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Declaration of War


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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299029455' post='2648935']
Once the Scottish Air Force is done, prepare to make that fifteen thousand. Do not threaten our brothers.

"The British and Irish took you in when you needed friends. There not your brothers. Your more of an orphan."

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We have weapons to deal with fifteen million people, kidding of
Look, seriously though. The complete unconditional surrender if the Ottoman Republic is all it takes for this war to end.

You know you can't win so it makes no sense to kill more of your own people fighting an unwinnable war.

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"Scotland has threatened to mass-murder millions.

And as they do it, the world will just watch!" ~Tagruato

"[i][b]Rise up against our foreign invaders! They want nothing more than to murder us Ivorians, us followers of Allah! Prepare to kill every one of them[/b]![/i]" ~Public rallier.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299029453' post='2648934']
"Republique Du Fleuve has a coming suprise very shortly"
*** Confidential ***

The pilots of all 48 B1 Lancers heading towards them giggled like children when they heard this.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299029526' post='2648937']
We have weapons to deal with fifteen million people, kidding of
Look, seriously though. The complete unconditional surrender if the Ottoman Republic is all it takes for this war to end.

You know you can't win so it makes no sense to kill more of your own people fighting an unwinnable war.

"Dont be so sure of that."

[i]Rotavele Grins.[/i]
To: The Ottoman Republic
From: Republique Du Fleuve
Subj: Allies

!@#$% about to hit the fan. We have secret treaties being activated at the moment and itll atleast cause us a Global War.[/quote]

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299029584' post='2648940']
"Scotland has threatened to mass-murder millions. And as they do it, the world will just watch!" ~Tagruato

"[i][b]Rise up against our foreign invaders! They want nothing more than to murder us Ivorians, us followers of Allah! Prepare to kill every one of them[/b]![/i]" ~Public rallier.

"Given that your fifteen million would be engaged in hostile acts against our ally, you have no room to talk. When you hold a gun to a man's head and say you will kill him, you do not get to cry foul when another man shoots you first. Take the consequences of your actions and spare your people by surrendering now or by God you will feel the full wrath of the Scottish armed forces."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299029521' post='2648936']
"The British and Irish took you in when you needed friends. There not your brothers. Your more of an orphan."
The Kingdom of Ireland considers Scotland Egalita to be its brother. I suggest your upstart nation learn its history before making comments.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1299029603' post='2648941']
*** Confidential ***

The pilots of all 48 B1 Lancers heading towards them giggled like children when they heard this.

OOC: Hurry up and have them attack. Ive been waiting all day.

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Operation Steel Force:

SLBMs launched from the second Franco Class Missile Submarine in the South Pacific. Each was carrying a massive ordinance penetrator thermobaric warhead. Their targets: the twenty nuclear missiles operated by the Republique de Fleur. Each of these warheads descended from the atmosphere along with dummy warheads and released chaff as they reached terminal velocity bearing down on the silos to knock them out in a single blow.

This was quickly followed by six Tu-160 S units moving across the South Atlantic, each of these had been equipped with 26 ER-M-51 warheads. As they closed on their target with super cruise, the missiles were fired in rapid succession against the nuclear missile locations. Equipped with armor penetrator warheads, they each took off in rapid succession firing their ram jet engines approaching speeds of Mach 10, making modern air defenses near impossible to defend against. In total 126 of these warheads would be used to ensure the enemies nuclear capability would be knocked out. The remaining 30 warheads would be used to knock out the centirfuge sites for production of HEU and plutonium.

Coordinates of enemy nuclear program and weaponry were forwarded to the rest of the coalition.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299029913' post='2648958']
Operation Steel Force:

SLBMs launched from the second Franco Class Missile Submarine in the South Pacific. Each was carrying a massive ordinance penetrator thermobaric warhead. Their targets: the twenty nuclear missiles operated by the Republique de Fleur. Each of these warheads descended from the atmosphere along with dummy warheads and released chaff as they reached terminal velocity bearing down on the silos to knock them out in a single blow.

This was quickly followed by six Tu-160 S units moving across the South Atlantic, each of these had been equipped with 26 ER-M-51 warheads. As they closed on their target with super cruise, the missiles were fired in rapid succession against the nuclear missile locations. Equipped with armor penetrator warheads, they each took off in rapid succession firing their ram jet engines approaching speeds of Mach 10, making modern air defenses near impossible to defend against. In total 126 of these warheads would be used to ensure the enemies nuclear capability would be knocked out. The remaining 30 warheads would be used to knock out the centirfuge sites for production of HEU and plutonium.

