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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300576296' post='2670463']
VE attacks NpO on a trumped up CB,
NPO enters via treaty with NpO (Which didn't exist)
or NPO get's chained in, attacks VE
than and ONLY than can DoomHouse hit NPO on a justified CB.

How is that "logic" in any way different from what I outlined.

[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300576392' post='2670467']
I'm saying if you're going to declare war, have a damn good and valid reason to do it, attacking out of paranoia and rage just doesn't cut it.

Paranoia and fear not valid reasons for war. Check.
Can only attack when other side approves. Check.
Can only attack if opponent is not NPO and you are not in DH or somehow related. Check.
Not blitzing nations in pm is a sign of losing the war. Check.
Didn't realize you commented on one of my posts two separate times. Check.

I'm learning so much here.

e; spelling, pfft

Edited by Richard Rahl
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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300577389' post='2670485']
you attacked an alliance that wasn't even in the war!
This proves that any alliance that is unfortunate enough to have you guys view them as a threat is gonna get rolled. Atleast NPO had reasons when they attacked alliances.

Answer the question you fud, who is the neutral alliance that is getting rolled? I just want to read you typing it.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1300577119' post='2670481']
Currently I am fighting nations from TOOL and NADC. Both of these alliances are at war with Doomhouse, do try to keep up.
IRON didn't post a DoN, are you guys going to get all paranoid and attack them?
Remember IRON was the second biggest alliance in The Continuum.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300577389' post='2670485']
you attacked an alliance that wasn't even in the war!
This proves that any alliance that is unfortunate enough to have you guys view them as a threat is gonna get rolled. [b]Atleast NPO had reasons when they attacked alliances.[/b]

Haha! That's a good one, tell us another.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300577482' post='2670488']
Answer the question you fud, who is the neutral alliance that is getting rolled? I just want to read you typing it it.

They were sitting this war out. Thus they were neutral in this conflict.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300577389' post='2670485']
you attacked an alliance that wasn't even in the war!
This proves that any alliance that is unfortunate enough to have you guys view them as a threat is gonna get rolled. Atleast NPO had reasons when they attacked alliances.
Dishonest reasons, either [i]de minimis[/i] offenses or flatly trumped up charges. The graveyard of history is replete with alliances that were simply viewed as "threats" to Pacifica and promptly annihilated over minor errors or total fabrications. I will not apologize for rejecting such underhanded methods in favor of a more forthright assault.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1300391602' post='2668042']
the funny pic

The Saint Patrick's Day Massacre (of rhetoric)

That's probably the funniest thing I've ever seen you post. Brilliant. I now take back all the bad things I said about you.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300577526' post='2670490']
IRON didn't post a DoN, are you guys going to get all paranoid and attack them?
Remember IRON was the second biggest alliance in The Continuum.
IRON has made their intentions clear in other channels.

An ounce of communication will prevent a pound of misunderstanding.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300577083' post='2670479']
Pre Karma NPO = 83 score, 23 million NS, no alliance TO DATE was ever that big, 1000 nations.
Pre Karma FAN = less than 100 nations, all in hippie, no aid, no tech deals, 90% in ZI or close, around 700k NS.
where is NPO today, where is FAN today. this could evolve into a protracted Guerilla war with you guys ending up like NPO in the end.

It's going to evolve into them being strangled by their own strategy, as I mentioned earlier. Things are different in many ways now. But the fact remains, NPO's guiding light is domination of the world, and Doomhouse's role has always been to oppose that in it's many varied forms.

[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300577526' post='2670490']
IRON didn't post a DoN, are you guys going to get all paranoid and attack them?
Remember IRON was the second biggest alliance in The Continuum.

Duckroll members have done nothing but say they want no part of this. I suspect they dislike NPO as much as they dislike Doomhouse, to be honest, and stand to come out of this fracas pretty well.

So, no, you moran.

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Guest avenger218

Let me make some adjustments here.

[quote name='Richard Rahl' timestamp='1300577403' post='2670486']
How is that "logic" in any way different from what I outlined.

Paranoia and fear not valid reasons for war. Check.
Can only attack when other side attacks first. Check.
Can only attack if opponent attacks your alliance or one of it's allies first. Check.
Weak or almost non existent blitzes isn't a sign of winning a war. Check.
Didn't realize you commented on one of my posts two separate times. Check.

I'm learning so much here.

e; spelling, pfft

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1300577746' post='2670498']
It's going to evolve into them being strangled by their own strategy, as I mentioned earlier. Things are different in many ways now. But the fact remains, NPO's guiding light is domination of the world, [b]and Doomhouse's role has always been to oppose that in it's many varied forms.[/b]
All. Must. Die?

Duckroll members have done nothing but say they want no part of this. I suspect they dislike NPO as much as they dislike Doomhouse, to be honest, and stand to come out of this fracas pretty well.

So, no, you moran.
NPO didn't want any part of it either

oh and it's moron, not Moran.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300577854' post='2670500']
Let me make some adjustments here.

No, you said attacking first is ILLEGAL. Therefore an opponent can never attack first, seeing as how it is ILLEGAL. Therefore no one can ever defend an alliance, because they will never actually be attacked first. ILLEGAL, etc.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300576769' post='2670473']
you never addressed why you're charging such steep reps from CoJ
Okay, you want to know why? Because I hate CoJ. I hate them, [color=blue]I hate them[/color]. They take great pains to annoy and undermine us, a while back one of them completed the mercy board challenge of somebody without our permission for example (we would have allowed it, ironically enough). In addition, they are also part of the red dawn body which continually refuses to sanction nuclear rogues on us, out of spite. And finally, I despise Schattenmann on a personal level. He is a slimeball who twists the facts to match the picture he tries to paint, attempting to influence public opinion by way of distortion, trying to replace the truth with his farce. GOONS and VE have been his targets in the past, to a great extent.

