Thanks, Grämlins
When I left you back in November, it was a hard decision, to leave the alliance I had been a part of since I got into politics, and one which provided me with a lot of good times. I wondered whether I was too hasty, whether I should stay still longer and try to hold the alliance on the course we had been on prior to that.
Recently you have shown everyone that no, you really are that nuts, and you have comprehensively trashed everything that made Grämlins, well, Grämlins, as well as being a major factor in the destruction of the Citadel power sphere. So there is now no old home for me to idealise and which I was back in, which makes it that much easier to settle in as a Viridian. You've even driven several of my old friends into the waiting arms of the Viridian protectorate Ninjas so I'm talking to them regularly again!
So, thanks for that.
As a side note, Grämlins now has less members than it did in the summer of '07 when we decided it was too large to run things by direct democracy any longer. Maybe you should go back to that, let the membership have its say on terms, surrender and so on.
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