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Logs - Ramirus and myself



At first I decided not to publish this, but I asked Ramirus for permission and it was granted. I am getting a lot of requests to see this and the maximum number of observers for a PM is 15. I know of no better way to post and maintain the quote tags. Due to quote tag limit I will have to post each pm as a blog reply. If something I have said offends, I apologize in advance, I was not planning for this to be public at the time. This is the dialogue from beginning to end.

Didn't IRON accept the first terms and reps offered in this conflict before Gramlins withdrew them?No, in fact there were never terms offered by the Grämlins. Way back in February, IRON came to Matthew and asked him what he thought our terms might be. He guessed at a number. They rejected it (although it hadn't even been offered, merely guessed at).Then, near the end of March, IRON came to accept Matthew's terms. They were told to bugger off.Our Charter requires that the Conclave (Like a Triumvirate) must approve with at least 2 votes, any peace terms offered. No vote was ever even held regarding terms, other than the ones we have ready for IRON now, following their surrender and subsequent demilitarization.Sucks to know the facts only after you've already made a decision, huh?


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If you want to end the war then accept the offer of white peace that is still on the table. I am getting very tired of this insulting dialogue.
Yeah, that's what I thought. It was never about our unconditional surrender (which we're dropping), or our unwillingness to negotiate (which we're now doing), as you claimed. Like most people, you never gave a crap about any of that, you just saw an opportunity to be a dick for no reason and you took it.I was right about you all along; you're just a warmongering liar like the rest of them. I should've had a bet going with someone! Dammit!
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If you want to end the war then accept the offer of white peace that is still on the table. I am getting very tired of this insulting dialogue.
Yeah, that's what I thought. It was never about our unconditional surrender (which we're dropping), or our unwillingness to negotiate (which we're now doing), as you claimed. Like most people, you never gave a crap about any of that, you just saw an opportunity to be a dick for no reason and you took it.I was right about you all along; you're just a warmongering liar like the rest of them. I should've had a bet going with someone! Dammit!
How would I know you are dropping it? As you stated this is a discussion among leaders and I am just a soldier. I have asked for clarification on the OWF and I have received none. Your insults have me angered to the point that I am ready to spill blood on that fact alone. If I was a warmonger I would have declared long ago. I have many pms of 100+k NS nations outside of IRON asking me to green light them for Gramlins slaughter and I have not done so out of a desire for peace.
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How would I know you are dropping it?
That's a fair point. I can have someone from one of the many alliances now supporting us to clarify for you if you'd like.
Please do.
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Oh, and this got started three weeks ago, and was official amongst most of our allies 3 days ago, so the notion that it has anything to do with Matt Miller's silliness is just more lying from the peanut gallery.
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How would I know you are dropping it?
That's a fair point. I can have someone from one of the many alliances now supporting us to clarify for you if you'd like.
Please do.
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I want peace as much as anybody, but perhaps the ONLY way to speed up the process is to keep wrecking Gramlin nations. It seemed to work so far, Ram refused to negotiate for months, he got attacked, and IMMEDIATELY he takes the unconditional surrender demand out.

Sure looks like a coward's actions to me. So much for warrior code and bushido and all that nonsense. He's willing to let a storied alliance die for his personal vendetta/moral crusade, but not his nation.


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I want peace as much as anybody, but perhaps the ONLY way to speed up the process is to keep wrecking Gramlin nations. It seemed to work so far, Ram refused to negotiate for months, he got attacked, and IMMEDIATELY he takes the unconditional surrender demand out.

Sure looks like a coward's actions to me. So much for warrior code and bushido and all that nonsense. He's willing to let a storied alliance die for his personal vendetta/moral crusade, but not his nation.


You'd be surprised at what infra huggers do.

When Matt and other two finish recking his and Erty's nation they'll end up coming back to us with their surrender, tails tucked between their legs.

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to repeat what wicked said: yes Ram is just far too loony for his own good (what a shame)

at least, he's barely kind enough to express his reasoning (regardless of how misguided they may be)

thnx for this, Mr. JKII

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To be perfectly honest, I believe the discussions involving dropping unconditional surrender were in the works before the attack on Ramirus. To reaffirm Matt Millers position in the New Gramlins thread, I do not believe Ramirus is a coward nor would an attack on his nation influence his decision. An attack on Gramlin's top tier perhaps but not him personally.

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He lies about it being in the making for 3 days. MHA only got informed of his intent last night (25th June) AFTER the decleration by Matt Miller.

Way to fail at spinning Ramirus you infra hugging dog.

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He lies about it being in the making for 3 days. MHA only got informed of his intent last night (25th June) AFTER the decleration by Matt Miller.

I can say that FOK was informed before MM attacked and will agree with MM and JKI that this hasn't anything to do with cowardice.

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Love you too Wickedj ... not quite sure why you felt the need to have a potshot in a totally unrelated thread. Though I welcome any attempt from you to dish out said 'punishment' :rolleyes:.

Funny that they'd inform FOK – a non-ally – before MHA – their only ally – of the new plan.

And yeah the content is hilariously ridiculous when seen from the outside. I've never seen someone so totally convinced that they're right and the entire rest of the world is wrong.

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I think this together with the thread makes nice basic material for a psychological study on what went wrong with the gRAMlins and its leader(s).

Admittedly, it's also nice to see some sound-bites from ram quoted by MPK on the thread a few days later in the same wording, tells you that independent thought is a big thing in gRAMlins.

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Wow is right.

It's really all pretty simple:

To get unconditional surrender you need these things:

1) A rational state actor as an opponent

2) To persuade your opponent through force or demonstration of force that to continue war is tantamount to death.

This is all simple: a rational state actor will never choose a universe of unknowns, when that universe of choices can contain death, unless they believe death already to be certain. When death is certain, choosing among a universe of unknowns, among which death is one of a plethora of choices is rational.

Ramirus offered unconditional surrender. He did not get it. He must therefore assume that either 1) or 2) is violated. I do not believe it is 1), therefore it is 2).

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A fairly comical U turn by a "hard man" who turned out to be a blow hard. All it took was one attack by the great MM. Its a shame it didnt happen before the death of Gramlins became a certainty. I hope to see you in action soon J.K 'il.

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I can say that FOK was informed before MM attacked and will agree with MM and JKI that this hasn't anything to do with cowardice.

When FOK were informed of this, was Ram next on the attack list, or was he a way down that list? If he looked to be next on the list, that would suggest he was scared of being attacked. If lower on the list, it points to a genuineness on his part.

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