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We left 110 days ago. We have moved on to our new alliance business.
We are now The Last Republic. We are not ex-IRON.

Our members do not have any idea about what happened, we have not generated any hate towards IRON at all.

However, it seems like IRON has not done the same.
They send a new member here to continue to incite hate and lies.

All I can say is IRON needs to move along as we have done and tend to their own business.

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[quote name='sojourner' timestamp='1296592367' post='2614941']
We left 110 days ago. We have moved on to our new alliance business.
We are now The Last Republic. We are not ex-IRON.

Our members do not have any idea about what happened, we have not generated any hate towards IRON at all.

However, it seems like IRON has not done the same.
They send a new member here to continue to incite hate and lies.

All I can say is IRON needs to move along as we have done and tend to their own business.

Do not confuse the opinons of a few to be the voice of IRON as a whole.

I still don't know what happened (IRON side, TLR side, the truth) but the past is the past.
There will undoubtedly be some in IRON that will harbour some ill will towards TLR.
Such is the case with free will and an alliance that is 300+ members.
You've moved on and so have we.
Time will heal all wounds.

As said by other IRON members...I wish you a good war.
Whether you win or lose...fight with honor...then you will have won regardless the outcome.


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[quote name='CanucksDynasty' timestamp='1296594826' post='2614985']
Do not confuse the opinons of a few to be the voice of IRON as a whole.

I still don't know what happened (IRON side, TLR side, the truth) but the past is the past.
There will undoubtedly be some in IRON that will harbour some ill will towards TLR.
Such is the case with free will and an alliance that is 300+ members.
You've moved on and so have we.
Time will heal all wounds.

As said by other IRON members...I wish you a good war.
Whether you win or lose...fight with honor...then you will have won regardless the outcome.

Thanks CD, we appreciate it. :wub:

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[quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1296590386' post='2614911']
What's not civil is to be fake to our face but talking ish behind our back

Since you seem to be speaking for IRON champ be a man and tell us what is said

Either put up or shut up but don't intimate like some coward

And you all will decide who speaks for us? You'll find a wide range of opinions on tlr, do you expect anything else? You aren't that good or bad to have a uniform viewpoint about yourselves, and since you've all moved on, why so serious? :smug:

GL etc for the war.

Edited by shahenshah
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[quote]well the people who were, do not think u to be friends, and, it would not be civil, to write what they think of you. [/quote]

Seems to me he decided that he wanted to speak for you.

Why all the opinions on something that happened 110 days ago?

Our new nations, you will find, do not have an opinion on the matter cause we stopped talking about it.

We have not indulged in name calling, backstabbing or lies.

About the war: we have shown ourselves to be loyal and honorable.

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[quote name='sojourner' timestamp='1296612155' post='2615338']
Seems to me he decided that he wanted to speak for you.

Why all the opinions on something that happened 110 days ago?

Our new nations, you will find, do not have an opinion on the matter cause we stopped talking about it.

We have not indulged in name calling, backstabbing or lies.

About the war: we have shown ourselves to be loyal and honorable.
As you well know there are many different voices within our alliance, you used to be one of them and know that people are allowed their own opinion. Just because a member decides to spout what he feels and what he feels some others does not make it the voice of the alliance. If you have stopped talking about it then drop it just stop replying on the topic. To the war, good luck goons too bad its 12-1.

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[quote name='sojourner' timestamp='1296612155' post='2615338']
Seems to me he decided that he wanted to speak for you.

Why all the opinions on something that happened 110 days ago?

Our new nations, you will find, do not have an opinion on the matter cause we stopped talking about it.

We have not indulged in name calling, backstabbing or lies.

