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A Declaration of War



The alliance of "25 nukes than quit" hereby declares on Veritas Aequitas for breaking surrender terms. Some time ago, several nations attacked VA for past transgressions. VA agreed to surrender to end the war, and we demanded an apology and a promise to leave us alone. VA accepted the terms, and we walked away. Imagine our surprise when several months later, JWConner, the main instigator of problems, began following Penkala around and making snarky comments at him. It was quite frankly shocking. As honorable men, we believe in keeping our word, and we expected the same from VA.

VA, you have broken your terms. War is resumed. Five VA nations sit in anarchy already, with more to come in the next few days. If you would like to discuss ending this, please come to #nukethanquit to discuss a peaceful conclusion. Every day you don't your alliances loses tens and tens of millions of dollars in damages for no reason. We will be fair.


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"25 nukes than quit"? It's amazing how many people fail at spelling simple things.

Edit: Besides, I don't remember you being at war with us the last time. Unless that third nation (OperationUraniumShip I believe it was called) was one of yours.

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"25 nukes than quit"? It's amazing how many people fail at spelling simple things.

Edit: Besides, I don't remember you being at war with us the last time. Unless that third nation (OperationUraniumShip I believe it was called) was one of yours.

He is mockingly quoting the old top guy at TOOL who was an infra hugger/hippie.

Anyways, other than that, just an obligatory lolpenkala.

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He is mockingly quoting the old top guy at TOOL who was an infra hugger/hippie.

Anyways, other than that, just an obligatory lolpenkala.

Oh, so he can spell. That changes everything. Clearly we must surrender to them.

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He is mockingly quoting the old top guy at TOOL who was an infra hugger/hippie.

Anyways, other than that, just an obligatory lolpenkala.

Ahh yes, RMMP. I believe he wasn't particularly well liked even by some of his own alliance-mates :P

Also, it's "NUKE YOU 25 TIMES THAN QUIT." :laugh:

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"25 nukes than quit"? It's amazing how many people fail at spelling simple things.

Edit: Besides, I don't remember you being at war with us the last time. Unless that third nation (OperationUraniumShip I believe it was called) was one of yours.

Really? You didn't think I was involved? Then why did you go to Delta a half-dozen times asking him to declare me a rogue (only to be turned down a half-dozen times)?

And I spelled it properly: 25 nukes than quit.

So much for CSN....

If I'm sticking around after this it'll be with CSN.

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I have been sanctioned by VA. This is nothing new; the first time I went rogue (despite having only 4k ns, less money than I needed to pay a single day's bills, and no nukes or wonders) I was sanctioned. This was not a nuclear fight, VA, until you escalated it. You have got to learn that your actions have consequences. The consequence of this action is that we will be going nuke-free on you in about 9 hours. You will now take billions of dollars in damages you didn't have to because of your leadership's incompetence.

Once again, I urge you to come and discuss a simple end to this mess (Hint: All we want is to ensure our original terms are adhered to). If you refuse, we will have to escalate this conflict again. How much damage will you take so that JWC can throw a few cheap one-liners at me?

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I have been sanctioned by VA. This is nothing new; the first time I went rogue (despite having only 4k ns, less money than I needed to pay a single day's bills, and no nukes or wonders) I was sanctioned. This was not a nuclear fight, VA, until you escalated it. You have got to learn that your actions have consequences. The consequence of this action is that we will be going nuke-free on you in about 9 hours. You will now take billions of dollars in damages you didn't have to because of your leadership's incompetence.

Once again, I urge you to come and discuss a simple end to this mess (Hint: All we want is to ensure our original terms are adhered to). If you refuse, we will have to escalate this conflict again. How much damage will you take so that JWC can throw a few cheap one-liners at me?


I love how you talk about how you're so damaging and whatnot. You dont do any damage, BK does. You've always talked a big game. It's what you do. Everyone knows this...hence the lolpenkala.

Anyways, I was getting bored not being in anarchy. I look forward to some good times with good ol BK. YAY nuclear anarchy.

Oh, and as for this whole "honorable men" bs, I lol'd hard. Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle a pot?

I'd really have hoped you'd have gotten more creative, but not really. As per the usual, you're the butt of the joke. We've been around nearly 3 years now, and someone like yourself won't affect that. Have fun "proving your point."

I'll be lol'ing the whole way while I watch my infra burn. Good times. This makes nuke rogue #6 or 7...I'm getting closer to the double digits. :D

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