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Hey, GATO. I don't think you're a bad person for cancelling on NSO.



Just thought you should know. $%&@ the haters.

I mean, I wouldn't have if I was in your shoes, but I completely understand why you did, and I'm cool with it.

Incidentally, I do think Van Hoo is a bad person. Probably a terrible person, if you're harsh enough to think that of him.


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From a purely objective perspective, GATO followed their treaty to the letter.

The various reactions to it -- the subjective responses -- generally fall within the realm of 'completely expected'.

The fine print is there for a reason. GATO's cancellation, whatever one may think of it, was 'legal'.

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From a rational point of view, GATO !@#$ their pants. Not even their justification makes any sense, as it boils down to them not being reasonably quickly informed about a standard "rogue situation" which happens on a daily basis here and most alliances do not inform their allies of similar cases as its so frequent and resolved without much hurrr durrr. Probably as it would be deemed as "diplo spam".

And when I mean reasonably, it seems their definition of such is the exact second. Not even couple of hours.

Total drop of the ball there from GATO. Further considering how NSO stated they do not want any help with this, the entire thing is such a doo doo for GATO. They turned out weak, soiled. And it was completely unnecessary.

Obviously relations between GATO and NSO were not strong to begin with. So cancellation would be the best course of action, but not now, not with this concrete reason as its just overly hilarious and makes one look like a complete joke.

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The fine print is there for a reason. GATO's cancellation, whatever one may think of it, was 'legal'.

Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's not scummy. The whole buildup to war took about 12 hours or less. Overnight on a Sunday, no less. The acted as if this thing had been brewing for a week and we just completely neglected to tell them anything. They used this as an excuse to slime their way out of the treaty. A treaty we weren't even going to ask them to honor anyhow. Not that we thought for a second they would anyway. At least I know I didn't.

Oh and don't get me started on the blatant hypocrisy of GATO telling someone that 12 hours is too long to wait for something. These people call an alliance wide vote when deciding to change the drapes in their congress hall.

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Hello guys, GATO here, thought a response would be due, i speak for myself in this.

Yesterday I was glued to IRC in the hopes that this boring as S**t summer was going to turn into something. NSO had accepted and was supporting a member who was attacking RoK. RoK responded with a quad attack. We watched all this unfold and waited. Surely this would mean war, large scale war. It would seem logical that someone from NSO would contact us, to stratigize, to plan a response, even just to say "So...this is a bit of a clusterf**k,huh?". But no, Omni, DragonsPhyre, Me (I am Deputy AC) didnt get anything. We watched over 200 people in the NSO public chat talking trash, escalating, making everyone in the room absolutly certain of there intentions not to back down.

I looked forward to a fight, flex the muscles, have some fun. But if were were going to go to the unconditional aid of an ally, we do expect the common courtesy to say "Hey, we are gonna start a war". Yes we cancelled, was it the right thing? Good people can differ. But now this cancellation is being used as a political tool by NSO, you can all see that, "GATO are !@#$%*^, and NSO is a poor, helpless victim" is the new narrative being pushed. That is horses**t and you would be foolish to buy that snake oil that some on OWF are trying to sell

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NSO didn't start a war. RoK did. They offered only ultimatums pushing for war and then they proceed into creating one.

From no angle does it seem rational for NSO to look for war in that case, to start a war in that case, as obviously only thing they can get is a curb-stomp of them. It is not hard to see who is the aggressive party here and who seek war and not any reasonable diplomacy.

Your justification doesn't hold any watter but only further makes your alliance look more of a joke. Hold onto your rationalizations only at your boards to keep your moral up. Dont bother the rest of us with this nonsense.

NSO didnt ask for your help anyway, they knew they wouldn't get it. I guarantee that with my CN career of 4 years.

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We knew damn well GATO wouldn't help us, Bran-Muffin. Their track record pretty much telegraphed what their next move would be. I didn't expect them to shoot themselves in the foot with that PR disaster of a treaty cancellation, however. I guess they just wanted to be totally sure that their infrastructure would be safe during all this.