Coordinates of enemy nuclear program and weaponry were forwarded to the rest of the coalition.

"You were the exact one who claimed it was a lie that our Nuclear Program had been hacked into. Then when you launch at them its quite obvious who the liar is."

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299030117' post='2648965']
"There are these things called reconnaissance satellites. We used them."

"You were also the exact one who spoke out against the Ottoman Republic using Spy Satellites. Your such a hypocrite."

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With coordinates of the nuclear program and weaponry, fifty MOP thermobaric warheads were launched at the smae targets as the ones launched by the Chinese - two per missile and one per every other designed for redundancy. While the Chinese had probably knocked out the entire capability of the Republique, the Scots were not taking any chances. In addition, the now-refueling and re-arming F-46 fighter/bombers were readying for their next mission.

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"The Ottomans were spying on a legitimate nation. Your nation on the other hand are a bunch of terrorist whack jobs, who justify the massacre of men women and children with some out dated mythology about a bearded guy in the sky. Your having nuclear weapons is significantly more disturbing."

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The British missile submarine battlegroup received their orders and immediatly went live.

144 tomahawk cruise missiles fired from the fleet and made their way to the Republiques nuclear facilities.

Each nuclear missile launch location sent by the Chinese would herald 7 2000 pound cruise missiles each aswell as all the other allied ordenance.

It would take several minutes for the missiles to begin crashing into their targets.

The British Fleet waited for satellite images from the Chinese to confirm the kills and neutralisation of the Republiques nuclear missiles.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299030159' post='2648967']
"You were also the exact one who spoke out against the Ottoman Republic using Spy Satellites. Your such a hypocrite."

"All is fair in love and war. Why would he not want to use such capabilities when at war?"

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[b]Caspian Clique - Declaration of War[/b]

"Pursuant to our earlier [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99265&view=findpost&p=2647374]statement[/url], the Caspian Clique hereby declares war on the Republique de Fleuve. That is all."


President, Caspian Clique[/center]

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299025356' post='2648810']
Private to the Kingdom of Cochin:

The United Federation of the East would like to request that the KoC prevent their SOSUS from being used to provide free intelligence about forces allied to the Kingdom of Cochin in fighting a defensive war. We are prepared to give assurance that unless NBC weapons are used on our forces by the other side, we have no intention of using nuclear arms. I know that the rest of the Red Dawn forces feel the same way, if you wish us to use our contacts to ensure others do the same similar assurances can be provided.

[u][b]Private to United Federation of the East[/b][/u]

The Cochin Arctica SOSUS is a joint property of Kingdom of Cochin and Arctica. We shall send our own communications to Arctica to desist from releasing such intelligence information into public domain while a cordial diplomatic initiative by UFE and members of Red Dawn to communicate with Arctica would also be very beneficial in this matter.

[u][b]Private to Arctica[/b][/u]

As regards to the earlier statement regarding release of submarine transit data into public realm, we implore upon Arctica to desist from doing so. The Coalition members arrayed against Republique du Fleueve and Ottoman Republic have indicated that they have no intention of initiating nuclear war or using any sort of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Since such a conventional war is aimed towards restoring the stability of Africa we hope Arctica would cooperate.


HH Kerala Varma,
The King of Cochin

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299029913' post='2648958']
Operation Steel Force:

SLBMs launched from the second Franco Class Missile Submarine in the South Pacific. Each was carrying a massive ordinance penetrator thermobaric warhead. Their targets: the twenty nuclear missiles operated by the Republique de Fleur. Each of these warheads descended from the atmosphere along with dummy warheads and released chaff as they reached terminal velocity bearing down on the silos to knock them out in a single blow.

This was quickly followed by six Tu-160 S units moving across the South Atlantic, each of these had been equipped with 26 ER-M-51 warheads. As they closed on their target with super cruise, the missiles were fired in rapid succession against the nuclear missile locations. Equipped with armor penetrator warheads, they each took off in rapid succession firing their ram jet engines approaching speeds of Mach 10, making modern air defenses near impossible to defend against. In total 126 of these warheads would be used to ensure the enemies nuclear capability would be knocked out. The remaining 30 warheads would be used to knock out the centirfuge sites for production of HEU and plutonium.

