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The Virtue of Starting an Alliance



In two days' time, I will be posting a DoE of an alliance that minus the important contributions of a dear friend of mine is the work of my sweat and blood. I do have to say it's been a metric ton of work to get IRC activity, recruit, make forums, a charter, a flag, and a protectorate, but there's a flipside to all this. Starting an alliance on CN is one of the most rewarding things one can do, provided that they make something they're genuinely interested in and willing to pursue to the sometimes bitter end.

There has been a popular thread that we've all seen about how there are too many alliances and many should just off themselves in the name of the common good. However, I disagree strongly. All these alliances make at least one person very happy and fulfilled at a very important level. Ultimately, CN is about self-actualization- trying to achieve great things with only our wits and some pixels thrown in for spice.

I encourage people thinking about starting their own alliance to go ahead and dive in. It's definitely worth it.


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I know how hard it is to start an alliance, yes indeed.

And I agree, the game is about self actualization, I disagree with people who discourage the starting of new alliances(a lot of them anyway, to be honest some alliances are left better uncreated)

However "diving in" is just reckless, have some experience before you start.

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All these alliances make at least one person very happy and fulfilled

This is it. The only argument you need to stop people whining about the amount of alliances in CyberNations.

All the best to you.

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I'm sure it is rewarding, not to mention an ego trip. I've considered it myself at times. But I always ask myself whether, 6 months down the line, I'll have added something to the game or just created another group taking up space, competing for recruits, and clogging up the treaty web.

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If you want something that you can't find in another alliance after looking around a little and asking questions AND you have the time to put into making one, I think it is worth it. However, if you just want to be very involved in an alliance as a leader, my advice is to find a small alliance that already has a protectorate, etc. whose form of government and policies you like and join them. Small alliances are always looking for people to help out. It's easy enough in most of them to just be a little active and end up taking a leadership role very soon.

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The problem is, the majority of people thinking about starting their alliance have no idea what they are doing, and while it might make them happy and fulfilled, it might kill the interest of those who subscribe to their philosophies by becoming a member.

Good luck, creating an alliance is nothing short of a gynormous amount of work, and the pre DoE stuff is but the tip of the iceberg.

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It was a plethora of work for my co-founder and I when we began our alliance. And the work load never really seems to die off too much. Constantly a member will attack, get attacked, not get paid for tech, not get the tech they paid for, etc. In a small alliance such as ours all of these issues must be addressed quickly and the politics never seem to end. However, the politics have turned into the fun part.

Our little alliance has provided us with hours upon hours of fantastic conversations and managed to bring this text-based game to life. We may not be big enough to start the next world war, but 30 other nations have managed to find a home following our leadership and, as it was stated earlier, that is a pretty good feeling!

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