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We knew damn well GATO wouldn't help us, Bran-Muffin. Their track record pretty much telegraphed what their next move would be. I didn't expect them to shoot themselves in the foot with that PR disaster of a treaty cancellation, however. I guess they just wanted to be totally sure that their infrastructure would be safe during all this.

fyi we were preparing to fight a war

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Hello guys, GATO here, thought a response would be due, i speak for myself in this.

Yesterday I was glued to IRC in the hopes that this boring as S**t summer was going to turn into something. NSO had accepted and was supporting a member who was attacking RoK. RoK responded with a quad attack. We watched all this unfold and waited. Surely this would mean war, large scale war. It would seem logical that someone from NSO would contact us, to stratigize, to plan a response, even just to say "So...this is a bit of a clusterf**k,huh?". But no, Omni, DragonsPhyre, Me (I am Deputy AC) didnt get anything. We watched over 200 people in the NSO public chat talking trash, escalating, making everyone in the room absolutly certain of there intentions not to back down.

I looked forward to a fight, flex the muscles, have some fun. But if were were going to go to the unconditional aid of an ally, we do expect the common courtesy to say "Hey, we are gonna start a war". Yes we cancelled, was it the right thing? Good people can differ. But now this cancellation is being used as a political tool by NSO, you can all see that, "GATO are !@#$%*^, and NSO is a poor, helpless victim" is the new narrative being pushed. That is horses**t and you would be foolish to buy that snake oil that some on OWF are trying to sell

$%&@ off, the people chatting in the public channel were the ones who were gonna attack and you damn well know it. Your entire argument is based on the fact that you all saw an imminent threat to our alliance several days before we had an inkling and decided to not inform us that it may lead to war.

Which is actually a pretty blatant violation of the clause you say we voided.

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fyi we were preparing to fight a war

Which your government would not have allowed to happen. Thats generally how it goes down for you guys. The membership may be great, but pretty often your Congress is full of infra huggers.

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To NSO members: If you had such little trust for GATO, why the $%&@ did you hold a treaty with them? Nothing more retarded than seeing people trashing those they were allied to not even 24 hours ago and saying !@#$ like "we knew you weren't going to activate your treaty". Why the hell would anyone keep a treaty with someone if that's how they felt? You guys boggle the mind.

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To NSO members: If you had such little trust for GATO, why the $%&@ did you hold a treaty with them? Nothing more retarded than seeing people trashing those they were allied to not even 24 hours ago and saying !@#$ like "we knew you weren't going to activate your treaty". Why the hell would anyone keep a treaty with someone if that's how they felt? You guys boggle the mind.

Because it was never my call to sign a treaty with them? Because I have personal opinions that can sometimes differ from that of the rest of my alliance government? What's so mind boggling about that? We're not a hivemind in NSO.

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To NSO members: If you had such little trust for GATO, why the $%&@ did you hold a treaty with them? Nothing more retarded than seeing people trashing those they were allied to not even 24 hours ago and saying !@#$ like "we knew you weren't going to activate your treaty". Why the hell would anyone keep a treaty with someone if that's how they felt? You guys boggle the mind.

We're friends with them, that doesn't necessarily mean that we expected them to fight with us. I mean, to be frankly honest, who counts on GATO's support that isnt IAA?

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Corinan: Sorry if I unfairly called out your entire alliance, I took it from those who posted here that it was a generally-held idea within the alliance.

Chron: Isn't that what PIATs are for? Or just being on good terms with an alliance without a treaty?

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Corinan: Sorry if I unfairly called out your entire alliance, I took it from those who posted here that it was a generally-held idea within the alliance.

Chron: Isn't that what PIATs are for? Or just being on good terms with an alliance without a treaty?

We don't sign PIATs. And we frankly had no reason to assume GATO government would be hesitant to fulfill their part of the arrangement until long after the treaty had been signed.

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We're friends with them, that doesn't necessarily mean that we expected them to fight with us. I mean, to be frankly honest, who counts on GATO's support that isnt IAA?

Generally speaking, GATO's treaty partners. I believe you guys were that about 10mins ago. ALL of NSO just completely turned on GATO despite attempts at remaining civil.

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