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The Government Map


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The maps here are to represent the governments of Europe. I will be expanding it to the other continents but I thought I would do this to give a preview. If anything is wrong then please alert me and I will fix it. I just thought this would be nice to see what kind of governments the world has and what kind of patterns exist.
(The future map will be the size of the world map)


(The New World)


Nations needed in the New World:

New Cuba

Edited by PresidentDavid
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The Xinyan Republic is kinda tough. It used to be a sort of military dictatorship in the previous government, and though the current government is working to lessen the military's power, it still holds a great amount of influence and power.

Maybe 'Authoritarian' government would be the best thing to call it, since even the current government's policies are rather authoritarian.

Edited by dotCom
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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1298240311' post='2639823']
When you do North America, I would like to point out that the URSR is [s]technically[/s] a [b]republic/democracy[/b]. :ph34r:
Sure, I totally think you [i]aren't[/i] forgetting something. :smug:

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1298323650' post='2640956']
I am trying to find a phto-sharing website that won't resize my photos. Photobucket does, Imageshack doesn't want to upload big ones, I am trying to find one so if yall can help me out that would be nice.

I suggest imgur.com. It's highly useful.

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