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The ???? and fall of Anathema




This blog entry is an overview of the recent creation of the alliance called Anathema, and it's failure becoming what all the government members intended it to be.

It's not very often that both sides of a war can point to a specific event and look at the people, and laugh together thinking "Wow, these guys are terrible" yet, Anathema provides just that. Watching Anathema is like watching Jersey Shore, it's such a magnificent trainwreck that you can't turn your eyes away.

From Anathema's DoE thread, we have many comments from the members excited about what they've just created, the so-called alliance that will recreate politics on Bob as we know it and create a third sphere to challenge both the PB-SF-CnG grouping and the Invict-o-Sphere (or whatever you like to call it). Let's take a look:

"we're amazing, just to tell you."

- Mogar

"I'm glad to see this. o/ Anathema"

- James Maximus

"AND...here. We. Go.

o/ Anathema!"

"We are loving these underestimations, folks. Keep 'em coming."

- Hadrian

"Loving the attention. When infamy strikes together to create harmony.. love it.

I think the more and more you rap on us, the more validity you lend towards us existing in the first place. If you truly believed what you say none of you would bother saying it."


So what do all of these quotes have in common? All the posters above have already left this failure of an alliance within less than a week. They didn't quite prove the haters wrong, which is unfortunate for them, but hilarious to us.

Humorously, people saw the failure pretty soon:

"In about a week when you lose interest"

- Babyjesus

"50 tech says that the PC-RoK front of the war lasts longer than this alliance."

- King Xander, to which James Maximus accepted the bet. Maximus is gone, so I think Xander wins!

"if you asked me to write up a list of people to never have in the government of any alliance on Bob, it would bear an uncanny resemblance to your list of founders. as for your government structure, it must be the most awkwardly put together mess i've ever seen. while i'm really happy you've all managed to find yourselves government positions, i do have to question the logic behind having two people running your entrance academy, two 'seconds' in command (with another MoFA placed on top of that) and someone to 'kick out' misbehaving members.

i thought exodus was hitting new lows, but they've been trumped."

- Banksy


My first thought when seeing the alliance was this: You have a lot of failed ex-government members of former alliances (Daggarz and James Maximus), people with egos bigger than their brain (Hadrian and Kev), and alliance hoppers (Doeroler). I honestly wonder what the thought process that went through each of their minds as they thought "Hey, we've all failed before, this is definitely going to work!" when creating this alliance.

I think my favorite part of the whole ordeal was when Bloodfury and Hadrian started to argue who had the better alliance. Anathema promised 2 million NS when they founded, yet they fell short, as Bloodfury stated:

Principality Of Zeon: 10 Members 158,181 Nation Strength

Anathema: 14 Members 208,396 Nation Strength

Not that big of a difference.

Also could it be that of that 2 Million NS, most of those nations became those spies that was so much talked about when I was with the project? I do remember that Anathema was putting spies in other alliances prior to the alliance becoming created. Would that perhaps be where all that NS ended up being relocated to?

Hadrian responded with this:

The "betterness" doesn't just lie in the stats. We have a better government..better community...I'm willing to bet we even have better organisation.

Spies? What would we need spies for exactly? Are you sure it was this project you were with and not something else with your equally moronic buddy Ezequiel?

As to the matter of the members we had coming here, they are still coming but many are fighting in the wars...they aren't exactly going to flee. :rolleyes:

I love this quote, especially now when Anathema exists as only 4 nations, and a 15k NS. Congrats, Zeon, you are officially the better alliance.

Obviously, the straw that broke the camel's back was Kev's thread about "clarifying spying" in which he states "While it's usually fun to see weak minds get wrapped up in accusations without merit, it's disappointing when the weak minds come from your own alliance." A good quality of an alliance leader is to not throw your entire alliance under the bus, including former members, but I guess Kev doesn't quite get that.

In the end, the detractors were right: your "alliance" didn't last more than a week. Sure, there's four people on the AA now, but you've become such a joke that no one will ever take you seriously in the future. At this point, Kerberos Nexus has more credibility than you.

Final points:

- If there was a betting pool on how long this alliance would last, Babyjesus wins for calling it first that it wouldn't last longer than a week.

- James Maximus, I hope you pay King Xander his 50 tech!



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We did not promise 2 million nation strength upon our DoE, it was a rough estimate. In fact, many of us believed it would be somewhere between half a million and a million.

I do love how you take half the things out of context though Ag, really, you've done a bang-up job here. :rolleyes:

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Hadrian, your defense of the indefensible is below your usual creative standards. I don't blame you, you don't have much to work with here.

Not much to work with? I can prove this alliance is a success!

Look at the amount of bad members leaving the alliance. Surely this must be an improvement.

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Not much to work with? I can prove this alliance is a success!

Look at the amount of bad members leaving the alliance. Surely this must be an improvement.

Whether that was meant sarcastically, or in all honesty. I still love it :P

I remember seeing this alliance and thinking, wth?? :huh:

and i had a bit of joyride in there too myself :smug:

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We did not promise 2 million nation strength upon our DoE, it was a rough estimate. In fact, many of us believed it would be somewhere between half a million and a million.

750k, 250k, heh. what's 200% really?

I do love how you take half the things out of context though Ag, really, you've done a bang-up job here. :rolleyes:

the context is quite clear. there was a thread a little under a week ago where people either like or dislike a new alliance. now that alliance has fallen apart, the replies are funny.

unless of course the issue is with c+p in which case what the $%&@.

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750k, 250k, heh. what's 200% really?

the context is quite clear. there was a thread a little under a week ago where people either like or dislike a new alliance. now that alliance has fallen apart, the replies are funny.

unless of course the issue is with c+p in which case what the $%&@.

When you're starting out small, that 250/750k tends to come in wholly handy, Banksy.

No, the context is way off the mark. Here's how it really was:

Day 1: DoE, no mention of spies, Ana is defended against idiotic remarks.

Day 2: Still no mention of spies and Ana continues in its progress.

Day3: No mention of spies, Ana loses a member or two (Maximus & Amossio) over trivial issues (Really guys?) but the better members (Yes, I said better members, !@#$@#$ deal with it) forge ahead.

Day 4: Conspiracy to spy is revealed to the majority of the group. Said group leaves, Incit attempts to clear up the mess but the damage is done, Anathema collapses.

Not really a strict timeline of events, but that is the most accurate version thus far.

You cannot fault us for supporting and defending Anathema when we had virtually zero idea of what had been decided beforehand. Anyone who tries to is trying far too hard and should stop before they suffer from a little-known disease called idioticolosis.

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Let's all be perfectly clear: Bloodfury is worse than anyone on Anathema's starting lineup regardless of how things turned out for Anathema.

Having read most of Incitatus' posts in the last few days, I will dispute this.

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