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Questions: What is Your Type?

Prince Imrahil


I get asked all the time what my type is. I usually don't have much of an answer. One: I'm not really that picky. Two: looking back, there isn't really a common thread amongst the guys that I have been attracted to (at least appearance-wise). No specific height, eye-colour, skin-colour, build, blah blah blah. As far as that stuff goes, I have been all over the place.

The only real commonality would be personality. I'm not really sure where this whole "some people are attracted to bad boys" thing comes from but that is definitely not me. I like nice guys. I can do without the bad-boy drama. Life is full of enough problems and relationships are hard as it is without adding problem-prone people to the mix. So far, every guy I have been attracted to is (or at least seemed like) a nice guy.

As for what I look for:

-He doesn't need to be Einstein, but I do need someone to be somewhat intelligent (there is no real way to say that without sounding arrogant...unfortunately).

-Non-smokers are a plus.

-Empathy is really important to me. Generally speaking (not specific to romantic relationships), I hate it when people are unable to see things from other peoples' perspectives...not that I'm innocent of that. It's all the more important in a romantic relationship though.

-Someone who is laid-back. I'm a bit high-strung myself, so being with someone else who is also is probably not a good idea.

-Someone who isn't lazy. I just can't deal with that.

-A guy who takes care of himself. He doesn't need to be in "model" shape, but eating healthy and getting some exercise is important. If he doesn't do that it will end up me mimicking those bad habits...which is obviously not good.

In a lot of ways, I guess the guy I'm looking for is the kind of guy I (at least) try to be.

So, what is your type?

P.S. I will say I'm a sucker for a guy with a nice smile and beautiful eyes.



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Hmm, my type?

Artsy - They have to have a creative flair about them. Not be shy of what and who they are.

Fun - If i can't have fun with you, there's no need for me to be with you.

Smart - Not only intellectually, but common sense, and able to think for themselves without looking for me for confirmation.

Style - There overall style, i personally am into the nerdy/"hipster trash" kinda girls myself. They just can't say $%&@ it and wear sweatpants all the time.

Work - I want someone who can pay for there own things, even if i offer and usually pay all the time. I just don't like the feeling of being used if they don't do anything with their life.

Edited side note:

I run five miles a day, i'm not looking for someone to keep up with me, but be able to do a jog with me in the morning when i wake up.

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not stupid

emotionally intelligent (possibly the most important thing on this list)

able to logically work through disagreements

big !@#$ are a plus

tolerance for weed-smoking is a necessity, weed-smoking is a plus


big !@#$ are a PLUS

since I'm likely not going to make a lot of money, a high earner is a plus but they definitely can't be dependent on me financially

no red sox or cowboys fans

eagles fan is acceptable if they are from Pennsylvania


big !@#$

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Since sports teams were mentioned:

no Bears, Yankees, Cowboys, Duke, Miami (FL), Florida, BYU fans (Green Bay, Red Sox, UNC and Virginia Tech fans are a plus)

Style: If he's occasion appropriate, that's cool, but so long as he can put himself together.

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No Steelers, Ravens, Michigan, and Bengals fans. Oh and anyone who likes Lebron can **** themselves because, I won't.

Oh, and dry humor and what CSM said. Especially the big !@#$ part.

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not stupid

emotionally intelligent (possibly the most important thing on this list)

able to logically work through disagreements

big !@#$ are a plus

tolerance for weed-smoking is a necessity, weed-smoking is a plus


big !@#$ are a PLUS

since I'm likely not going to make a lot of money, a high earner is a plus but they definitely can't be dependent on me financially

no red sox or cowboys fans

eagles fan is acceptable if they are from Pennsylvania


big !@#$

Baby, I'm your's!

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My type for a girl... Well !@#$ I'm picky as hell.

  • Athletic built because I play sports all the time and I love to be outdoors so I would like them to be the same. Yes that means I don't like big %*%*%. Just a nice body. I lift everyday so if she goes to the gym with me thats a definite plus.
  • Dresses nicely when the occasion comes. T-shirt and jeans for a girl is still sexy to me.
  • Emotionally stable... I don't want another crazy stalker fest.
  • Humor so we can laugh at each other. Dry Sarcastic humor too because I love that in a girl.
  • Smart in the sense she can get what she needs done and understands life around her.
  • Chill... I need a chill girl. I have work, school, weight lift daily some days I just want to sit at home and cuddle.

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Has to be tolerant of me having long working hours

Has to tolerate long nights spent on irc and other CNish stuff

Has to tolerate allnighters by me either for work or for trying to beat Jabberwocky & Bandersnatch

Has to be able to enjoy just sitting there without the need to constantly communicate, sometimes quiet time together is essential.

Has to be be good with kids

Has to be able to share the kitchen, men like to cook too damnit.

Cannot be vegetarian.

Has to understand and comprehend when i quote from a book i read, or at the very least be willing to read a book.

Cannot be bigoted.

Can baby me when i am down.

Will let me baby her when she is feeling down.

Is not too proud to ask for help, and is not a total helpless twit either.

Is not neurotic about weight gain but also someone that keeps healthy.

Uhh i guess my type would be a clone of my wife then.

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