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[i] "We would like to remind the world that we have not been involved in any form of "terror attack". We witness now a confirmation by your resolution against us that peace in out of our grasp- we will play with the cards we have been dealt."[/i]

[center]Under growing watch by the global audience, the Yaza-Hajin network had employed the use of programmers & those similarly effective with their use of computers to run a internet site to release information to the 'most devoted' around the world.[/center]

Small towns in the south of Qatar-Bahrain bustled with activity in the dead of night. The Black Market gasped new life with the rise of the Yaza Hajin, an underground economy had begun to flourish most notably recognized by the rapidly growing presence of weapons of ever increasing caliber & deadliness to that of the small arms in use before. Black trade routes have begun to carve themselves out while the cooperative involvement by the civilian population was the greatest blessing- talk of the insurgency retreated to rare occasion, then to whisper, & now nearly was never heard of. The early stages of a complex & international operation were now taking place.

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IC: The Aether Empire in their investigation of this group discovers the webpage (using web-bots and intelligence officers... and Google) and launches it's own covert cyber attack.

They attempt to hack the webpage in order to post a replacement and they also planned on changing the administrator passwords. The new webpage plays a hyperactive version of the Hamster Dance in the background while the background images are set to repeating animated gifs of the chemical missile strikes as they flew into Mecca during the Great War of Arabia. The page had the following text written in bright neon pink in all caps, centered

[QUOTE][b]"U Mad?

This webpage is brought to you by the following world leader:"[/b][/QUOTE]

This was followed by a centered animated gif of Zarfef shaking his booty at the camera while slapping it... nothing else could be seen (anything that would give away the identity was missing) just a slow shaking back end of Zarfef's trousers with an occasional slap teasing the terrorists for all time in comic shenanigans.

The actual posting of this information however, wasn't even done in the Aether Empire and was instead performed through a mesh of other personal computers which were already accessible via back door trojans, which caved in to allow them "root access". They would take over one computer and have that computer take over another in a complex mesh around the globe to help hide their identity, and after they were finished they would leave, deleting any evidence of their actions on the computer with a self deleting executable when the deed was complete.


Well, at least that's what they wanted to do. Unfortunately, they got turned around somewhere and ended up hacking the Aether Empire's webpage instead. As a consequence, Zarfef woke up to check his web mail and discovered that much to his surprise, he was staring at a picture of himself... mocking himself. [i]That had rather unexpected consequences[/i], he mused as his face puckered as though he'd bitten a sour lemon. To make things worse, while he should have spent more time trying to work on the recent tensions with his neighbors to the north, he instead was spending time working on the line with tech support halfway around the world trying to correct the problem, only to be told repeatedly that if he didn't know the password, they couldn't believe he wasn't an impostor. This however, was just after they asked him his name and then proceeded to verify it by telling him his date of birth and social security number. Of course, to make sure that no one could ever change the page, the Aether Empire had worked especially hard to make a difficult password. Then, to insure no one discovered it, the lead programmer ate the password. Yes, as in he literally swallowed the paper.

The nation now awaited the paper to "finish it's course" in the hopes of recovering whatever code might remain in the... remains. In the meantime, they released a press release.

OOC: I always felt we needed more crazy people running around the globe. This might just be an interesting group added to the CN universe. That stated, it needed more LOLZ :D.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91995&view=findpost&p=2501034"]Spy Roll Link[/url]

And! It fails ^_^. Wow, that was fun to write.

Edited by Zarfef
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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1288797135' post='2500883']
[i] "We would like to remind the world that we have not been involved in any form of "terror attack". We witness now a confirmation by your resolution against us that peace in out of our grasp- we will play with the cards we have been dealt."[/i]
"Well," Mikhail said, listening to the report, "we dropped the ball on that one."

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[b]Press Release[/b]

The Aether Empire today wishes to announce to the world that they believe they have been the target of the infamous Yaza-Hajin. The organization hacked our sophisticated government web-page and replaced it with misleading information. Our programmers are working tirelessly to restore the webpage, but given the lack of internet infrastructure in our nation or the interest in the government overall, we do not believe it will be a problem. Even still, this shows the sophistication and dastardly abilities of this terrorist group! We think they should put aside their religious ideology and practice more zanny world domination.

The website itself is too terrible to show on international TV and we urge people to avoid it for the time being.

Edited by Zarfef
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Qatar-Bahrain questions the statement by the Aether Empire. First how weak was the security on a government website that a new group that was not a month old was able to hack and alter the website? Second, if the security was weak enough for Yaza-Hajin to hack how were your analysts able to trace it back to them in such a short period of time? Third, if the security was that weak why was Yaza-Hajin the first to do it? Fourth, for what reason would Yaza-Hajin have for meaningless vandalism of a website and conveniently become a 'terror organization' shortly after they denied having done any such action?

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If asked, Rebel Army officials would say that the group was not banned in any way, shape, or form, as they have not committed any violent acts, only made a few speeches. Behind closed doors however, was a different story...

