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Everything posted by CanucksDynasty

  1. [quote name='Razgriz90' timestamp='1296595698' post='2615007'] Thanks CD, we appreciate it. [/quote] Right back at ya
  2. [quote name='sojourner' timestamp='1296592367' post='2614941'] We left 110 days ago. We have moved on to our new alliance business. We are now The Last Republic. We are not ex-IRON. Our members do not have any idea about what happened, we have not generated any hate towards IRON at all. However, it seems like IRON has not done the same. They send a new member here to continue to incite hate and lies. All I can say is IRON needs to move along as we have done and tend to their own business. [/quote] Do not confuse the opinons of a few to be the voice of IRON as a whole. I still don't know what happened (IRON side, TLR side, the truth) but the past is the past. There will undoubtedly be some in IRON that will harbour some ill will towards TLR. Such is the case with free will and an alliance that is 300+ members. You've moved on and so have we. Time will heal all wounds. As said by other IRON members...I wish you a good war. Whether you win or lose...fight with honor...then you will have won regardless the outcome. Godspeed, CD.
  3. [quote name='crazy canuck' date='25 June 2010 - 09:20 PM' timestamp='1277500786' post='2350339'] Also, so as to avoid any confusion of me not enforcing my patent rights to the words Canuckistan or Canuck (I give you guys licence to freely use crazy) I must protest. CanucksDynasty, ss much as your Avatar meets with the approval of the citizens of the great nation of CrazyCanuckistan we think that some kind of royalty is payable for the partial use of our nation's name. [/quote] The nation of Canuck was unaware of the patent rights of crazy canuck and humble offers $1, 0.01 tech, and 1 soldier as payment for the use of the work Canuck. Alas...the transaction could not proceed as we've received this message from your delegates. [quote]That nation has too many active foreign aid agreements at this time. Please wait until these agreements expire before attempting to send aid.[/quote] We have taken that the royalty payment is to be waived. Have a nice day.
  4. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='18 June 2010 - 02:48 AM' timestamp='1276829285' post='2341397'] An incredibly important distinction to understand is that [u]conditions for peace[/u] and [u]conditions for surrender[/u] are not the same thing. ...... Accountability is unconditional. [/quote] Much like Accountability and Unconditional Surrender are not the same thing. From wiki... Accountability is a concept in ethics and governance with several meanings. It is often used synonymously with such concepts as responsibility,[1] answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and other terms associated with the expectation of account-giving. As an aspect of governance, it has been central to discussions related to problems in the public sector, nonprofit and private (corporate) worlds. In leadership roles, accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the role or employment position and encompassing the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.
  5. From encyclopedia.com... Unconditional Surrender - the surrender of a military force or nation without being able to set any limits on the subsequent actions of the victorious power. By agreeing to unconditional surrender...you are agreeing to any terms imposed by the victor (ie. eternal tech farms, disband, the moon, etc).
  6. From Wikipedia...Unconditional surrender is a surrender without conditions, in which no guarantees are given to the surrendering party except for those provided by international law. In CN ..there is no international law in CN. So it would read..."Unconditional surrender is a surrender without conditions, in which no guarantees are given to the surrendering party."
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