too.

Yeah I opened one a while back because Lamuella kept going on about it in a thread and I didn't want to derail anymore.

People still randomly bring it up (like in this blog, for example) like it's some kind of Schattenmann silver bullet or dark secret. Newsflash: It's in my sig. Kriekfreak was hammering on it a few months ago for some reason, Impero and NoFish brought it up last week. Hey, world, I took over an alliance while I was spying for GOONS, I call that a success.

Can you? [be arrested for watching teenagers fight in a churchyard]

I donno, the SA lawyers got into all kinds of minutiae.

Hal wisdom

As ever, all conceded. As it turns out, I was in the thick rather than observing from space, so I got off track. I'm sorry for what happened but it was fun and it was cool, and it's not my fault that Browncoats couldn't recover from the Dark Confederate war.

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GATO opened a channel for all its allies to coordinate in the run-up to the inevitable war, there was some small commie alliance in it which was also allied to ODN, and over everyone's objections, they brought WalkerNinja into the channel. I don't know why the commie alliance was so !@#$@#$ retarded as to believe that WalkerNinja would defend them in a war against NPO, but they insisted that we were all wrong about ODN, that they were super allies and would stick with the commies. Of course, WalkerNinja sat around for a few hours taking logs, announced that ODN would not help the commies, and then sent his logs to NPO and said that WE were gathering a coalition to attack NPO!!

The small commie alliance was CPCN, one of the forerunners of The International. WalkerNinja actually claimed GATO was planning on attacking NpO.

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