***Undisclosed Location, SIC, meeting between the PM, and other high-ranking officials***

"Greetings gentlemen, I assume you all have been briefed on the situation before arriving here today." Said General Assad, pausing while he received many nods and murmurs.

"As you are all aware what we are seeing is the latest "extremist" group to rise up since the Islamist coup in Novak. While they have not committed themselves to violence and/or terror attacks, precedent has shown that this tends to not remain so, whether it be due to external pressures and/or misunderstandings, or internal changes and shifts. In this specific case, it appears that the former is already taking root, with disastrous ramifications. Intelligence reports that the group is most likely operating somewhere within the Middle East or Africa, the only places where activity of this sort is tolerated in the slightest. We can confirm that Yaza-Hajin is not in Rebel Army, at the moment."

"So then general, what do you suggest we do?"

"Quite simply Prime Minister, I suggest that we attempt to find the origin of this organization, and monitor them to the greatest extent possible once they are discovered. We cannot let this group become an armed threat to the security and stability of the region, least we risk our many years worth of progress in stomping out hostile extremism. I would further recommend sending this case directly to the Mossad, we need the best of the best working on this, and fast."

"Understood. I will order the Mossad to set Yaza-Hajin and his organization to the top of their priorities, in terms of locating and monitoring the target. Unless there are any questions, I hereby call this meeting adjourned."

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[QUOTE]Qatar-Bahrain questions the statement by the Aether Empire. First how weak was the security on a government website that a new group that was not a month old was able to hack and alter the website? Second, if the security was weak enough for Yaza-Hajin to hack how were your analysts able to trace it back to them in such a short period of time? Third, if the security was that weak why was Yaza-Hajin the first to do it? Fourth, for what reason would Yaza-Hajin have for meaningless vandalism of a website and conveniently become a 'terror organization' shortly after they denied having done any such action? [/QUOTE]

[B]Well they said "By the time you know who we are, you will never forget us...". Who could ever forget what they did to our web page! There is nothing else memorable that occurred shortly after the video was released, so we assumed that this must be the case. That and we have to have someone to blame for this, it sounds that much cooler if our web page was attacked by global terrorists. [/B]

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1288726007' post='2500037']
Labrador has added this group to it's "Terror Watch List" and declares that if any member if found to be on Labradorian soil they will be executed immediately. No mercy will ever be given to those who do not do so themselves. We do not play around with death.

You don't? It sure seems like it.

The secularist Empire condemns the group, and advises reverting to a peaceful means of spreading their faith. No action will be taken against members of this group outright, however.

Edited by Germanic Republic
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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1288846931' post='2501623']
[B]Well they said "By the time you know who we are, you will never forget us...". Who could ever forget what they did to our web page! There is nothing else memorable that occurred shortly after the video was released, so we assumed that this must be the case. That and we have to have someone to blame for this, it sounds that much cooler if our web page was attacked by global terrorists. [/B]
This sound like little more than a nation desperate to reclaim lost reputation, your assumptions led to accusations without any proof at all.

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[quote name='jeff744' timestamp='1288874376' post='2501822']
This sound like little more than a nation desperate to reclaim lost reputation, your assumptions led to accusations without any proof at all.

Why sir I do believe you're correct! You get a cookie. Well, accept for the desperate or reclaim part. We don't have a good reputation as it is, and we're not looking to get one anytime soon. In fact, it would somehow be bad if we managed to gain a "good" reputation from all this - that just doesn't lend itself to world domination too well. But what does it matter if we have no proof, that has never stopped other nations from making accusations.

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[/b]No public statement was issued on this group. members would be permitted to enter and exit the Queendom of Australia as freely as any other, but they would be placed on a watchlist. Any known member would be under intense scrutiny for the duration of their stay in the Queendom.

OOC: About time we had an equal opportunity agitator. I look forward to your shennanigans :)

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1289014731' post='2503465']
OOC: You're free to try stuff in Ceuta, just PM me before you do so we can agree on the scale of the event and know how you got past security measures. Seeing how it's in North Africa it would be easy for Islamic people to blend in.

OOC: Islamic people are not of a specific appearance unless it is religious dress you're talking about. There's plenty of African, Caucasian & so forth that are Muslim. Islam is of all people.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1289066904' post='2504054']
OOC: Islamic people are not of a specific appearance unless it is religious dress you're talking about. There's plenty of African, Caucasian & so forth that are Muslim. Islam is of all people.
OOC: I know they don't all look the same, it's not an Ethnic group, but it's still something that could help them blend in. *shrug*

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1289066904' post='2504054']
OOC: Islamic people are not of a specific appearance unless it is religious dress you're talking about. There's plenty of African, Caucasian & so forth that are Muslim. Islam is of all people.
OOC: However, people of Islamic faith...how often do they hide their religious affiliation?

That being said, as long as you talk to me first, you can try things in the Queendom of Australia too.

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