About the war: we have shown ourselves to be loyal and honorable.

talking about how you left IRON, ofcourse isnt gonna win you your new members hearts and loyalty to your cause. I just hope you dont recruit that way anymore. anyway good luck with your war

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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1296626552' post='2615737']
talking about how you left IRON, ofcourse isnt gonna win you your new members hearts and loyalty to your cause. I just hope you dont recruit that way anymore. anyway good luck with your war

Try posting coherently and maybe I will understand your meaning

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[quote]As you well know there are many different voices within our alliance, you used to be one of them and know that people are allowed their own opinion. Just because a member decides to spout what he feels and what he feels some others does not make it the voice of the alliance. If you have stopped talking about it then drop it just stop replying on the topic. [b]To the war, good luck goons too bad its 12-1.[/b]
Yes Andy I "used to be" and now I am not ...and why the hostility?

[quote]Why so serious sojo? Have something to prove me thinks. [/quote]

SiL3nT, I have nothing to prove...let me say this again so it is clear to everyone ...I left because I wanted to, and very good 2 + year friends left also because they wanted to, and we created The Last Republic. Our reasons were individual, but we all had them. We have been very successful...have grown to 47 members in a bit over 3 months. We have made many friends in many different alliances and have many things we are working on. We have gone to war to support our allies. No, I don't think I have anything to prove.

Some members, granted all high ranking and intelligent, left your alliance. That is the end of that story and the beginning of another.

Interesting though..why all of a sudden the need to spout off like you have something against us? Is this a hint of things to come?

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[quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1296653877' post='2616099']
Try posting coherently and maybe I will understand your meaning

I guess since you find it hard to understand me ill just sum it up for you: inter alliance recruitment. Does that make me coherent enough?

If you still have problems im more than willing to take a masters course in english spelling for secondary english speakers. In the same manner can I get you to learn dutch on a master level?

also, acting like this havok wont get you any friends in any alliance.

Edited by The Trail
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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1296656997' post='2616140']
I guess since you find it hard to understand me ill just sum it up for you: inter alliance recruitment. Does that make me coherent enough?

Oh making up lies now? We haven't done any inter-alliance recruiting as an alliance

Very sad that you guys feel such an attachment to us still

But stop acting like the jilted lover and move on already it's actually getting pathetic

But to the war yes GOONs all the best to you all during the course of this engagement and all the best to my fellow TLR members fighting as well

And trust me we are the ones who have moved on it's not TLR that refused to open an embassy for IRON

Edited by MrHavok
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[quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1296658022' post='2616159']
Oh making up lies now? We haven't done any inter-alliance recruiting as an alliance

Very sad that you guys feel such an attachment to us still

But stop acting like the jilted lover and move on already it's actually getting pathetic

But to the war yes GOONs all the best to you all during the course of this engagement and all the best to my fellow TLR members fighting as well

And trust me we are the ones who have moved on it's not TLR that refused to open an embassy for IRON

It isnt IRON goverment that were the ones that forced you to recruit from our alliance and then hide under legion protection.

I guess you are just trying to shove that part of history away so your members dont leave huh, typical

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Whoa, down boy (and who are you I don't recognize the name)....here is the list of those of us who left...all friends for over 2 years...get your story straight. Do you see anyone on this list that would not have made up their own mind to leave? Who were you referring to? Or shall I say, what did someone tell you?
Mr Havok
Johnathan Chaos

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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1296658514' post='2616170']
It isnt IRON goverment that were the ones that forced you to recruit from our alliance and then hide under legion protection.

I guess you are just trying to shove that part of history away so your members dont leave huh, typical

Well I tell you what why not ask Legion if we "hide" under their protection, or better yet do some research on what you are talking about

And ps it was IRON govt that cancelled on Legion in a cowardly manner without any warning and then quoted the wrong clause in it's cancellation notice.

It also was IRON govt who lied to the general membership about having communicated their intentions to cancel with all govt after the mass IRON treaty cancellation

But the lies of IRON gov are for another time and place

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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1296660468' post='2616198']
I can't help but feel that your negotiation skills are on a par with those of your avatar. Be careful of the guy opening that drink for you.

Lamuella boobie I'm your white knight :D

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[quote]tbh I think Iron should roll TLR

As I said, there is a reason this thread was resurrected...
However, you will find we did nothing wrong but step on some egos.
and I think you best not break open this can of worms....
Remember the sequence of events after we left...

Now on with the war....

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