So in short, this war is worth a lot to us, so we're not letting it go easily. We are not unreasonable though, and we have given him very reasonable terms, terms we are still willing to negotiate on, I might add, if he didn't flat our refuse the play.


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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300571291' post='2670402']
Dude, GOONS is totalled, TOP's NS looks like a sonar sounding of lake michigan.

That's funny. :)

You have less than 2,000 NS, and you are in peace mode.

NADC has 1.8M NS. TOP has 7.9M.

TOP has lost 6% of our NS in the last month. NADC has lost 20%.

Every NADC nation over 35k NS is in peace mode, whereas TOP's middle and upper tier is doing normal back-collects as if there were no war.

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[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1300578274' post='2670507']
That's funny. :)

You have less than 2,000 NS, and you are in peace mode.

NADC has 1.8M NS. TOP has 7.9M.

TOP has lost 6% of our NS in the last month. NADC has lost 20%.

Every NADC nation over 35k NS is in peace mode, whereas TOP's middle and upper tier is doing normal back-collects as if there were no war.

Don't let facts get in the way of his rants, he might wise up and stop his delusional ramblings. Their side are really bringing out the big guns here. Its awe aspiring to watch.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1300577379' post='2670484']
No, don't be silly. They're consistently neutral. They've chosen a way to conduct their affairs and stick with it. My criticism is of those who use peace mode when at war, not those who choose neutrality altogether.

You don't get to swing back and forth. When you choose to interface with the greater global community and treaty web, you take the good with the bad. You do not get to choose to fight only the wars you will win. This isn't a new idea. Alliances that refuse treaty obligations or declare neutrality in conflicts in which they appear to have obligating interests catch a world of flak from everybody. There is no difference between this and say, for example, Legion's approach to this war, where nearly the entire alliance hides in peace mode after declaring war. Such is an attempt to dodge the disdain a neutrality declaration would have incurred [i]and[/i] the damage a war would cause. NPO is admittedly less guilty than Legion of this, but still took efforts to dodge a war that demanded a clear and decisive response, then hid its upper tier in peace mode when those efforts failed.

So, what you are saying is that because NPO won't play the way you want to, you won't give them peace?? I mean after you went to the trouble to attack them out of the blue they have the nerve to fight the way they want to fight and not the way you want?? How ungrateful of NPO!!

Ya know, there is all this talk of "knowing" that NPO would enter the war if you did....so doesn't that mean that if you had stayed out of the war NPO would have?? oh wait, you don't know that, cause you didn't give them a chance.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1300577614' post='2670493']
Dishonest reasons, either [i]de minimis[/i] offenses or flatly trumped up charges. The graveyard of history is replete with alliances that were simply viewed as "threats" to Pacifica and promptly annihilated over minor errors or total fabrications. I will not apologize for rejecting such underhanded methods in favor of a more forthright assault.

And now alliances that are simply viewed as "threats" to doomhouse are promptly annihilated over nothing. Well, at least ur honest.

[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1300577746' post='2670498']
But the fact remains, NPO's guiding light is domination of the world, and Doomhouse's role has always been to oppose that in it's many varied forms.[/quote]

So r u saying that the point of Doomhouse is to oppose NPO, when i saw that propaganda i just ignored it but now idk.

Also "can't sleep, pacifica will roll me."

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1300578274' post='2670507']
That's funny. :)

You have less than 2,000 NS, and you are in peace mode.

NADC has 1.8M NS. TOP has 7.9M.

TOP has lost 6% of our NS in the last month. NADC has lost 20%.

Every NADC nation over 35k NS is in peace mode, whereas TOP's middle and upper tier is doing normal back-collects as if there were no war.
if you totalled up all my losses across all 3 of my nations, that's about 21,000 NS,
270,000 casualties, 50 million $$, and I'm in peacemode cause I had a life threatening health issue last week that isn't totally resolved. it involved internal bleeding.
Now it's infection of said internal wounds.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300578547' post='2670511']
[b]if you totalled up all my losses across all 3 of my nations, that's about 21,000 NS,[/b]
270,000 casualties, 50 million $$, and I'm in peacemode cause I had a life threatening health issue last week that isn't totally resolved. it involved internal bleeding.
Now it's infection of said internal wounds.

Ehh? What do you mean all 3 of your nations?

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300578397' post='2670508']
Don't let facts get in the way of his rants, he might wise up and stop his delusional ramblings. Their side are really bringing out the big guns here. Its awe aspiring to watch.
DoomHouse's entire reason for attacking NPO was delusional, Paranoid to the point of insanity.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300578627' post='2670512']
Ehh? What do you mean all 3 of your nations?
I normally don't hide in hippie, I reroll and get back in.
I'm only in hippie for OOC RL reasons.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300578712' post='2670513']
DoomHouse's entire reason for attacking NPO was delusional, Paranoid to the point of insanity.

In my eyes smacking your side about doesn't warrant a reason needed. I just like it and it makes me happy inside. Moral I certainly am not. Enjoying this, I certainly am.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300578037' post='2670504']
oh and it's moron, not Moran.

it's a lighthearted way for me to say i think you are not very competant.


[quote name='All the wright moves' timestamp='1300578467' post='2670510']
And now alliances that are simply viewed as "threats" to doomhouse are promptly annihilated over nothing. Well, at least ur honest.

So r u saying that the point of Doomhouse is to oppose NPO, when i saw that propaganda i just ignored it but now idk.

Also "can't sleep, pacifica will roll me."

if you follow that rule, it will serve you well whether you are friend or enemy of NPO.

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