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New Flames


Treaty of Peace, Intelligence, Aid and Optional Defence


In honour of the mutual friendship between The Incorporated City-States of Brengstklau (ICB) and Silence, we hereby agree to the following terms in the hope of increasing these bonds.

Section I - Sovereignty

The governments and constituent members of the signatory alliances remain sovereign from each other.

Section II - Peace

The below signed agree not to authorize or condone attacks by a member of one signatory on another. If a nation is found to be in violation of this they will be ordered to offer peace and pay reparations. Should the offending nation refuse either peace or reparations they are declared a rogue and be subject to whatever measures deemed necessary by both parties.

Section III - Civility

Members of ICB and Silence agree to remain civil to each other, especially in public forums.

Section IV – Information

Part A: Neither alliance will conduct or condone espionage against the other.

Part B: If a signatory obtains information regarding a direct threat to the other signatory or their interests, they will immediately notify the government of the other alliance, providing the relevant information. The source may be disclosed at the original recipient’s discretion.

Section V – Optional Defence

Should a signatory alliance find itself in a defensive war, the other signatory is encouraged to provide military/financial/diplomatic aid where possible. Such aid, while desirable, is not mandatory.

Section VI - Cancellation

Should the need be found to cancel this treaty, the cancelling alliance will provide written notification to the other alliance 72 hours prior to enforcement of the cancellation.

Signed - ICB

2Burnt2eat, Emperor

Nick Bar, Minister of Defense

Freakwars, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Prince Blundell, Subminister of Trade

Signed - Silence

Bagpuss, Triumvir

Scorcher 1, Triumvir

Remox, Triumvir of Justice

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I like the look of Silence tbh, but I think this is a bad move.

You're welcome to query myself or one of the Silence gov members on IRC and enlighten us on your reasons why. Someone is almost always around in #silence and we're almost always open for constructive opinions. Personally I think this is a good move on our part though. ICB are good folks.

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I like the look of Silence tbh, but I think this is a bad move.

I dont see any reason why this would be a bad move, we've been buying tech from ICB for several months now and have had no problems. This is a natural step forwards for our relatioship with ICB.

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