Coordinates of enemy nuclear program and weaponry were forwarded to the rest of the coalition.

Many nuclear bases were hit. ~10 ICBMs have been destroyed. ~1,421 Innocent Civilians kill in the Missle Attacks.

[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299030232' post='2648968']
With coordinates of the nuclear program and weaponry, fifty MOP thermobaric warheads were launched at the smae targets as the ones launched by the Chinese - two per missile and one per every other designed for redundancy. While the Chinese had probably knocked out the entire capability of the Republique, the Scots were not taking any chances. In addition, the now-refueling and re-arming F-46 fighter/bombers were readying for their next mission.

~5 Nuclear ICBMs were dismantled in the attacks, ~741 innocent civilians killed in the attacks.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299030314' post='2648972']
The British missile submarine battlegroup received their orders and immediatly went live.

144 tomahawk cruise missiles fired from the fleet and made their way to the Republiques nuclear facilities.

Each nuclear missile launch location sent by the Chinese would herald 7 2000 pound cruise missiles each aswell as all the other allied ordenance.

It would take several minutes for the missiles to begin crashing into their targets.

The British Fleet waited for satellite images from the Chinese to confirm the kills and neutralisation of the Republiques nuclear missiles.

~2 Nuclear Missle was dismantled in the attacks. The other 3 remain in other locations ~521 civilians dead in the attacks.

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"We ourselves have dismantled our last Nuclear Missles. We do not wish for Civilians to die in this war. Our civilians have only been killed in these attacks. Our soldiers died upon the Australian soldiers attacks. They are the ones who defend this country. Do not kill my citizens they are innocent. Kill me and my soldiers for we are the ones responsible for the war and we are the ones who are defending Islam from the British Aggression. We will fight the war, do not kill my citizens."

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299032546' post='2649059']
"We ourselves have dismantled our last Nuclear Missles. We do not wish for Civilians to die in this war. Our civilians have only been killed in these attacks. Our soldiers died upon the Australian soldiers attacks. They are the ones who defend this country. Do not kill my citizens they are innocent. Kill me and my soldiers for we are the ones responsible for the war and we are the ones who are defending Islam from the British Aggression. We will fight the war, do not kill my citizens."

"Then it would be a good idea for you to move your civilians away from high profile military targets. Why are there so many hanging around nuclear missile silos anyway?"

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1299032979' post='2649066']
"Then it would be a good idea for you to move your civilians away from high profile military targets. Why are there so many hanging around nuclear missile silos anyway?"

"Nuclear buildings were attacked. With spy satellites any building using a high amount of uranium apparently gets hit. Our nuclear power plants have been hit. All the missles were at Nuclear Targets, Never specifically at Nuclear Silos. Although some have hit. We have no use for the Nuclear Weapons anyway."

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[b]Over the South Atlantic Ocean[/b]

Following the declaration of war by the Caspian Government, five squadrons of the Caspian Air Force quickly armed and refueled upon landing at St. Helena, before taking off again. Following them off the runways of the Cochin Air Base, was an AWACS aircraft, as well as a "Guzzler" refueling aircraft. Leading the five combat squadrons, two squadrons of "Desert Eagle" Stealth Air-Superiority fighters flew ahead of their companions, all were flying at high altitude, the air superiority fighter's stealth capabilities would make it a challenging target to track for any radar employed in the Republique, all carrying air-to-air munitions. Following the newest acquisitions of the Caspian Air Force, "Berkut" Multirole Fighters, also with stealth capabilities, flew with air-to-ground munitions aboard, all stand-off weapons.

The planes observed strict radio silence, as they flew in close formation, roaring across the South Atlantic Ocean, making for Republique Airspace.

In the lead "Desert Eagle", Colonel Anwar Sharim guided the sixty-odd aircraft on their route, a devout Muslin himself, he had seen the devolving stability which now had forced this war to erupt. Having prayed before leaving St. Helena, he quietly whispered passages from the Qur'an, which he had learned as a boy. This was not a religious war, those who painted it as such, he considered to be corrupting the word of God. This was about world politics, nothing more, nothing less. He shook his head silently, as he checked his onboard radar and sighed into his flight mask.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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