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Where are the Grämlins now?

Bob Janova


With the current alliance being in the news at the moment for all the wrong reasons, it seems a good time to see where the 'Grämlins diaspora' – long time members who left because they felt the alliance wasn't what it had been – have gone, and what they have done.

Obviously other members have also left and who I consider to be on this list is entirely subjective!

The exodus began with the creation of Kronos, with Ender Land, White Majik, Dankbud, Tryptamine and Heracles the Great striking out for something new. Several of the former Grämlins left in a blaze of 'glory' during the CoUNT incident, but Dankbud remains.

Another large group went to TOP, including HellAngel, necAnt, President Obama, Inferno, Celial* and Liquid Mercury. Several former Grämlins are or were in TOP government or milcom (including infamously LM in both the TPF and Polar coalitions). Syzygy joined TOP during the war having been on the protest AA 'The Härmlins' for a long time.

*: No, his nation isn't Celial. Someone already had that, though they seem to be gone now.

The other popular destination is The Ninjas, with 8 of their highest NS membership coming from Grämlins, including such dignitaries as Ejayrazz and Egwaterboy61. Ninjas have taken many of the original ideas of the Grämlins – an invite only alliance, sharing information and decisions among friends and not becoming overly entangled in the MDP web – and it is natural that so many would find a home there.

MK have had a couple of recent high profile additions (TBRaiders and Synth_FG), as have Umbrella who have two Grämlins on their applicant AA at the moment.

The Harmlins exchange did its thing as Nutkase and Zere became Hitchhikers over at the MHA, though Zere is no longer around.

Other Grämlins who've moved on make up single nation enclaves in Fark (DLT) and IAA (Doch).

The newest refugees (EB and April) are still looking for their next home.

And then of course there's myself at VE.

Some important figures now exist only in the history books, with Steelrat being the biggest name to go that way recently. Adhambek has also gone in the last few months.


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lol, I definitely don't deserve to be on that list of people....

It's funny because the events and diaspora you describe encompasses nearly exactly a year, as I was in Grämlins for a year and a day exactly, and I know the Kronos exodus was only a week or so before I joined.

It's been a very, very, very slow long and painful death for Grämlins.

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Yeah ok my memory's not what it was :awesome: some of you are getting edited in! Not Sharpe though, much as I love him, he isn't a recent deletion and nor did he ever move to another alliance. He, and others like Boondock, were great Grämlins and then left due to RL pressures, and they didn't really 'go' anywhere. I've included Steel and Ad because I suspect it was the recent political moves that caused them to give up on their nations, as it has caused Chill, Synth, April, EB and probably others I haven't seen to leave.

E: The list isn't that short, with the people that poked me and the non-enumerated 8 in Ninjas there's 31 names there.

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MK is the new Grämlins?

TOP and the Ninjas probably have the most ex-gre members, Kronos had quite a few when it was first founded like bob mentioned. I'd probably put MK at 3rd Place (maybe tied to 2nd) as the New Grämlins, if there was such a title.

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When Omas Nams leaves Grämlins i'll consider them a lost cause until then, there just an alliance who is losing members. Because there's only a few who left as of late, that you mentioned. But the situation is depressing none the less.

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